Friday, June 27, 2014

Religious Indoctrination verses Christanity Part #2

The Purpose of Religion

What is the primary purpose of your religion? The ancient religions in general had many purposes, most of them dealing with forming and maintaining relationships: with God or Goddess, with gods and goddesses, with our ancestors, with the spirits of Nature, with our families and communities.  In essence most religions of old were based upon the concept that we serve a higher order by serving humanity, first within our established order, expanding into the community and the world.  The foundation of the Hebrew religion was to care for the poor, the widows and the elderly.  This task has been relegated to the government and has become a burden on society as religion takes a back or side seat and become bogged down in pious rhetoric, lavishing honor and praise upon its leaders. 

Right or wrong, religion in the contemporary Western world is generally thought of as an individual thing.  Emerging from the bloody battles of the crusade and surviving the Salem witch hunts lacking the necessary controls of the government, western world religion (Christianity)  has digressed into a sea of confusing and separate entities called denominations.  The freedom to establish a denomination, based upon a personal doctrine or belief is held sacred and many of these denominations or religions serve no purpose other than to create an emotional sense of spiritual security and enrich the financial status of the creator.  A point that we will discuss later is that many feel that an element of the pagan worship that invaded the religious arena during the rule of the Roman empire has blossomed and now began to produce fruit. 

Religious indoctrination has failed In the Western world and now it is the intent of this once God fearing civilization to blur the lines of separation and destroy the indoctrination of all religions.  The Middle Eastern world and other regions seek world domination through the enforcement of religious indoctrination.  In certain parts of the world, people are still being executed by the government of their country because of their religious conviction.

There is a point to be made here, there are many different religions.  The best estimates put the number around four thousand two hundred (4,200).   A few years ago, a dozen of these were classified as "major world religions".  These twelve are: (largest to smallest, rough numbers) Christianity - 2 billion, Islam - 1.3 billion,  Hinduism - 900 million,  Buddhism - 360 million, Sikhism - 23 million,  Judaism - 14 million,  Baha’i - 7 million,  Confucianism - 6 million, Jainism - 4 million,  Shinto - 4 million,  Daoism - 2.7 million,  Zoroastrianism - 150,000,  This adds up to roughly 4 billion 620.9 million of the world’s more than 6.7 billion souls!, the rest could be classified as atheists.

In the "early enlightenment period" scholars attempted to categorize the "world religions" into three groups: (1) Christians (2) Jews (3) Pagans

From the numbers above it is clear that no religious group comes close to enjoying a global majority. However, the majority of the world's population believes in a Supreme Being or God. This creates many more questions to ponder: Are religions just so many creeks, streams, and rivers that all lead to one ocean?   When the native Americans prayed to the God of the sun and the God of the moon, where they praying to the God of Abraham?  Do all religions lead one “home” to God?  This is a question that noted preachers and talk show host have begun to wrestle with.  There is one problem with these debates, they are based upon a platform of political correctness that teaches tolerance.  Christianity, the same as most other religions have never been a religion of tolerance.  In its formative stage as a Hebrew or Jewish religion, its advancement was  by shedding the blood of its enemies.  The Old Testament of the Hebrew Bible is filled with blood.  Is there just one “true” religion?  The indoctrination of Christianity  was to go into all of the world and spread the Gospel of Christ. 

Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam teaches that there is one God in the universe, giving Muslims a monotheistic world view Also like Judaism and Christianity, Islam teaches about the ministerial office of the prophet, although not all of these faiths agree on who is, and who isn't, a prophet. For example, Christians believe John the Baptist was a prophet and Jews and Muslims don't. And Muslims believe that Muhammad was a prophet, yet Jews and Christians don't. All three faiths also believe in an afterlife, although the makeup of those destinations can be immensely different from each other.

With the advancement of the knowledge of good and evil, many have begun to question the value of religion in a contemporary society.  When we think of Christianity in America what do we think of?  On any given Sunday, segregated  segments of society assemble in their respective places and express their adoration for their creator in different manners, while singing songs of, “Oh, when we all get to Heaven.”  A polluted interpretation of the sacred words, twisted scriptures and messages out of context, men of “Skills” reaping huge rewards for delivering a simple message that  the creator gave freely.  We go to church with the same expectations as that when we go to a football game or  a concert, we are seeking to achieve an emotional high that will carry us over till the next opportunity present itself.  Thus can we conclude, religion is about feeling good?

Religion is based upon indoctrination and always have been.  Indoctrination is based upon your locality, if you are Middle Eastern extraction your belief in Islam would as great or greater as those of the Western world whose belief is Christianity.  To continue this dissertation, I must ask again, “you do believe in God, don’t you?”  I use the English translated word God to indicate or reference Genesis 1:1  In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  As the world population grew men began to create their own gods and religions.  As to the question of whether you have a religion or not would be based upon your indoctrination.  Whether you believe in the Bible or the Koran or some other book is a matter of indoctrination.  If your indoctrination has failed, then you will be free to explore other options such as those that are taught in our schools.

This was a problem that was dealt with in the Old Testament.  Exodus 20:1-5  And God spake all these words, saying, I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.  Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;.  These verses, the Ten Commandants set the stage for a profound religious indoctrination.  Solomon said in Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

God decided what was a true religion and what was a false religion.  2 Chronicles 33:7  And he set a carved image, the idol which he had made, in the house of God, of which God had said to David and to Solomon his son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I have chosen before all the tribes of Israel, will I put my name for ever:  2 Chronicles 33:15  And he took away the strange gods, and the idol out of the house of the LORD, and all the altars that he had built in the mount of the house of the LORD, and in Jerusalem, and cast them out of the city. 

Acts 7:41  And they made a calf in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands.  It seems as if false gods were constantly infringing upon God’s territory.
The values of Christianity were once heralded as high or higher than the values that made America a great country.  Today it is said America  the same as Christianity is its worst enemy.  The one nation under God concept has been cast aside.  Has America become as the salt that has lost it's power?   What happen to that spark that caused the patriot to say, "No" to taxation without representation?   What was it that caused the founders of this country to write, “in God we trust”, as the foundation of their beliefs?  Now ask yourself, what was it that cause man to question the divine word of God?

Proverbs 22:6, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Why do you believe, what you believe and why do you do what you do? What is the purpose of your religion?   Do your beliefs and your works make you a better person?


The Failure of Christianity

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Religious Indoctrination verses Christanity Part #1

The Failure of 
Religious Indoctrination

John 1:1-4,  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

The beginning of this discussion shall be inclusive in nature as pertaining to all religions, but the basis of my dissent shall be based upon the Hebrew Scriptures, The Holy Bible.  The enlighten minds through the attainment of the knowledge of good and evil will quickly assert that my beliefs are tainted and is the product of religious indoctrination.  This may be true, but there is a case to be made for indoctrination as well as Christianity.

The consensus of today’s society is, that when a school from elementary to university level only allows one view of anything with regards to discussions of politics, God and morality, they are not open to learning.  Thinking and learning places have become schools of indoctrination. When we do not teach people to have respect for opinions that differ from their own, we teach intolerance.  When schools only allow access to liberal views and no conservative views they are not taught how to think but what to think.  

The above statement reflects a generalized truth that is accepted by a highly educated society, but an ancient proverb says, “too many cooks spoil the broth”.  As my grandmother explained it, If everybody is allowed to put something in the pot, the stew becomes a polluted mess”.

The definitions of religion tend to suffer from one of two problems: they are either too narrow and exclude many belief systems which most agree are religious, or they are too vague and ambiguous, suggesting that just about any and everything is a religion.  

Indoctrination often refers to religious ideas, when you're talking about a religious environment that doesn't allow you to openly question or criticize those beliefs. The Latin word for "teach," doctrine is the root of indoctrination, and originally that's just what it meant.  The Hebrew religion of the Bible was founded upon this concept.  In the wilderness for forty years the Children of Israel  were indoctrinated into a new religious order.  The result of the failure of this indoctrination was a nation scattered.

Indoctrination can also refer to the ideas or concepts of the formation and foundation of a society or nation.  Pledges are designed to indoctrinate the members into the unity of cause and purpose.  Thus, it can be augured that a cause, society or nation is no stronger than the strength of its indoctrination and when the indoctrination fails the host perishes.

The history of the United States will show its success at the exporting of democracy through a process of indoctrination.  Indoctrination allows for the use of force to achieve its ends. Germany, Japan and other countries were convinced to give up their form of governments and explore a new concept called democracy.   The modern day history of the United States will also show its failure to achieve the same ends with certain Middle East nations.  There was a time when the exportation of Demoracary was a saleable commodity, today it is a hated concept.  What went wrong?   Has Demoracary become a polluted mess?

This country once was successful in  its attempt to defend religious values based upon an ambitious definition that also proved to be detrimental to the act itself.  The same question poises itself and demand and answer, "what went wrong"?  Have the religions of the world become a polluted mess? The same held true when this great country attempted to define and defend human rights.  The act itself created a hatred greater than the one it was supposed to suppress.  Yet, there are those who act as if a law can eradicate hatred.   A door was open that could not be closed and all that came through was not the intent of the act. 

Religion and Christianity once were thought to be synonymous, if you had religion you were a Christian.  The knowledge of good and evil emerged under the guise of political correctness causing the indoctrination to fail..  The awaking came through the realization that Christianity was one of many religions.  

Political correctness and the advancement of human rights placed a new demand on religions.  Religions were encouraged to lay aside their indoctrinated orders an acknowledge the rights of all religions to co-exist.  This in itself is impossible without creating a new  religion.  The indoctrinated concept of the ancient religions was to convert, not conform.  

Every religion or cult has a stated, vague and metaphorical goal. Because this goal must serve as the "illuminated eye" of the pyramid, it cannot be attained in this natural existence.  Rather, it must be expressed as an abstract goal,  like "salvation"  which the members will enjoy once they have made it to the top of the pyramid.  The abstract goal of religion is a weakness in itself because it allows for the manipulation of those who seek enlightenment from those who have mastered the art of indoctrination.   The Hebrew scriptures speak of them as wolves coming in to destroy the flock.

Religion has always served to define the destiny of mankind, and its rules of acceptance have always been relevant to the adopting nation.  At some point along with the idea of conception and formation of a nation a set of religious values is adopted, and in some cases excluded. This became the national identity and indoctrination of a particular area, nation or culture.   It could be augured that the Roman Empire was at its strongest when the pagans assembled to watch the Lions verses the Christians.  The Empire began to crumble when Constantine made a pact with the Christian, and a new religion was established, one that Jesus said he hated. England enjoyed its status as a world empire until King James decided to tamper with the  religious indoctrination for personal gain.  

When a nation becomes a 'melting pot' of many different cultures, the purity of its religion is changed.  Some nations go to war to protect the purity of their belief, courts are established and death sentences are handed out to those who violate the religious order.  Some nations fight to maintain individual choice.  The Hebrew God of the Bible demanded that his chosen people fight to maintain religious purity.  Why?  Different religions from different parts of the world may hold different values. Religion can be explained as a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.  

Is there a belief that makes a particular religion superior to all of the rest?  The first step to answering the question is, admitting whether or not you believe in God, not I want to, or I think I do, but a simple do you believe in God.  I am not speaking of this new Santa Claus concept of God standing at the head of the checkout lane, passing out goodies, do you believe in the ancient God of Revelation?  You alone will be able to determine whether you are true to your indoctrination or your indoctrination has failed.

The evolution of religion should allow for one religion to emerge as the superior religion or the true religion, but the rights of the individuals to maintain their own belief trumps this idea.  A particular religious value should not change with time, but the indoctrination of a religious idea changes, it is updated and in many instances it forms a new an alien entity.   Thus we have the proliferation of religion.  

What is the primary purpose of your religion? 

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Conflicting Nature of Christianity, Part #8

  Acknowledging God
Trivializing God

Proverbs 3:6  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Two elderly ladies were chatting in the check out line at the local grocery.  One was depressed because her SNAP card had not been approved.  She was admonished by the other lady to, "hold on your miracle is coming."    The promise of a miracle disrupted the checkout procedure as both ladies began to publicly acknowledge God an get their praise on.   Many of the patrons tried to maintain a straight face and pretend nothing was going on, while others gawked and giggled.  

As I walked out of the grocery store a young lady got my attention by addressing me as if she knew me.  How have you been doing, she asked?  You are looking well, she added, before I could reply.  I am well, it's been touch an go for a while, I responded, still racking my brains 'so to speak' as to where do I know this young lady from.  How are you doing? I asked.  I am well, thanks be to God.  God is so good, he touched me with a finger of love and cause me to wake up this morning.   Impressed by her testimony I hesitated long enough for her to size me up an hook me, she added, "you act as if you don't know me."   

After the incident was over, hindsight was twenty-twenty.  It was doubtful if she or I had ever met What she wanted from me was a ride home and a six pack of beer.  Robbery was probably in her plans also.  To achieve her ends she played on "old folks" respect for the name of God.  According to her, God had put her in that position and at that time so that we would meet.  Who was I to say God was not directing her path?  Though hard at first I finally began to call it for what it was, "people pimping the name of God for fame, glory and money" 

How often have you heard someone say, God told me to tell you, or I have a message from God, and you are left wondering, why would God say that? I am often reminded of the big city preacher coming home to a little country church to run a revival.  He would 'WOW' the congregation by delivering messages from God.   Often during his message he would stop and proclaim that God said, "there is someone in here with a headache," God said, "come up here and get your healing."   It was the fear of God that prevented the righteous from calling it what it was.  A sideshow act designed to bring glory and honor to the speaker.  

Now the readers of the above scripture can easily assume that it implies that every move or decision we make, we should implore the name of God.  It began in the church as a simple act of adoration for God.  "How are you, I am blessed," became the mainstay greeting between the saints of God.  The English translation of a Greek phrase seems to indicate that when we wake up in the morning, we should acknowledge God.  Every step we take on the way to the bathroom should verbally acknowledge God.   When we step up to the counter in the fast food restaurant to place our order, do we preface our order with an acknowledge to God?  What does it mean, to acknowledge God?  In the same context, what does it mean to trivialize the name of God. Does to acknowledge means a verbal acclimation that can be heard by others or does it mean a an acclimation that can be seen and heard by God?   Maybe the context  of the scripture should be set by Jesus. In an English translation of a Hebrew statement, Jesus said in Matthew 7:6  Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Now I pose a more serious question, 

At this point you ought to ask yourself what do we have that is Holy, is it our words, our lives, or even our money? 
What does God require of us?

First, let's take a look at several meanings of the word acknowledge.
  1. To recognize the rights, authority, or status of: from a religious view point this ought to be acceptable
  2. To disclose knowledge of, or agreement with
  3. To express gratitude or obligation for <acknowledging a gift>
  4. To take notice of <failed to acknowledge my greeting>
  5. To recognize as genuine or valid <acknowledge a debt>

Based upon these definitions we can conclude that acknowledge means to express knowledge of and act or deed.  Now, as we proceed, we must accept the understanding of the scripture can vary based upon what indoctrinated views we wish to defend.  Acknowledging God can range from the application of blood on the door post to standing on the street corner preaching the word of God.  David seems to agree with this concept when he wrote in Psalms 105:1  O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.  Who was talking, who was he talking to and what was the subject being addressed should play an important part in, Understanding the Word of God.

Now when we come to the New Testament here we have Jesus telling those that have been a recipient of his great power to go and tell no one.  Mark 3:12  And he straitly charged them that they should not make him known.  Was Jesus being critical of those who made a public display of their belief in God In Matthew 6:5 , he said, "And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward."  Remember those prayer warriors, the ones we said really could pray?  Jesus said, "they have their reward."

The word that comes into play at this point is trivialized.  To trivialize is to make something seem less important, significant or complex than it really is.  The overuse of a word or phrase is to trivialize that word or phrase.  It seems as if God was concerned about the over use of his name  in Exodus 20:7  Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.  'Take in vain;' the highest violation of this command is seen by most as false swearing. But it also prohibits every light and irreverent use of God's name. Nor hold him guiltless; if we trivialize the name of God, he will view and treat that person as he truly is, exceedingly guilty and deserving divine displeasure.

In essence, to use the name of God in a profane, light, or irreverent manner, or to mention it without good reason, tends to lessen the reverence which the soul ought to feel for him, to render it reckless and increasingly wicked, and is a flagrant offense against the Ruler of the universe.  

Our music and our worship have evolved, has God evolved?  The Sunday morning parade of 'messengers' from God with their conflicting and self-serving messages of hope, do little to promote the will of God.  

What does God require of us? This is a question that all of the old patriarch has had to deal with. Those that begged God to manifest his will within their lives was able to provide us with the best answer.   Jesus prayed in  Matthew 6:10 ...Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 

Paul said in  Romans 12:1 said, "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service." 

Jesus said in Matthew 5:16  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

A final point to ponder, Matthew 5:44-46  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; 
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Conflicting Nature of Christianity, Part #7

  The Conflicting Nature of Christianity
Should A Woman Preach?

As I listen to several Bible students discuss whether a woman should teach in the church or not became an eye opening experience. The consensus ran from a "flat no", "some things are acceptable" to a full yes".  For many years, this has been a hot topic because in most denominations, women were delegated to the position of "bench-warmers" when it came to the affairs of worship. In some churches, women were allowed to hold the position of missionaries. Missionaries were equivalent to a preacher, but not equal to a preacher, they were to be ruled over by the preacher and they were allowed to bring 'messages' (sermons) as long as they stayed out of the pulpit area. 

The doctrine of women submission is based upon 1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. As one preacher who said he spoke under the direction of God, "God said it and that's what he meant, no discussion on the matter."  Yet, in todays church culture women are beginning to demand their place as an active member of the church and in many cases co-pastors or church leaders.  

I, (a colloquial expression) grew up in the church during the period of women submission. Women were required to be silent and the church, yet they taught Sunday School and took part in worship service activities. They did everything from the floor and never from the pulpit. They could teach, but they were not allowed to whoop and howl, to do this would be acting like a man. For me as well as many other people this became a lesson in confusion.  Paul had explicitly stated that a woman should be silent in the church or had he?

Another group emerged, where their women were forced to wear head coverings when they entered the sanctuary. It was shameful and unholy for a woman to expose anything that reflected her beauty when in the House of God. For women, even open toe shoes were a 'no no'. Women were subjected to extreme dress codes when entering the church, but this is another discussion.  

1 Timothy 2:9-13  In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;  But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works. Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

After listening to the discussion by the learned men of the 'Word', on whether or not a woman could preach, I concluded that Paul must have been suffering from a mental breakdown when he wrote to Timothy or there is something in his message we are overlooking. Needless to say, no one was impressed by my supposition that Paul may have suffered a mental breakdown, I was not even asked to defend my position. To read Paul's statement and apply it to the church is another lesson in confusion. 

My reasons for making such a crass statement was that Paul used women in his ministry, and often spoke of them.  Now I am not going to use tunnel vision and quote a 'bucket full of scriptures' to convince you onr way or the other, but I will give you enough evidence to make you want to study this subject so that you will be able to rightly divide the Word of truth. Understanding the Word of God requires that you preform according to 2 Timothy 2:15,  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  Indoctrination has no place in "Understanding the Word of God".   Also, we must remember that to truly understand God Word we must not surgical remove a word or idea from a verse and make it the basis of our dissertation.  Perspective and context is important to understanding the message.  To gain the proper perspective and context, let's look at the "Works" of Paul  and lastly the "Works" of God.  

Phoebe is officially recommended and endorsed in the position of "deacon" or "minister"  by Paul.  The word used is in the masculine form and is the same word used in 1 Cor. 3:5 when the Apostle Paul speaks of himself and of Apollos, and in 1 Tim. 4:6 of Timothy. There are no grounds, then to distinguish between her and the male ministers. She was a minister in the church of Cenchreae. Paul asked the Christians at Rome to welcome her as a minister, which indicates that her ministry extended beyond her own congregation. She is described as being a help to many, therefore, her ministry was fruitful. Paul states that she was of great assistance to him. It is likely that she was carrying Paul's letter to the Romans.  

Prisca or Priscilla (Romans16:3-5) was in ministry along with her husband Aquila. They are called fellow-workers, a term of equality elsewhere used of Paul and Apollos (1Cor. 3:9). When the couple is mentioned in writing, the Priscilla's name is listed first, indicating that she may have been the leader of the two.

Other women mentioned in Romans 16 who served as co-laborers in Paul's ministry were Mary, Tryphaena, Tryphosa, the mother of Rufus, Persis, Julia, and the sister of Nereus. The Acts of the Apostles records the ministries of Dorcas, Lydia, and the four daughters of Phillip who prophesied or preached. The Apostle Paul clearly utilized women's God-given leadership skills and gifts for ministry.   The apostolic church was very relevant to the women in that it gave them unparalleled freedom and released them from centuries of cultural oppression. That is why women were so extensively and intensively involved in the life of the apostolic church. 

With the examples of women who served with Paul in leading the developing churches, why would he say that he did not permit women to teach or have authority over men in 1 Timothy 2? Or, how could the same person who wrote words of gratitude to eight or nine women in his Roman's letter, say so emphatically in the letter to the Corinthian church that women were to be silent in the churches and were not allowed to speak (1 Cor. 14:34)? Either Paul was the victim of a personality disorder or there is more than meets the eye in these several short verses of biblical text.  That is the key to understanding this scripture.

My learned colleague based his sermon upon the fact that Mirian acted under the leadership of Moses and Aaron in the Old Testiment.  Yet, when God appointed judges to lead his children, he chose Deborah.  She ranks among the most famous women of the Hebrew Bible, known to Christians as the Old Testament. Not only known for her wisdom, Deborah was also known for her courage. She even led the Children of Israel during a successful military engagement.  She is the only woman of the Hebrew Bible who gained renown on her own merit, not because of her relationship to a man.   Who was Deborah?

Deborah was one of the rulers of the Israelites prior to the monarchy period that began with Saul (circa 1047 B.C.). These rulers were called "judges," an office that traced back to a time when Moses appointed assistants to help him resolve disputes among the Hebrews (Exodus 18). Their practice was to seek guidance from God through prayer and meditation before making a ruling. Therefore, many of the judges also were considered prophets who spoke "a word from the Lord."

Now why would Paul make a statement that seems to be contradictory to his actions?  Maybe he didn't, maybe it is how we are looking at what he said.  Context is important to understanding what is said in any message.  The answer lies in, Who was talking, Who was he talking to, and what was the issue he was addressing.  

Consider the facts, if there was a particular problem in this church, and this is the way he chose to get things under control. How do we without understanding the problem that was being addressed come to terms with a statement such as this?  Romans 3:11  There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.  When we consider the lifestyle  of people Paul was addressing the message become clear, but if we apply that same message to the church today we create a confusing situation.  

We should not take an isolated social issue, use a few proof texts and make them say what we wants them to say, disregarding all previous principles, works and moral imperatives that have already been laid down. Psalm 119:160 declares, "The sum of Thy word is truth." As it relates to our issue, all biblical teaching in the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles tell of woman's place before and after the Fall. They show how God accepted, released, and anointed women, thereby reaffirming His plan for equality. To isolate and interpret Paul's writings for what they appear to be saying would negate all that the Scriptures have shown and taught previously which we simply do not have the liberty to do.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

I Don't Go To Church Like I Should.

Why I Don't Go To Church Like I Should.

Revelation 2:14-15  But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling-block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication. So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

The Bible itself does not define Nicolaitanism.  Revelation 2:6  declares, "But this you [the Ephesian church] have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate." Jesus later says to the Pergamos church, "Thus you also have those who hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate" (verse 15). While these verses provide no definition, they tell us three things:

1. Nicolaitanism is a belief system, like a religion or a philosophy.
2. Nicolaitanism results in ungodly behavior.
3. Christ hates it vehemently.

What is this thing about the church that Jesus issued such a strong indictment?  There were no words of love poured out, he simply said, "...I hate."  If Jesus hated this doctrine we ought to explore the deeds of the Nicolaitans to see what role (it) they play in the church today. 

In this age of the Internet and Google, it is easy to research the meaning and the philosophy of the Nicolaitans.  Yet, there are those who wish to uphold their indoctrinated views of Christianity will maintain that there is a difference in the scripture meaning of the word hate and the dictionary meaning of the word.  This is like saying there is a difference in day rain and the night rain.  There are those who will defend these practices  and there will be those who are appalled.  The consensus of Christianity and religion seems to be that you lay aside all values of common sense and accept whatever you are being told.  

Nicolaitanism can be defined as the belief and practice of hierarchical government, the scapegoat for all the church's problems, with an emphasis on tithing and using a paid ministry. This definition derives from the meaning of the word Nicholas from Greek: "conqueror of the people" (Balaam in Hebrew has a similar meaning). Since Jesus named things what they are, the title "Nicolaitan" must therefore refer to a practice of abusive and dictatorial government and administration, which they assumed to be hierarchical, and Jesus said,"I hate that thing."  Many new churches are formed with the intent of passing them on to the pastor's son or members of his family.

To condemn a church as Jesus did in the Book of Revelation would bring about strong condemnation under Matthew 7:1, Judge not, that ye be not judged.  In todays politically correct society true ministers of God must refrain from delivering the message as Jesus did, or they will be guilty of spreading hate.  Imagine a preacher in the pulpit of the church screaming, “O ye generation of vipers, I am warning you.”  The reaction of the church would be based upon the denomination of the church, the members would either leave or shut the preacher down.  

Think of the church in its truest form, not as a building, but as a member of the body of Christ, the bride of Christ, a body that consists of many members all working together.  Now remove the rose colored blinders and take a look at the church of today.  What do you see?  If you are honest with yourself and not looking through indoctrinated and blinded eyes, you  might be shocked at what you see.   A mass of people struggling for positions the same as James and John, when their mother encouraged them approach Jesus.   

The churches, or God's people through excessive greed and manipulation has allowed themselves to become the platform of many useless and senseless arguments. Worship services have been transformed into self-serving acts and platitudes.  Pious and vague acclimations are made as to what God can do or what God is doing as if this is a definitive act of God.   God is now working things out in our favor and Heaven is that place where we sprout angel wings and fly off to when we die.  We have bought into the TV version, a sellable form of God and MLM is seeing its finest hour.   Is any of this scriptural?  This world is not getting any better.  Our young people are killing each other and the pious few claim God is directing the show.  The message should not be about prosperity, the message should be about judgment. 

Often heard in the church and over the internet, "You can't judge me, only God can judge me, the Bible says, Judge not." The thought presented in Matthew 7:1 must remain in the context of the entire paragraph.  To surgically dissect the Holy Scripture to form a message for the purpose of constructing a cute sound bite is destructive to the intended message.  Yet another scripture is overlooked because  it provides the basis for us to render judgment, John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.  Try reading both of those verses together under todays interpretations, under several different garden varieties of Christian beliefs and your thought process will  become a muddled, convoluted and polluted mess.   The question remains, what did the Bible say, did it say don't judge anybody or did it say judge righteous judgment?

I just don't go to church like I should. To make the statement that way indicates that it worries me somewhat. What worries me most is what once was sacred has now been turned into a "game" of some sort. The pretentious nature that is alluring from the pulpit and radiates throughout the congregations often leaves the faith of those who are searching for a true relationship with my God in doubt. The proliferation of the Word of God, the play acting, the Hollywood scripted messages and the cute cliches is not drawing people closer to God. God once was an unchangeable God and preaching and worship services represented a close encounter with God. Now it is more about play acting, performing, indoctrination and getting together to achieve an emotional high or get our praise on.   Church is about getting people to come to church the same as we do for football games and nightclubs.  Bringing the nightclub atmosphere into the church is supposed to be the new wave method of attracting young people into the church.  To survive, todays churches must increase the bottom line by drawing more people into their organization. 

The question we should be asking ourselves is, what is all of this doing to advance the Christian relationship?  What are we doing that will make us better fitted for the Kingdom of God?  The provincial gate has been left open and wolves have come in among the flock. Wolves as depicted in the Bible do not search the scripture and study, they are looking for what they can get.  As with the children of Israel at the base of the Holy Mountain we are so busy talking about what God has done, is doing, and dancing a prancing, that we have overlooked an important part of God word.  They began to claim the golden calf had delivered them. Money has become our golden calf,  more money is promised, we pray God's blessings upon our money, we even ask God for more money.  We marry for money and we kill for money.  Some even throw money at the feet of the preacher the same as done in the strip joints, in search of special favor from the dancer.  No thought is given to Exodus 20:3,  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  The entertainment stars want money, the preachers want money, then in today's society, everything is about power, entertainment, and  money.  God is a reference and not the driving force of many churches.  The bible say, "...leaders have caused my people to err."  

My first encounter with a man of the cloth was at the impressionable age of sixteen, he led me down a path of strong drinks and prostitutes. Not to say I didn't enjoy the trip, but when I once tried to say something about it, the Bible was used to suppress my guilt. I was led to believe that if I said something about this abnormal behavior of a preacher,  God would strike me down. (I Samuel 26:11). Even today too many of those that claim to have the calling of God on their lives are getting away with crimes against the people of God while they hide behind a cloak of righteousness perpetrate by a rock star mentality, shaping the scripture and lying on God.

1 John 4:1  Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  Speak out against an evil thing and you are judging. Speak out against the evilness of a preacher and you are told, the Bibles says, "touch not my anointed."   We ought to be careful not to shape the scripture to justify our own shortcomings. Much of what, "the bible says", the bible did not say. Now, It is wrong for me to say 'you are wrong' because to do so I would be judging you.  No thought is given to John 7:24, Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.  It is wrong for me to say respect me in my own house or leave, because I would be guilty of kicking you out of my house.  It is wrong to have an agenda, because everyone is entitled to their own belief.  If we open our eyes to the true Word of God, it would become easy to see how we have turned this world and the bible into a polluted mess and I am no more comfortable blaming the mess we have created on the God.  

The atmosphere of the church has changed, the proliferation of the Word of God has allowed for the emergence of rulers not shepherds, being placed over God’s people.   This was a thing that Jesus said he hated.  If one tries to justify living a saved life without going to the local church, a message of condemnation is issued based upon Paul’s message to the apostate Jewish congregation.  Romans 10:14  How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?   But, what are we to do when the church became a victim of its own deceit, and began to engage in an apostate and false religion?  What are we to do when a mortal man becomes the focus of our worship?  Jesus’s final message was not to the church or the leaders of the church, but to any man (woman), the overcomer.  Revelation 3:20-22  Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him (not them) that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.  ( I delivered this message to the churches, but it is up to every man to hear this message and repent.)

Even today God is speaking to the churches, not that fancy building that styles itself as the house of God, but God is speaking to that Church that dwells within our spirit.  If Jesus was coming back to claim that church down the street, imagine the confusion that would erupt when the Baptist and the Catholics, separated for hundreds of years were merged together.   The church needs to be regenerated within our hearts as we go out into the world, and we need to take the church to church. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Religious Indoctrination

Religious Indoctrination
Bible Study

A common expression that seems to have taken the church by storm is the phrase, "touch your neighbor and tell them".  What usually follows is a word or phrase that the speaker wish to plant in the subconscious of the listener.   This is defined as indoctrination in its most subtle form.

Bible study is to acquire knowledge on a subject. To fix the mind closely upon a subject; to dwell upon the subject in thought; to muse; to ponder.  No knowledge is implanted during the indoctrination process only an idea or concept  whose fruition is brought about by the hearer's desire to achieve the promised results. Indoctrination is effective in the military, especially when the desired effect is to get individuals to think and work together as a common group.   Part of the indoctrination process of soldiers is they are trained not to think as individuals, but to think as a group.

The technique of indoctrination has come full circle within the church, it has become an integral part of delivering an effective message.   In today's society, religious bodies and destructive cults use countless techniques to get its members to stay, commit themselves and take part in activities. The sum of these techniques constitutes what some people call "mind control." In the church it is known as "thought reform".   "Brainwashing" and "coercive persuasion" also comes into play and it involves the systematic breakdown of a person's will and replacing it with that of the speaker, group or organization.

Bible study allows a reader to ponder and search for answers, seeking outside direction and formulating an answer or a conclusion within his own mind based upon the knowledge ascertained.  This is the will of God.

The original concept of religious indoctrination referred to a process of imparting doctrine in an authoritative way, as in catechism. Most religious groups would instruct new members in the principles of the religion; that was based upon an overall view of the Bible.  The freedom of choice was not mitigated.  These instructions were not usually referred to as indoctrination by the religions themselves, in part because of the negative connotations the word had acquired. 

Religious indoctrination is not based upon scripture beliefs, nor does it requires a degree of faith. Indoctrination works because of a person's desire to be a part of a group or process.   Indoctrination has its place within a secular society and is an effective tool when used by motivational speakers.  When used in a spiritual setting indoctrination is destructive to the faith in God.  One of the earlier forms of indoctrination in the church was to preface the message with, "God said", or "God spoke to me."  The next step is to offer something Once you have established yourself as the messenger of God, no God fearing church member was going to stand up and say, "God didn't say that." This ploy has been used to separate many financial handicapped people from their last dollar because they believed they were acting according to God's will.   The ploy that never ceases to amaze the struggling Christian is when the preacher or missionary under the suppose anointing of God prophesies, "there is somebody in here that have a backache or headache and the Lord say come up here and get your healing."  Even in a crowd of a few this has proven to be an impressive act that even a drunk could pull of.  These acts are self-serving and is the root cause many people 'run' from the church.

Religious indoctrination is successful because it plays upon the gullibility of the religious mentality.  It is hard for a Christian to believe that a person would lie, especially in the church and concerning matters of God. Yet it is true, and some of the greatest lies are told in the church.  

Last Sunday a powerful message from God was delivered, according to the speaker.  The Bible verse was Deuteronomy 11:14,  That I will give you the rain of your land in his due season, the first rain and the latter rain, that thou mayest gather in thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil.  The verse was read with deliberate pauses and reflections, and at the end of the reading the congregation was instructed to look at your neighbor and tell them, "This is my season."  No consideration was given to, who was talking, who was being talked to and what was the situation being addressed.  The indoctrination is effective if the listener can believe that good things are about to happen to them.  It was in the Bible and the congregation was asked to look at somebody and tell them, "This is your season."  They then was instructed to look up to Heaven and tell God, "Lord, send on the rain."

 The next verse that was read was Psalms 119:58  I entreated thy favor with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to thy word.  The indoctrination catechism was repeated for the key word "favor"  Now an emotional high engulf the listener, for this is their season of favor. Common sense, walked out of the door as the price of God's favors was outlined.

A young lady operating in her season of favor went to a car dealer and successful negotiated a high interest car loan and testified of the favors of God, while a person that we will refer to as a sinner was able to negotiate a loan at a very low interest rate.

To spiritualize and personalize the Word of God and attempt to apply it to all of life's situations is a blatant act of trivializing the Word of God and making it non-effect.

The Bible opens with the words, "In the beginning..." and ends with the book of Revelation which details God's promise of judgment.  The Bible depicts God's interaction with his creation.  The Bible tells what has happened, what is happening and what is going to happen.  

2 Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

1 Corinthians 10:32  Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God: