Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Prophecy and Revelation
Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. 1st John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
Some years ago to coincide with the publication of my book, "My Search For The Real God", I started a bible study group called, "Prophecy and Revelation". The purpose of this group was to study biblical prophecies, in search of a deeper understanding. Since that time, the word prophecies have taken on an ominous meaning as end time prophecies flooded the internet. The religious community has been inundated with a new breed of prophets and they are making their presence known. Many church services are not complete until the prophet has spoken. These prophecies run the gauntlet of 'someone" (A rather ambiguous term, that was not used by God.) is about to receive a blessing to the threat of death to those who do not agree with the leadership. To maintain a degree of separation from this emerging entity, we have changed the focus of the bible study group to, "Understanding the Word of God".
The tagline for the video on the internet said President Obama will not finish his second term. Those who were dissatisfied with the president's antics and those who were curious quickly clicked the link. The video began with a quote from Jeremiah 50:6. "My people have been lost sheep, their shepherds have led them astray." For thirty-four-minute, I sat with my eyes glued to the computer monitor. Bible verse after bible verse mixed with images of world leaders and catastrophic events set the stage for a compelling video of a world on the brinks of destruction. The prophecy predicted that the events depicted were to take place before the end of 2016, while the present president is still in office. The antichrist would be brought down and the (world?) (The United States?) would be destroyed by fire. To survive this catastrophic event I needed to purchase the book offered at the end of the video. Isn't it true the same book used to validate this prophecy tells us how to escape the wrath that is to come?
There are prophecies and there are prophecies. Many of these prophecies are the result of a deviant form of scriptural reinterpretation. The arrival of the antichrist and his ungodly minions often serves as the backdrop for a vast number of end time prophecies. The struggle to place a face on the antichrist is often fueled by world events. There are very few modern day presidents who have not earned this honour. Presidents, popes and even Saddam Hussian have held the distinction of being label the antichrist. Is there such a thing as a person who will come onto the world stage and will be identified as the antichrist? Or, is antichrist merely a metaphor used to reference those who stand against christ? (Comments are welcome at the end of this blog.)
There is a problem with the interpretation of the scripture to provide for the coming of a person known as "the antichrist". Antichrist is a Christian term based on interpretation of passages in the New Testament, in which the term "antichrist" occurs five times in 1st John and 2nd John, once in plural form and four times in the singular. 1st John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. 2 John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. I am unable to find a specific scripture that support the thesis that one individual called the antichrist will appear at the end of days. According to 1st John 4:3 he seems to be stating that there is the spirit of Christ and the spirit of antichrist. The spirit of antichrist was present in John's day and it exist today.
Down thru the ages and dispensation, God used the prophets to warn his people off impending doom or disaster. The message was often directed to a people or person and God always validated his messenger or message. A problem with many of today's prophecies is that the message is often dubious and lacking in validation. To proclaim that somebody here is going to receive a blessing from God does not meet the criteria of a prophecy from God. Most often these are self-serving proclamations designed to impress and improve one's status.
There are numerous end time videos making their presence known on the internet. Many of these videos are professionally produced and the Bible is used as a backdrop or to validate the opinion or interpretation of the author. As with any prophecy, the element of fear is amplified. What is common with most of these attention-grabbing videos, at the end there is a sales pitch to buy something. This type of marketing is used in and out of the religious community to create a revenue stream. There is a prophet mention in the old testament scripture who sought to profit from the prophecies of God.
Judgement day prophecies are nothing new. As a young child growing up, "judgement day," dates were often being set. Often the date were set far into the future, thus allowing the person who had the revelation to enjoy the maximum notoriety. Many of these dates have passed into obscurity and that knowledge that only the Father knows remain hidden. We do not know the day nor the hour that the son of man will appear. This the Bible does tell us, every since Jesus set foot on this earth, was crucified, rose again and ascended unto his Father, we have been living in the last days.
Christianity has always been plagued with false prophets. As we draw closer to the end of days, the fear of God has diminished. We are often titillated through our ears and eyes, over the internet and in the church of the many wonderful things God is doing and going to do for us. Typing or speaking "Amen", has become the golden key to receiving "blessings". Because of the clamouring for a blessing, we have become susceptible to a form of apostasy that has crept upon us unaware. Men and women adorned themselves with impressive titles and make promises in the name of God. The gospel of salvation has become obscured as we perform these acts or deeds that the prophets have assured us, will cause God to pour out his blessing upon us. Because false prophets are not falling dead, but rather they are enjoying the fruit of their laid up treasure, this is used to validate their walk with God.
A message depicting the love of God is more conducive to a pessimistic society. We can easily take a scripture out of the context that it was spoken and proclaim, "love covers a multitude of faults", thereby setting the stage for the justifying of our faults in the eyes of God. The self-made messenger of God now proclaims, "God want you to be happy", and the masses said "Amen". This is a statement that I doubt the Apostles or even Paul, who suffered immensely for Christ sake, would sign off on.
An interesting side notes on how God work, if these prophets had existed under the administration of the law, God might have judged them and destroyed them. After God, divorcement proceedings against his chosen people were complete, God was silent. The God that emerged after his silence was a more kindly or friendly God who began to store up his wrath. Under the presumption of grace made through his son, his wrath was withheld and humanity was given a chance to repent. Whereas the Pharoah of Egypt, who chased the children of Israel into the Red Sea was destroyed in the Red Sea, God gave Herod a pass when he sought to destroy the Son of God.
Durning the early years of Christianity, even before Paul boarded the ship for Rome, he warned the church of those who would come in seeking for positions of authority and destroying the faith in the process. Jesus rebuked the church in the Book of Revelation because of the false prophets who was allowed to stand in the sanctuary and issue false prophecies. Many of the organized churches of today is suffering from a type of spiritual abuse by those who are misusing the gifts they are claiming to be from God.
Christianity has always been plagued with false prophets. As we draw closer to the end of days, the fear of God has diminished. We are often titillated through our ears and eyes, over the internet and in the church of the many wonderful things God is doing and going to do for us. Typing or speaking "Amen", has become the golden key to receiving "blessings". Because of the clamouring for a blessing, we have become susceptible to a form of apostasy that has crept upon us unaware. Men and women adorned themselves with impressive titles and make promises in the name of God. The gospel of salvation has become obscured as we perform these acts or deeds that the prophets have assured us, will cause God to pour out his blessing upon us. Because false prophets are not falling dead, but rather they are enjoying the fruit of their laid up treasure, this is used to validate their walk with God.
A message depicting the love of God is more conducive to a pessimistic society. We can easily take a scripture out of the context that it was spoken and proclaim, "love covers a multitude of faults", thereby setting the stage for the justifying of our faults in the eyes of God. The self-made messenger of God now proclaims, "God want you to be happy", and the masses said "Amen". This is a statement that I doubt the Apostles or even Paul, who suffered immensely for Christ sake, would sign off on.
An interesting side notes on how God work, if these prophets had existed under the administration of the law, God might have judged them and destroyed them. After God, divorcement proceedings against his chosen people were complete, God was silent. The God that emerged after his silence was a more kindly or friendly God who began to store up his wrath. Under the presumption of grace made through his son, his wrath was withheld and humanity was given a chance to repent. Whereas the Pharoah of Egypt, who chased the children of Israel into the Red Sea was destroyed in the Red Sea, God gave Herod a pass when he sought to destroy the Son of God.
Durning the early years of Christianity, even before Paul boarded the ship for Rome, he warned the church of those who would come in seeking for positions of authority and destroying the faith in the process. Jesus rebuked the church in the Book of Revelation because of the false prophets who was allowed to stand in the sanctuary and issue false prophecies. Many of the organized churches of today is suffering from a type of spiritual abuse by those who are misusing the gifts they are claiming to be from God.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
We Trivialize God.and Justified Sin.
Exodus 20:7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Events or expressions that I witness or overheard on a day to day base often causes me to reminisce of my days growing up in a Christian environment. My parent would often chastise or punish me for what was described as taking the name of the Lord in vain. A slip of the tongue outside of the home was also known to bring on a slap upside the head by any offended Christian adult. The rules have changed in today's pessimistic society. The Holy name of God is referenced in all types of endeavors.
In the midst of my Bible study last week, I asked a rhetorical question. "Do we really believe in God"? The question was asked to bring about a personal assessment of our belief system. Can a generation that has defined Santa Claus as the figment of old folks imagination really believe in a metaphysical God? What happen to this nation, a nation that was founded upon a strong belief in God? A nation whose workers and framers spent so much time invoking the blessing of the immortal deity seems to have lost it way. Somewhere along the road of deciding what to believe and the freedom to believe, the foundation of our belief structure has become shaken. The sacredness of the Holy Scripture is constantly being called into question and is constantly being re-interpreted and the God of our salvation is been reinvented.
Compared to the bygone days, the God of today is an alien entity. The God who once was hailed as the destroyer of nations, a God whose fierce anger was extolled in the Old Testament is now presented as a God of favors. Even the church has dumbed down the rhetoric of it founding Apostle and the message of the cross is considered hate speech. According to the watered down messages emulating from many pulpits, the masses are more attracted to a message of favors rather than a message of salvation. The focus of many churches seems to have entered a state of apostasy. The mission is bringing souls into the church to improve the financial bottom line and enhance personal status, rather than soul saving.
The trivialization of God begins at that point where the justification of sin becomes a necessity and reality. To promote a new agenda, it became necessary to declassify God as the supreme ruler and allow humanity to function as the controller of his own destiny, a position that John described as the spirit of antichrist. That which now can be justified is no longer evil, it become a point of understanding between the seeker of justification and its personal idea of God. According to the pious prelate, the God of today simply wants his creation to be happy. It seems as if humanity has recreated God in the image of man. Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
The Facebook post said, “I saw over 700 miracles while praying. To you reading this with faith, there is a miracle from God in your life this week. The Lord said your problem is over. To every hand that will share this testimony and type ‘Amen’ with faith, a miracle has been assigned to you in Jesus name.” I often wonder, is it just me or is there others who feel like me. Though subtle in nature, the ‘somebody’ card is being played. This seems to be an overt act of showmanship, design to promote one's personal status and fame and has nothing to do with the true promise or message of God.
The age of miracles is upon us and there is a search high and low for that scripture that says a miracle is coming your way.
These types of postings are reminiscent of the bygone days when a minister or prophet would stand before a group of people and scream, “the Lord says, there is somebody in here with a headache, God says come up here and get your healing. This always worked in a crowd of a few, until the younger generation began to question these antics and began to wake up. Once a church lady prolonged the service thirty minutes communing with God, when it was over the message received was, "Somebody is going to die, let's pray that God rebuke the hand of death." Well, the truth is somebody did die and she was hailed a prophet. Once a person is proclaimed a prophet, there is no limit nor shame to the type of prophecies that will be made in the name of God.
Mark 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
There is a type of church folks gullibility that is preyed upon by the unscrupulous, those who are seeking to make a name for themselves. The snake oil salesman mentality, the Jim Jones approach to Christianity, the doctrine of Rev Ike is still flourishing. There also appears to be an element of play-acting. It is also equivalent to the preacher who constantly urge you to shout 'Amen' throughout the message or The overuse of the phrase "touch your neighbor." A proven method of subtle indoctrination, designed to foster a relationship between the speaker and the hearer. This is an act that many find distracting and somewhat distasteful but are ashamed to admit it.
Another post said, “Money will come your way this week. Type Amen and Share. Another said, Type Amen if you believe Jesus can heal you. Now, what truly indoctrinated Christian would not believe Jesus “can” heal? The list was short compared to those who responded to the offer of money.
When reading the Facebook post of the sometimes famous and the not so famous people promising instant money in my bank account. Typing the word "Amen" is the key to unlocking the windows of Heaven and allowing blessing and healing to flow. Have we become a people who approach our God on a day to day base, with outstretched hands, begging for a blessing. Many are not impressed by those who use fancy titles to misinterpret the scripture and teach the doctrines and commandments of men.
Saturday, September 5, 2015
A Proper Perspective, (Part #2)
The Thessalonicaian were an unruly bunch, like many of us today, when they heard Paul and Silas teach the scripture from a different perspective. Rather than studying the scripture, they sought to attack the messengers. Paul and Silas escaped by night and took their message to Berea. Acts 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so. The Scriptures should be examined daily. If we wish to arrive at the truth, the scripture should be the object of constant study. There is little reason to expect that a person will grow in knowledge and grace, if that person does not read carefully, with sincerity and with prayer, a portion of the Bible every day. 2nd Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Like many my age, I grew up in an age when young people were required to go to church and attend Bible study. Bible study often became a platform of indoctrination and emotionalizing, rather than searching for answers. In Bible study, we were often taught Matthew 7:7, Jesus said, “Ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be open to you”. Now, on the surface without considering the contextual nature of these statements, this seems to be a blank check. Generations grew up with the focus on all types of trivial things rather than the Kingdom of God. When that unspeakable doubt began to creep in because it seems as if God was not fulfilling our prayer request, we were told that God may not come when we want him to come but he is always on time. There is truth in this statement and this was enough to keep many of us going as we struggled to believe that God was going to answer our requests. Then a strange thing began to happen, we began to trivialize the works of God, this caused an increasingly large number of souls to fall by the wayside. The problems began to manifest themselves when God refused to be bullied into action thru loud and boastful prayer. It can be augured that because of a failure to understand the Word of God the believability of God has suffered.
The Hebrew and Greek languages as with other languages does not allow for a smooth translation to the English language. A literal translation, especially when it comes to the words and teaching of Jesus is not always possible. Understanding the numerology, symbology and phraseology used in the Hebrew and Greek language are necessary to unlocking and understanding the scripture. If your brother smites you on one cheek, turn the other, do this mean, if someone hit you stand there and let him to hit you again? The interpretation becomes clear when we continue to read the teaching of Jesus, it simply mean, do good to those who do you wrong. There were those who walked away from the teaching of Jesus because of a lack of understanding when he said, “you must drink my blood and eat my flesh.”
Another important aspect of understanding the word of God is the context. The context is that part of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect: Misinterpretations are caused when we take spoken or written words out of their original context and present them as the complete message. The set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, based upon who is talking, who is being spoken to and what is the subject matter determines the context. Failure to apply these rules will cause the scripture to be misinterpreted and misapplied. My brother who raises cows, once ask me to stand in the gate and only let the female cows pass. Did my brother just offer me a lifetime job or was it something that just needed to be done at that moment.
A literal interpretation of the scripture will often place the Bible student in an untenable position and force the injection of interpretations based upon doctrinal or personal beliefs. Theological syncretism will creep in as we began to read the Bible through the lens of our denomination, organization, ministry strategy. This type of interpretation is the basis of the divisions within the household of faith. To be true to the Word of God, we should not try to explain away certain thing God said and accept others. If we strive to understand the language of the Bible and allow the Bible to speak in its true form, we will not have problems with understanding and accepting what God said. If we consider the book to be a perfect book, then it words and interpretation should flow in a perfect manner. For the Bible story to flow in perfect order we must be rightly divided the word of truth into ages and dispensations. This is something we will discuss later. The point that I am trying to make is when Jesus said, “Drink my blood, and eat my flesh”, “If thy right eye offend the pluck it out” “Ask and it shall be given” the perspective and context of these statements is a spiritual. We should embrace the “spirituality” of Jesus messages and study to understand the signification of his speech. When asked the question about the disciples washing their hands before eating, he said, “It is not what goes into the body that defiles it, it is what come out”. The natural question was given a spiritual answer.
When there is a question about what we should do, or should not do, this scripture is often quoted. Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. It is backed up by a similar quote from Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. Matthew and Luke are recounting, though somewhat different in wording, of an encounter that Jesus had with the Devil. Jesus is quoting Deuteronomy 8:3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. A close examination of these verses seems to indicate a present and future commitment to living by the Word of God. What does it mean to live by every word of God? This is a question that you should strive to answer.
Does the ideology of living by every word that proceeded out of the Mouth of God mean we must literal obey commands given to Abraham, Moses or the ancient patriots? God seems to have put everything in the proper perspective when Peter wanted to build a tabernacle for Moses and Elisha so they could listen to the teaching of these great leaders. God became angry and said, “This is my beloved son, hear him.”
The problems manifest themselves when we try to take what God said to Moses and the prophets and apply it to the church. There is a great lesson to be learned from reading how God dealt with the children of Israel. To use this verse to justify teaching the law is in error if we say to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God indicate that we must live in according with the laws given to the Children of Israel. As much as we try and teach it, we do not live according to the Law of Moses. Paul stated Galatians 3:24 wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. To justify our inability to live under the Law we split the Law of Moses up into groups. There are the moral law and the ceremonial law. Now we have the grounds for debate, disagreement and confusion.
Let's use the Sabbath, as an example of how Jesus kept the law. Let’s read: Exodus 20:8 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.” On one extreme we have one standing in the Pulpit on a Sunday, saying we are to keep the commandants which is a point of confusion, and another condemn a host of people to Hell because they don’t keep the Sabbath. There is a third group who leaves the assemblies wondering why Jesus died.
Now, God gave this command in Exodus 20:10, “But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shall not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates.” Jesus said in Matthew 12:11 And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the Sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift it out? The pious attitude of the self-righteous was voiced by John, 9:16 Therefore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the Sabbath day. Others said, how can a man that is a sinner do such miracles? And there was a division among them. This division exists even today.
Paul joined the fray in Colossians 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holy day, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days:
2nd Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. The Word of God is to be divided into ages and dispensations.
2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
A Proper Perspective (Part #1)
Bible Seminar, Lesson 1 (Part #1)
Bible Seminar, Lesson 1 (Part #2)
Bible Seminar, Lesson 1 (Part #2)
Mark 8:22-25 And he cometh to Bethsaida, and they bring a blind man unto him and besought him to touch him. And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought. And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking. After that, he put his hands again upon his eyes and made him look up: and he was restored and saw every man clearly.
Not long ago while walking through the woods on the way back from one of my favorite fishing spots, I took a picture, of nothing more than a peaceful wooded scene. Uploading the picture to my social media page I caption it with, “Can you see the bear?” The varied response was surprising, and I divided them into groups. There were those who could see the bear, those who did not see the bear, and another group who spread rumors saying, “I saw a bear in the woods”. The fourth group was the most intimidating, in that it suggested that I should lay off the hard liquor while walking in the woods. The result of the study became more embarrassing when some of my friends insisted on organizing a bear hunt. This experiment proved that our perception is often clouded by our perspective. In many of Jesus messages he referenced this flawed condition of humanity as such: Mark 8:18 having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember?
The theme of this seminar, “Understands the Word of God”, it is not based upon the proclamation of a new doctrine, nor is it an attempt to confirm or enforce a new set of rules governing the interpretation of the scriptural. This lecture series s designed to pose questions. We will pose more questions than answers, the same as Jesus did during his ministry. In the Hebrew Bible, Jesus asked at least 183 questions, compared to the more than 307 questions he was asked. He only gave a direct answer to three. Jesus often formulated his response to questions in such a manner that the person asking the question was forced to provide the answer. Questions are an important asset to teaching and learning. It is through the entertainment of questions that our perception will be sharpened, and the mind is able to adjust its perspective and gain a deeper insight into the knowledge of God. This lecture and the ones that follow is a process of searching for answers. The answer for many of the questions that we will pose is necessary to reaffirm the faith of the emerging generation. A generation who maintains the frameworks and vocabulary of Christianity while having lost touch with their substance.
Understanding The Word of God will allow us to adjust our vantage point, it will enable us to address many of the flawed facets of religious ideology. The world has embraced a new and permissive order; the scriptures are quickly discarded as clichés without substance and the irrelevant rants of ambiguous church folks. Christianity once was heralded as the true religion and protected by the Western world, it is now being offered up on the altar of political correctness. The detractors are presenting it as a failed religion while many of our religious leaders glory in worldly excesses. Through these lectures or classes, we intend to reaffirm the ideology that the journey is spiritual and the message is the Word of God; it is not about the art of preaching and addressing the emotional and motivational aspects of humanity. It is not about coming to church and standing in line waiting for God to hand out a blessing. The message is the same one that was preached by Jesus and his disciples, it is a call to the world to repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Over the course of this event, we will conduct a number of discussions. In this venue in order for a Bible discussion to be believable the foundation of that discussion must rest upon several principles, among them are perspective and context. The context and perspective began at the point of interpretation. If this is true, then we must guard against a subtle form of syncretism. Syncretism is defined as the tendency to read the Bible through the lens of our denomination, organization or ministry strategy. When the interpretation of the scripture is based upon our personal views or perspective we take a chance on missing out on much of what God reveals in the scripture. Theological syncretism is a form of spiritual suicide,
For a deeper understanding of the Word of God, a prayer for God to open our eyes must be at the forefront of our endeavor. God’s perspective is from one vantage point, man’s perspective is from many different vantage points. It is, therefore, easy for a man with a slight influence from that old devil to see things different from God. Mark gives us a startling example of Jesus adjusting the perspective of the once blind man. Mark 8:23-25 And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought. And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking. (Remember the picture. “Can you see the bear?) After that he put his hands again upon his eyes and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly. What stands out in this scripture is, Jesus touched the man and he was healed, but he did not see clearly. Being touched by the Savior and viewing life from the proper perspective was a two-step process.
There are guidelines for establishing perspective and context, and they are based upon who is speaking, who is being spoken to, and what is the subject matter. There are three major groups addressed in the Bible, the Jews, the Gentiles, and the church. Paul referenced these three separate entities in 1st Corinthians 10:32, “Give none offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:” To preclude an argument within the mind of many, the Jews and Gentiles are earthly people, the church is a spiritual body, and as Paul stated in 1st Corinthians 12:13, For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. Paul is addressing the spiritual makeup of the church, not the earthly makeup of a person.
What is perspective? Perspective is defined as a particular attitude toward our way of regarding something; in essence, it is a point of view. If the perspective is a point of view, then it can vary from person to person. No doubt the blind man whom we discussed earlier saw men as trees walking based his assessment upon the knowledge he had received as a blind man. Perspectives can be clouded by indoctrinated beliefs, whether they be true or false. Perspectives can be based upon what we want to believe and not what is. Solomon addressed the issue in Proverbs 16:25, he said, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death.” Solomon had previously stated in Proverbs 12:15 that, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes: but he that hearkeneth unto counsel, is wise.” A simple conclusion by examining these two verses is, there is a proper or true perspective and there is a false perspective.
A professional photographer will spend valuable time adjusting and repositioning his camera in search of the proper perspective as pertaining to its subject. Even after the photograph is processed, it is subjected to critical review. This review sometimes results in the photos being discarded and a new photo shoot scheduled. This does not detract from the expertise or professionalism of the photographer. In the world of professional photography there is a constant search for the proper perspective of static objects, thus highlighting and signify the difference between a snapshot and a photograph.
Lets view a common scripture from different perspectives. When I was a small child I saw a picture of Jesus standing at a door knocking. The caption for the picture was Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hears my voice and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Most, if not all of us have seen that picture and the image is burned into our memory. Sermons and Bible studies are often presented, emphasizing Jesus at the door knocking. Would the message be the same if it was viewed from a different perspective, let's take a closer look at two of them. Perspective (1). We see Jesus standing at the door and depending upon our proximity to him, we might be able to hear him knocking and pleading. In order to see and hear what Jesus is doing, we must get as close to Jesus as we can. Therefore, we are now in the same position Jesus is in, and the message is not to us because we are outside of the room. Our perspective will not allow us to act upon the message, rather it has allowed us to become a projector of the message, rather than a receiver of the message. With all of the smugness of a saint of God, we can now proclaim, “Jesus is standing at the door knocking, will you please let him in.” To some this might seem as it is an extreme analogy, but remember the bear that did not exist. We must be careful that the view from the outside does not cause us to strive for a position equal to that of Christ as Lords of his church.
Perspective (2) We are inside of a room and we hear this knocking on the door. We hear the voice saying, “let me in”. To act upon the request of Jesus, you must be in the room. Jesus said, “if any man hears my voice and open the door.” He did not say hear me knocking, which was an act to get the attention of those in the room. He said, “hear my voice”. The message was a call to action. The uses of the term, “any man” makes this a message to the individual, a personal message. The message contained within this verse was never about seeing Jesus standing at the door, it was about hearing the Word of God on an individual level and opening the door. To spiritualize this, if you cannot hear Jesus knocking at the door of your Heart, then you must be in the wrong place. The message of the Word of God in Revelation 3:20 and even from the beginning of time has always been, “If you do this, this is what I will do.”
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