Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Selling Of The Christ (Final)

Ages and dispensations are no longer a factor in Bible study. We take the Old and New Testament, (figurative speaking) we dump both into the pot, then we add The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit and mix it all together.  Next we add a vestige of the Law and the Blood of Jesus.   Since the Law, (which required the blood of animals) and the Blood of Jesus does not mix, to congeal the mix we add a bit of paganism with a touch of Voodooism.  According to the teaching of Peter, what emerges is a polluted mess that is neither sustainable thru the Word of God nor common sense.   On one extreme we have people dancing with snakes and on the other extreme, we have the magical sideshows.  Somewhere in between, we have those who are clamoring for special worship days and claiming the blessing of Abraham.  We have trivialized the God of our salvation and he is presented to the world as an ineffective landlord.
(3.) That the wrath of God would certainly be poured out upon them. The design of this scripture is to illustrate and defend these points.
We know that according to the Word of God these false teachers will certainly be punished. A large part of the chapter is taken up in proving this point and especially in showing from the examples of others who had erred in a similar manner, that they will not escape destruction. In doing this, the apostle refers to the following facts and illustrations:
(1.) The case of the angels that sinned, and that were cast down to hell.  (2nd Peter 2:4) If God brought such dreadful punishment on those who were once before his throne, wicked men can have no hope of escape.
(2.) The case of the wicked at the time of Noah, who were cut off by the flood. (2nd Peter 2:5)
(3.) The case of Sodom and Gomorrah. (2nd Peter 2:6)
(4.) The character of the persons referred to was such that they could have no hope of escape.
They were corrupt, sensual, presumptuous, and self-willed, and were even worse than the rebel angels had been, men that seemed to be made to be taken and destroyed. (2nd Peter 2:10-12)
They were spotted and blemishes, sensual and adulterers, emulating the example of Balaam, who was rebuked by even a dumb ass for his iniquity.  (2nd Peter 2:13-16)
They allured others to commit sins under the specious promise of liberty while they were themselves the slaves of debased appetites and gross and sensual (sexual) passions. (2nd Peter 2:17-19) 
From the entire description in this chapter, it is clear that the persons referred to, though once professors of religion, had become eminently abandoned and corrupt.  Peter strongly indicated that a sexual perversion had invaded the church; his concern was that this perversion would continue to grow.  Once this sexual perversion manifested itself the focus of these infected messengers would change from fulfilling the ordinance of God to fulfilling their earthly ambition. It may not be easy to identify them with any particular denomination or class, but they existed then and they exist now. A few of the sects in the early Christian church bore a strong resemblance to this description, and there have been those in every age who have strongly resembled these persons. This chapter, therefore, possesses great value as containing important warnings against the arts of false teachers, and the danger of being seduced by them from the truth. 
The wrath of God presently is being stored up and reserved.   (Revelation 15:7)  And one of the four beasts gave unto the seven angels seven golden vials full of the wrath of God, who lives forever and ever.  The watered down hijacked messages of modern Christianity does not reflect the wrath of God.  To speak of the wrath of God would be considered “hate speech”, and would not be conducive to a growing congregation.  Seven Golden vials full of the wrath of God are indicative of stored up wrath that is being withheld by the Grace that is made available through the Blood of Jesus.  Fire and brimstone message does not project the 'feel good' atmosphere that is prevalent in many churches, therefore,  it is more appropriate to speak of what God is doing for you or what he is going to do for you.   These are sellable points that are leading the church astray. 
Those who indoctrinate errors rarely do it openly. If they would at once boldly" deny the Lord that bought them," it would be easy to identify them, and the mass of professed Christians would be in no danger of embracing the errors. But when principles are laid down which lead to doubts on remote points are suggested which may involve the errors; or when a long train of reasoning is pursued which may secretly support the errors; there is much more probable that the mind will be corrupted and turn away from the truth.
In essence, there are numerous scams being played out over the internet.  The gantlet ranges from those with impressive titles and government positions, invoking the name of the father and promising huge sums of money.  There are those who promise an intercession with God in exchange for a small sum of money. These scams will not go away because of the profitability of such. There always seems to be a group of people who will believe whatever is dangling in front of them, if it will bring peace to their inner longing.  The doctrine of prosperity that teaches Christians are wealthy and sinners are poor fails miserably in the light of the Word of God and common sense. Yet, there is no limit to the number of struggling Christians who will defend these damnable heresies.
Damnable heresies "Heresies of destruction;" that is, heresies that will be followed by destruction. The Greek word which is rendered damnable is the same which in the close of the verse is rendered destruction. Heresy is a departure from the truth. In the early history of Christianity, the church established the basic teachings of the faith. Those basics can be found in the Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed. Over the centuries, however, theologians and religious figures have proposed doctrines that contradict established Christian beliefs. To keep those beliefs pure, the church once singled out people who taught or believed in ideas that were considered a threat to Christianity. 
Persecution became widespread as popes authorized inquisitions. Those investigations often resulted in torture and execution of innocent victims. This was not a workable solution to the problem. Jesus addressed the problem as such.  (Matthew 13:30) Let both grow together until the harvest: and at the time of harvest, I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.  John encapsulated the new concept as such, (1st John 4:1) Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God:  because many false prophets are gone out into the world.   Often those who were in charge of the purges or persecutions were guilty of damnable heresies. 
The thing which false teachers attempt is divisions, alienations, or parties, in the church and these would be based on the erroneous doctrines which they would promulgate through the twisting, misapplying and misinterpretation of the scripture. What would be the particular doctrine, in this case, is immediately specified, that they "would deny the Lord that bought them." The idea then is that these false teachers would form sects or parties in the church, of a destructive or ruinous nature, founded on a denial of the Lord that bought them. They would draw attention to themselves by making false promises in the name of God, for the purpose of obtaining wealth and power. Such a formation of leaders would be ruinous to holiness, to good morals, and to the soul. 
The authors of these sects, holding the views which they did, and influenced by the motives which they would be, and practicing the morals which they would practice, as growing out their principles, would bring upon themselves swiftly and certain destruction. It is not possible now to determine to what particular class the apostle had the reference here, but it is generally supposed that it was in some form of the Gnostic belief. There were many early sects of so-called heretics to whom what he here says would be applicable.
Now, local preachers are seeking what the television evangelists have. They want the money, the fame, access to the stars, the television, the movies, the parties and elite celebrations. They want access to radio and television shows. They want mega churches and super conferences. They want secular and sacred mixtures to draw the masses with shaped and water down the message. They want a television or radio audience without even drawing their own communities to their churches. They have been seduced, but the bitter end is coming early for many of them.  They are falling like flies. They are getting caught with their pants down literally! They are being set up to fail and the Devil is laughing while he preserves his "queen" and keeps her spirit safe in the body of a cunning leader. While his family is tormented by internet rumors, while his spiritual children are tormented by divorce and immoral exposures, and while his church congregation is plagued with homosexual and lesbian spirits, he continues to lift himself up and use every avenue possible for a financial exchange.

The Seven Church Ages of Revelation

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Selling Of The Christ Part #6

False teachers have risen up and many are trying to strike fear in the Children of God thru threats of annihilation by God if they open their mouth against them.   (1st John 4:1)  Beloved, believes not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  When the Devil approached Eve in the garden professing to know the word of God, he made promises by twisting the scripture.   When that old Satan approached Jesus on the mountain, he was quoting the scripture, twisting it and professing to understand the Word of God.  He offered Jesus all of the richness of the world, Jesus condemns him.  Yet, when they come to us in the name of God promising prosperity in a sin-cursed and dying world, we are quick to follow.   Jesus said for you not to lay up your treasures upon earth.  (Matthew 6:19)  Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal.   There must be a part of this simple scripture that many don’t understand as we demand that Jesus grant us the natural blessings of Abraham. The church that was paid for by Jesus Christ, that should exist within our Heart should not hesitate to cry out, “Devil you are a liar.”   
There would be such false teachers the apostle expressly states in that verse, and elsewhere in the chapter, he noted for his readers some of their characteristics or some of the doctrines which they would hold.  They would deny the Lord that bought them.   A proper understanding of this statement is, they would deny God his rightful place.   How do we deny God, his rightful place in our lives? 
There are many damnable peculiar doctrines that deny God, his rightful place.   In the simplest form, we are taught that God is busy every day directing the affairs of men.  It is based on the thesis that God is in control and taken to the 'N’’ degree', he is controlling every aspect of human endeavor.  Therefore, when the young child dies a horrific death at the hands of a drunk driver, we say it was the will of God.  It is hard for many to believe this concept when we look at the condition of the family, community, nation and world.  Paul referred to other powers at work and these powers were different from the power of God.  (Ephesians 2:2)…the prince of the powers of the air, of the spirit that now worketh in the sons of disobedience;  It must be understood that God allows things to happen, things that man brings upon himself.  Another scenario was played out in the Book of Job, God allowed the Devil to test Job, his friends blamed Job’s affliction on God and God was angered and punished them.   Why?  They denied God, his rightful place.
Denying God is more than saying, “I do not believe in God,” the Children of Israel denied God at the base of the Holy Mountain all the while they were dancing, shouting and praising ‘God’ for delivering them.  The story unfolds in Exodus 32:1-10 when we misdirect our praise and honor we are denying God his rightful place.  Many worship services are designed around the concept of heaping praise and honor upon the creation rather than the creator. 
Paul said, even denying the Lord that bought them. This must mean that they held doctrines which were, in fact, a denial of the Lord, or the tendency of such things which would be a denial of the Lord. We cannot suppose that, while they professed to be Christians, they would openly and avowedly deny the Lord.  To "deny the Lord" is to withhold from him, in our belief and profession, anything which is essential to a proper conception of him.
To make false promises in the name of God is to deny the power of God.  To trivialize the name of God is to deny the supremacy of God.  To reference God's power to make you look impressive is the same as denying the very existence of God.  Many public speakers once again have begun to play the ‘somebody card’ on television and on the social media to impress and gain followers.   Statements are made such as, “During any given month, somebody will be blessed with a huge sum of money, somebody will be blessed a new car.”  Is this a true representation of God at work?  Even a drunk could pull off this act.  If all of the promises made in the name of God were true, the world would be scrambling to find a seat in a neighborhood church. 
What are we to believe?  Are we to believe that the numerous doctrines and split denominations are all apart of God's plan?  What about the changing values of Christianity that are designed to make Christianity more relevant in a modern society?   Why are Christians so eager to embrace every new wind and doctrine? These are questions that should be seriously considered when engaging in serious Bible studies.  The answer to these questions will aid us in understanding our purpose and what we are seeking in the study of God’s Word.
(2.) That they would introduce destructive errors in the scripture, leading many astray through peculiar doctrines; 
These peculiar doctrines are numerous in today's society and they are all built upon a twisted interpretation of the scripture. These destructive errors many times are nothing more than making numerous false promises in the name of God based on a lack of knowledge of the Word of God.  To attempt to teach the Word of God without a true knowledge of the Word of God is a direct violation of God's laws and is a form of denying the true power of God.  Many are led astray by promises that God is moving in a particular way that embraces the 'feel good' aspect of human nature.  It’s easy to be blinded by the twisted promised, thereby failing to see the direction that we are being led in.  
Money has become the key to salvation as professed by those who seek to get rich at the expense of the people of God.  The doctrine that many teach and preach is that if you give money, God will open the windows of Heaven and pour out a blessing that you will not have room to receive.   This is a misreading and misapplying of the scripture that if it were true, I will say it again at the risk of being redundant, Christians would be rich and sinners would be poor.  The money game is a play on Malachi 3:10.  The tithes were never intended to be used to fatten the purse of the priest or the local pastor and bishop.  The above scripture is probably one of the most misquoted scripture in the bible. Unfortunately, it is being quoted out of dispensation and context and is used as a weapon of mass intimidation, manipulation, extortion, oppression, cajolery and outright lies and deceit used by some church leaders to collect ten percent of the gross income of their church members who have been hoodwinked and indoctrinated into believing that they are doing God’s will.   From circumcision to the Sabbath, why does every custom of the Mosaic Law get a pass, except the one that says bring me ten percent of your money?  A literal translation of the Old Testament caused a church congregation to stand on the bank of a river praying for God to part the waters.  
To understand what tithes really mean one would have to understand the social reasons and cultural / religious setting within which it was situated.  The concept of tithes was properly explained in the laws of the tithe which can be found in the books of Leviticus 27: 30 – 34, Numbers 18: 25 – 31 and Deuteronomy 14: 22 – 29. Upon reading these passages, one would understand what tithes really mean, but, unfortunately, most prefer to neglect these passages that tell us the true meaning of tithes and emphasize on Malachi 3: 8 - 10 which was directed to the Levites priests.  The priests were guilty of robbing the temple by failing to remit to the temple, its share of the tithes they collected.  They were, as many of the leaders are today, guilty of robbing the church.
Peter’s concern was they would introduce destructive errors into the Gospel.  The money game has invested itself in church worship services.  Worshippers are encouraged to throw money on the altar (stage) as the blessing of God is invoked upon them.  

To be continued

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Selling Of The Christ, Part #5

The Word of God once symbolized a light in a world of darkness, whose purpose was to illuminate the path to a blood purchased salvation.   The focus of that light has now changed, as humanity embarks upon a glorious journey where sin and salvation are no longer a consequence.  The Word of God is now used to light the path to wealth, fame and glory.   Teachers of the Word of God have devised a plan whereby all of us can become wealthy and enjoy the blessings of our Father as we travel into the sunset days of our way of life.  The scripture speaks of a madness that will engulf the household of faith.  All of the biblical writers that processed the knowledge of God foresaw a time when men would not endure sound doctrine, and they sought to warn the followers of these detractors.
Peter began his dissertation by stating,  (2nd Peter 2:1-6)  But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of which the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.  And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an example, unto those that after should live ungodly.
Now let’s read the last words of Jesus to the church here on earth.  (Revelation 3:20-22)   Behold, I stand at the door and knock,: if any man hears my voice and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me. He that overcometh; I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.
This is not a message to a group, this is a message to the individual, he used words like, "if any man", or "He that overcometh."  This is Jesus last message to the churches and the use of words like, “him”, “he”, and “man” seems to indicate that he was not speaking to a group but addressing the church as an individual, whose existence was spiritual.
We will now explore the possibility that Jesus and Peter were concerned about those who had come in “among the” church and with great words they began merchandising the people of God.  (2nd Peter 2:3)  And in covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose sentence now from of old lingereth not, and their destruction slumbereth not. 
 The word covetousness is indicative of wanting what other processes.   In our modern society, it usually translates into money.  Feigned words, these are words that are insecure, artificial, man-made words that are designed to suit a particular purpose.  These types of words are able to cause the unstable soul to falter and follow after the teaching of men.  False teachers often follow the pattern of their master, and they come with great promises, feigned words; artful and hypocritical pretenses.  The Devil came to Jesus with great promises, all Jesus had to do was obey and God would dispatch his angels to protect him.  Make a merchandise of you.  Judas made merchandise of his Master, betraying and sacrificing him to promote his own ends. So it is said these men should sacrifice the cause of Christ and the true church for their own selfish purposes of gaining praise, honor and wealth. 
There exists the possibility that through the use of feigned words, anything, regardless of how unworthy, vain, even unpretentious acts can be sold to an adoring public.  All that is required is a marketing plan, a marketing team with an appealing marketing concept.  Consider this, tennis shoes and blue jeans once the garment of the poor and working class, used a high-level marketing concept to become the preferred dress of the rich and famous.  What was it that caused the market value of a pair of cheaply produced tennis shoes to dramatically increase in value?  I challenge you to think seriously about it.  Better yet, consider the enterprising man who sold rocks (pet rocks) to an adoring public.
The primary objectives of life have been reset, feeling good about what we are, what we have or what we do, has become our primary objective as the value of life is diminished.  In essence, when we pay more than two hundred dollars for a four dollar pair of tennis shoes the value of the shoes does not increase, we are paying for the right to feel good about our self or our accomplishments.  The desire of feeling good is one of the most powerful and sellable aphrodisiacs known to mankind.  It is even sellable in the church.
'Feel good' can be defined as that which is intended to make one happy or satisfied, causing or characterized by a feeling of self-satisfaction: feel-good factor, achieving a high state of euphoria, often defined in the church as the ‘Spirit of God’.  The operative words, here is the, ‘feel good factor.’ The feel good factor is present in every aspect of human endeavors.  Why do we go to work?  Because going to work allows us to accomplish things that make us feel good.  Why do we go to concerts and football games, somewhere within our line of reasoning, it is something that will make us feel good?   Now apply that to church worship services and Gospel music.
The evolution of gospel music sat the stage for the evolution of worship service.  Gospel or sacred music once existed within the shadows of the sanctuary and enjoyed a special place that was considered to be Holy next to the Word of God.  The singers of spiritual songs were not something that was done for worldly acclimation or money, it was something that was done in the service of God. Therefore, those who sung in church as a part of their church worship services did not do it to become rich and famous.  Rich and famous have now become the blessings of God bestowed upon those serve their creator through songs.  Sacred music as the name implies was not intended to be entertaining, it was intended to reverence God and give him proper praise.   When we injected the entertainment 'feel good' factor into gospel music and worship services, the question that we need to ask ourselves is, are we guilty of denying God his proper reverence? 
Instead of "psalms, hymns and spiritual songs" to build up and edify the believer, the congregation is beset with a relentless and sensuous beat (which weighs on one's nerves and pounds in one's head until you feel you will break open) and syncopation (which evokes the most basic sensuous or sexual response from our bodies) which is purposely aimed at the physical and sensual instead of the spirit and the spiritual.  When music is aimed at the baser part of our nature, i.e. the promiscuous, then the spiritual has a difficult time surviving. 
In today’s contemporary society gospel music has crossed over or morphed into the entertainment venue.  The sacred solitude that gospel music once provided has been replaced by a hand clapping, foot stomping feels good sellable type of music that rewards the performer and entertain the listener.  The once Holy dance has evolved into a hip swing promiscuous act that emphasizes the sensual rather than the spiritual.   Churches have begun to embrace dance teams as an intricate part of their worship service. Many pastors and church members are beginning to understand the drawing power of music played by either secular or sanctified groups, augmented by a dance team.
A worship service that was once designed to serve God is now designed to make you feel good.  Feeling good is an emotional attribute that can be manipulated, it can be merchandised, and it can be marketed in the same fashion as a pair of tennis shoes made out of cheap plastic.  Somewhere between the opening song and the closing chords of contemporary worship services you will also be asked to pay for feeling good.  Let’s examine Peter’s message to the church.
2nd Peter 2:1-6, the general subject of this chapter is clearly stated in the first verse, and it embraces these points:

(1.) That there would be many false teachers among Christians in modern times, as there were false teachers in ancient times;

Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Selling Of The Christ Part #4

The focus here embraces the ideology of the Apostle Peter concerning false teachers who would arise among the Christians.  The same as today, there were false teachers in ancient times.  These false teachers would be skilled with words and they would devise ways to make merchandise of the church.  Peter’s major concern was, these false teachers would introduce destructive error into the Gospel and lead many astray.  In the days of the Apostles, these false teachers were called out and exposed.  In today's permissive society our only recourse is to pray for them and leave it to God while they go about polluting the mind of the saints. 
Jesus often addressed the issue in conversations with his disciples. (Luke 21:8) And he said Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.  In Matthew, it seems as if Jesus was reflecting upon his soon to be established church when he stated, (Matthew 18:20)  For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.  Two or three gathered together in worship just does not meet the criteria of today's churches and mega churches. 
One cannot help but marvel at the transitions taking place in Christendom as it
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struggles to adapt to the changing demands of society.  Things that once were
 characterized as unholy or impure now requires a second look through tinted glasses.  A religion that once flourished within the confrontational nature of Holy Scripture akin to John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness screaming, "Oh ye generation of vipers...” have now morphed into a viable business model seeking to attract customers.  This once confrontational religion has now dumb down its rhetoric in the name of peace and political correctness; it has agreed to respect the rights of all religions, a thing that the God of David never ordained. The fire and brimstone have been retired and the sunshine and favors have become the modern day message. 
What happen?  Why are the changes?  As each emerging generation became more and more entrenched in the knowledge of good and evil, the ‘pie in the sky, bye and bye’, began to lose its luster.  The ancient appeal of God was tested by knowledgeable men and found wanting.  The organized church realizing that its core membership base was eroding realized the necessity of branding itself, and the creation of a sellable product in the process.  This product would combine two of the most powerful elements that define the human condition, motivation, and manipulation.  This concept or new religion would be sellable to the masses, without regards to their structured or indoctrinated belief.  The desire to be prosperous and to be in good health can be found at all levels of humanity, without regard to ethnic or cultural backgrounds. 
 (3rd John 1:2) Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.  This scripture provided the biblical foundation for transforming the Gospel of the Kingdom into a Gospel of prosperity and motivation.  Manipulation paved the road to financial success to those who embraced and exported this new gospel.
To understand the proper context of the above verse requires reading the entire chapter.  This brief epistle is written to a Christian whose name was Gaius.  As a form of greeting, a wish is implied, not a command or even a promise.  The word used here commonly means in the New Testament to pray, but it is also employed to express a strong and earnest desire for anything.  This is probably all that is implied here. The sense is, "In every respect, I wish that it may go as well with you as it does your soul.  A simple greeting to a Christian friend who is sick. 
The Gospel of Prosperity promises an earthly reward while the Gospel of the Kingdom promises a spiritual reward.  The mixing of the two promises the best of both worlds.  As an earthly person, we are more easily influenced by earthly things, rather than spiritual things.   This new form of Christianity offers blessings and favors to those who embrace it ideology.  Salvation becomes sellable, and access to God is determined by the size of your offering. 
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The marketing manipulation that is used to promote this new form of Christianity is the same method marketers use to get potential consumers to become acting consumers.  It is called the AIDA Model. This model consists of four stages: Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action.  Students in marketing, learn about this concept and are graded on their ability to bring about the desired action.  The application of this model to promote a new and expandable form of Christianity is the same model used to promote a new brand of box cereal.  Follow me for a moment.
The application of this model does not require a college degree; it merely requires a gift of ‘gab’, the ability to sell others on your idea and a desire to manipulate others.  Manipulation seems to be such an ominous word, yet there are a good side and a bad side of manipulation.  There is harmless manipulation such as being led to believe that a Honda is superior to a Chevrolet vehicle. An example of a type of dangerous manipulation was to convince the public that smoking was ok.  Money is usually a common factor of all types of manipulations, in the organized church, in the community, and in business. Yet, the true church was never intended to be established on the same level or base as an everyday business.
The manipulation of desire is caused by knowing what is wanted or needed and offering it.  What do you want becomes the prime question.  In the vernacular of the charlatan priest, “whatever you want, God has got it”, and there is not one righteous soul that would respond negatively to this suggestion.   If you want money, God will give you money.  Here again The Reverend Ike, my model for the fleecing of the sheep mailed out thousands of letters in the early sixties that said, “ SOMEBODY, reading this letter will receive a financial blessing from God, all you have to do is plant a seed of faith.  The call for action was accepted by many, especially those of certain ethnic and cultural backgrounds who were financially intimidated.  Once they became aware of this newly created ATM God, logic took a holiday as they lined up, clamoring for the blessings.   A touch of common sense or the knowledge of God could have rendered that type of promotion baseless and profane. 

The drawing card to any successful religious assembly is, come over here and get your blessing, or come over here and be healed.  They prey on two of the most vulnerable aspects of human nature.  Healings and blessings  soon become synonymous with a packed house.  Problems began to manifest themselves when God refused to be manipulated. “If he did it once, he will do it again”, became the cry of the self-indoctrinated motivational speaker without the validity of scriptural support.  Standing on the creek bank waiting for God to separate the water soon became a lesson in futility.  The redefinition of the works of God became commonplace, in that the starting of a flooded car has now been described as a miracle.  The scripture is taken out of its context and the righteous are being indoctrinated into believing that if you speak it will be so.  If this were true, what a beautiful world we would have.  A sick person in the hospital is often decreed heal, yet often that person passes on from life into death.
A cloak of fear is used to intimidate those whose eyes are being open to the false doctrines that are prevailing.  It is taboo to speak a word against those who claim the anointing of God.  Yet, how many people have left the altar wondering why they didn't get the blessing that was promised to them?  There was a man who gave his last dollar and went out waiting for the blessing that was promised, was left wondering if he and his family had been forsaken by God.  But, these are things you can't talk about.  If you fail to get what you asked for, the problem is not in God, it is in us.  Through fear, a new indoctrination of Christianity appears to be holding. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Selling Of The Christ Part #3

As a struggling Christian, I find it hard to believe in much of the rhetoric emulating from the household of faith. There is a type of gullibility  that has always existed within the ranks of Christianity, but to have it preyed upon by enterprising preachers or gospel entertainers is a bit much.   The evolution of worship services and gospel music should be cause for alarm, yet, it is accepted as the signs of changing times.   The merging of the music genre is more acceptable to those who are seeking to pollute the Word of God.  A classic example is that of a Gospel singer years ago prefaced one of his songs with, "This is for those of you who say gospel music has gone too far."  Today this gospel singer openly profess to have lost his religion.  

The Social Media is flooded with enterprising messengers of God claiming that the key to God's blessings is typing "Amen" to their status that makes vague promises.  The number of people who buy into this type of idolatry is astounding.  The church has evolved into a place to come and get blessings, yet Jesus never said, "Blessed is he who go to church."  Jesus promised blessings in the Kingdom of God. 

At the onset of Jesus ministry, he warned his followers that they would come in sheep clothes.  Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  What is sheep clothes? They look like what we are indoctrinated into believing a messenger of God should look like.  The carry the title of the clergy or worship leaders and they preface their false messages with, "God said".  No God-fearing Christian in good standing would dare stand up and say, "God didn't say that".   What are "ravening wolves"? They are hungry wolves looking for something to eat, they sell you a false Gospel.

In the Garden of Eden, the Devil made a striking presentation of explaining what God said. Today, the trend is to sell God through a process of entertainment and promises of wealth and well-being.  To promote itself, the church has taken on the nature of the Casino and night club.  If you want to win you got to spend and let's get down and praise God, because when praises go up blessings come down.  It is a part of human nature that we buy into this perverse, and enticing promises.  In the face of the promises of prosperity and favors it is easy to forget that when the devil approached Jesus, he offered him all of the richness of this world.   Jesus made it clear on a number of occasions, that his Kingdom was not of this world.  If this is true, then why are we being promised all the things that Jesus rejected.

Is there a lack of understanding of the Word of God or is it simply a lack of faith?   If we truly believed in God would we take such a cavalier approach to his Word and his works?  If we really understood the purpose of the creation, would we pervert the knowledge of God to build our own little kingdom here on earth? The believability of God is at an all-time low, yet churches are amassing a fortune and building magnificent sanctuaries.  Many have their own private interpretation of the scripture and it is often proclaimed as a fresh message from God.  There are so many proclamations's made in the name of God until those on the outside looking in are beginning to wonder if God really exist or do he keeps his promises. The problem of Christianity against the world has taken on a new flavor,  Christianity has turned on itself. 

The church that Jesus once spoke so highly of has allowed itself to  become highjacked and become a bastion of selfish pride.  Men and women are seeking to exert a type of rulership over God's people. Churches that have stood the test of time are now being divided and plundered, even destroyed from within by enterprising preachers seeking to establish a quorum and thereby securing a seat of power.  They possess a desire to exercise their man-given power within communities without having even having a knowledge of the community they are supposed to serve.  There is a scripture condemnation of this type of action but it is among the overlooked letters to the churches from Jesus. 

John MacAuthor wrote: The church has not only stopped talking about sin, it has stopped talking about eternal life.  Everything is about a fix here and now.  The gospel doesn't promise to fix you here.  You may have a bad marriage till you die, you may have bad kids till you die.  You may have cancer and die before you thought you would die.  You may lose all of your money in the stock market, your house might burn down.  Jesus doesn't promise to fix that. Contrary to what you hear from health, wealth and prosperity teachers, the only people who seem to be getting wealthy of that are the ones who take your money.  The gospel does not promise that.  But it does promise eternal life.   

Many organized churches are capitalizing on the art of raising money and the sheep of God's pasture are being victimized.  Knowingly and unknowingly the gospel according to, "The Rev. Ike", has become an integral part of many pastors' messages.  Salvation is about giving and planting a seed is the price of salvation.  Bible verses are often surgically removed from their supporting scriptural and taken out of the context of which they were spoken and view from an alien perspective.  It is a process of making the Bible say what we want it to say and preying on the indoctrination or the gullibility of the Christian belief.  Worship services are taking on the flavor and flair of a Beyonce performance.  Pastors, preachers and teachers have elevated themselves to a position where they walk and talk with God on a  daily basis, yet the messages received are often conflicting.

Many of today's preachers have mastered, "The Art of Preaching", and their ability to preach is based on how well they can bring a crowd to an arousing climax.    

I attended a large prayer service that consisted of hundreds of people.  The services were advertised as the place to come for miracles and blessings.  The conductor of the services was a young energetic man who wore loud colored clothes.  After delivering his message, he continued to address the crowd.  “The Lord said” he began, “There is somebody in here that has a headache, the Lord says come on up here and get your healing.”   Then the Lord would speak again and he would say, “There is somebody in here that has a backache come up here and get your healing.”  People would rush to claim their healing.  This young man was elevated to the position od a great healer throughout the communities he visited.  It was not long before some people began to see thru this ‘shotgun approach’.  

To use the words “somebody” and “a headache” in a crowd of a few, you are bound to hit “somebody with a headache”.  A person high on drugs could pull that act off.  I do not believe the God that I need and as powerful as the one I am looking for needs this type of showmanship.   God punished Moses for performing an act of showmanship.  These are the working of ‘bad actors’, which it is up to God to judge, but they have caused many people to turn and flee from God.  This is not a plausible excuse and it will not stand up before God, but I will say it, “My God they made me run from you.” 

The world situation is not changing for the better, yet more and more people are praying for God’s intervention.  Jewish customs and celebrations are superseding the work of the cross and we are claiming a year of Jubilee.  There are promisings being made in the name of God for the purpose of self-promotion and edification.

The works of God is  trivialized, and he is restoring wealth and family values, he even brings peace to our communities.  Yet, according to Jesus, in the "last days" these things would not be.   Luke 12:51  Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:  The coming of the Kingdom of Heaven has been redefined and we are living in it now, thus, there is no reason for Christ to return.  The justification of our desires through the shaping of the scripture is nothing new, the devil introduced this ploy in the Garden of Eden.  Christian values are eroding because we are being taught that God wants us to be happy.   Alternate lifestyles are on the increase and even acceptable in many assemblies.  The gullibility of Christianity allows us to justify it in the name of God. 

Many churches have become pawns of the government and the breeding ground for corruption and political aspirations.  We are building immaculate sanctuaries at an alarming rate, and it seems that God is issuing new directives every day.  Political correctness through faith-based initiatives is strictly enforced.   We speak in God’s name and of a God who shows love without punishment and justice, as a new way of life.  “God loves me,” has become an excuse and a metaphor for the ungodly.   

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Selling Of The Christ (Part 2)

Winning The God Lottery

Why are we here?  What is the message our youth are getting from our serving God?  Are they following us to church?  What is the message that Christianity is trying to project to the world?  What is the purpose and message of the churches?  What is the message of Jesus Christ?  Was it necessary for Christ to come and die on the cross so that we could have stuff?  These questions have tormented many minds.  God forbid that his Son should suffer and die so I could ride in a new car.  Did the father send his son to die so ministers and pastors could strut around like peacocks, adorned in Gold and Silver and living of Gods people?  As one person remarked after returning from a national meeting, “It is getting harder to tell the preachers from the pimps.”

The message and collecting offerings have become two of the most important and destructive forces within the church.  There was a time when churches raised an offering for a visiting minister.  Now we raise offerings for ministers who do not have the time to visit.  Many churches support meetings and organizations that have no benefit to the community or church.  When the ones who are conducting the meetings derive the only benefit, we should become concerned.  We should question services that honor (worship) someone other than God.  I suppose there are those who say a Sheppard is supposed to fleece his flock, and then there is another message about not muzzling the Ox that pastors tend to apply to their flock.

There are messages designed to make the congregation feel guilty of some type of sin if they do not follow the defined precepts of giving.  Church members were once entrusted to give as the Lord had blessed them, now there are scriptures used to show that blessing and favors are a direct proportion to the amount of money you give.  Like the Casino Slot Machine, the more you put in the better your chances are of hitting the jackpot.  Context and perspective are being abuse in the interpretation of these scriptures and many are getting away with it.

The pastors of many churches have done their homework; they know what it takes to pack a church.  A beautiful message of prosperity, a television camera, a movie, or recording star, and an expression of financial success will fill any house.  The title is important too; it is no longer fashionable to be a Minister, Pastor, or Reverend,   Apostle, Superintendent, Bishop or Doctor tends to evoke more respect.  To be successful, the title must indicate that you are elevated above your peers.  To attract the masses, you must look the part and act the part of the upper class.  I suspect that even Jesus would have a hard time packing a church now, and John the Baptist would not even be a contender.  The final aspect of attracting a crowd is the prospect of entertainment.  In the old days, a Piano in the corner was the extent of the musical instrumentation.  Today most church choirs and praise leaders perform with a full-scale band.

Back in the ancient days, only certain churches allowed musicians and singers to perform during worship service.  The music playing and singing were spontaneous acts of praising and worshiping God.  After the service ended, there was no expectation of getting paid or special recognition.  Today things have changed.  Pastors are getting paid huge slaveries.  The musicians are paid, and angling for higher pay.  The congregation sits in awe as a group of paid performers provides the entertainment and inspirational aspects of worship...  In the midst of all of this, I wonder if God is amused.

On any given weekend, millions of people nationwide will pack the nightclubs, casinos, and concert halls in search of entertainment.  The harbor no regrets about spending money, and the weather will not be a factor in the assessment of entertainment.  Time will not play an important role, the party is better when it last all night.

On any given weekend, millions of people nationwide will pack football stadiums to be entertained.  They will pay their dues for a good seat and the weather is not a factor in the decision to attend and be entertained.  They do not expect anything tangible in return; they just want to be entertained and entertainment makes a person’s spirit feel uplifted.

On any given Sunday, millions of people will flock to churches to be entertained.  A timely procession of the worship elements is important, the preacher preaches a message of prosperity and they will be entertained.  They will pay their dues because God loves a cheerful giver.  The more they give to God the more they can expect to get back.  The weather will play an important role in the decision to attend and be entertained.  Moreover, there is an expectation of a blessing for attending the service.  

It seems the difference between these two events is what makes one an act of fun and folly, and the other a sacred service. 

Where are the fire and brimstone messages?  The word ‘repent’ is rarely used in sermons.  The Kingdom of Heaven is about enjoying yourself here on earth.   Serving God is about getting what you want from God.  Walking in God’s favor is a new pair of shoes.  To speak of the ‘fear’ of God is taboo, because when we die we are all going to heaven where all of the rock stars assemble and sing in the heavenly choir.

The pastors and members of many churches are praying for God to do things he did not come to do.  They do not hesitate to ask God to go to the hospitals.  Some even pray for him to unlock the jail cells or to bring peace in a world of confusion.  We are always telling God to bless us with the blessing we are ‘standing’ in need of.  I remember a person praying for God to get in the gas tank of his car.  If God were to do, what church folks asked him to do what a wonderful world we would have?  Then again, if church folks did what God has already empowered them to do, what a wonderful world we would have.

Think about this, if God were to answer all of the Christian’s prayers, then all Christians would be rich and lazy and all sinners would be poor and hard working.  Christians would live forever and sinners would die young.  Then sinners would look at the Christians and say.  “That’s what I want” Soon there would be no sinners.  The churches would be filled with people serving and praising God for the stuff that they are getting, and not because they love God. 

At many churches, after the preachers have preached, there is a call for those who are sick or just need prayer.  Most of us will admit that we all need prayer, but this act, this request which once was an act of reverence has now  been turned into an act of bad showmanship by some.  Many of these after message prayers are spirit filled, and God has worked wonders through these services.  It is the copycat bad actors who have given this type of service a bad name.  They use this prayer service to extend a dull message thirty extra minutes by whooping and howling for God to work a wonder.  Maybe we should be begging God not to abandon us.  In my search for and a closer walk with God, I realized there was nothing I needed to ask God for in this natural world.  He already had provided it.  What do the birds and the lilacs of the field need?  I needed to praise him for what he has already done for me and ask him to manifest himself more through the fruit of the spirit. 

That old Satan has found a way to discredit the works of God using bad actors and copycat actors.  Works that once was contributed to, “an act of God” is now nothing more than, “The Power of Positive Thinking.”  Cancer that disappeared is now nothing more than a misdiagnose by the doctor.  The preacher who stands in the pulpit and speaks with great authority, “God if you will heal them and give them the desire of their hearts they will they will forever be pleased, and serve you all of their days.”  In the language of the street, this is “pimping God.” 

A minister once planned to perform the miracle of walking on the water at an outdoor baptism.  He spent many hours in the dark of the night setting up the props while being observed by a local moonshiner.  When he was satisfied with his setup, he left the area and the moonshiner tampered with the setup.  The next day, in the heat of his fiery message, he began to rise from the water as he careful navigated the steps that were hidden from everyone’s view.  As soon as he set foot on the Plexiglas stage, the whole thing came crashing down.  Quick thinking and action by the Deacon Brothers saved the minister from a watery grave.  Is this what God is all about? 

There are many testimonies of how God healed a headache, is this an accurate representation of God at work?  The use of television to perpetrate fraud in God name was enough to cause God to turn his head.  Church services are not complete without asking God to heal someone.  Many times, the same person who stood last Sunday is standing this Sunday.  How do we interpret the healing virtue of God?  Jesus performed miracles, but he did not stand on the mountain and ask the Father to heal the world.   Does serving God come with the expectation of healing?  Are we guilty of abusing the word and power of God?  Have we made a joke of our Father’s purpose?  These are questions we should ask God through prayer and contemplation, and not be a shame to testify of the answers.

When I was a young boy, a preacher came to town.  He had a different style of preaching.  We called him a teacher because he did not whoop and holler.  He asked for and received permission to conduct revival services in the local churches.  This young man taught the scripture like none here had heard it taught.  He would conduct healing services where he would lay hands on people and pray for them.  Many people received their healing, and because of the wonders God worked thru him, many people were converted.  Thus began the proliferation of the ‘laying on of hands’ ministry.  If I could speak of God as a mortal, I would say it was confusing to him at the number of people asking him to do this and that and did not believe in what they were asking.  Some perpetrated fraud in Jesus’ name by selling handkerchiefs and the use of bloody chicken parts.  I can now understand what Jesus meant when said, “You call me Lord, but you do not the things I say.”  “You honor me with your lips, but your Heart is far from me.”  There are those who talk about God but they do not know God.  

A Sister in a local church testified that she had laid hands on a dead person and the dead person came back alive.  We never saw or heard from the person, but the church community was impressed.  She began to conduct prayer services in people’s homes, and soon she had a great number of women following her.  They called themselves God’s Prayer Warriors and she was their leader.  One by one, these women began to testify of how God had worked a miracle thru them and raised a person from the dead.  Again, there was no confirmation of these miracles, only a testimony that evoked an awed response within the local churches and communities.  These were Godly women and nobody was going to call them liars.

Continued in part #3

Monday, February 1, 2016


Thank God and thank you our last seminar was a rousing success.  Over the last two years, with the publication of the book, Understanding The Word of God has truly become a national and international ministry.   According to Google stats, international readership of our blog often exceeds the national level.  Book sales have been phenomenal.  The book focuses on the message preached by Jesus and his disciples.   There is no call for the sowing of seeds and reaping prosperity.  This ministry is a labor of love for the word of God.  There is no promise of earthly fame and glory.  Understanding the word of God focus on the coming of the "Kingdom of God".   We will be posting a national tour schedule shortly and if you are in those areas you are invited to attend.   Locally, we will be conducting another  8-week  in-depth seminar on the book of Revelation, at the Kingdom and Glory Ministery, Maben, MS.  Set to began during the month of February, date, and times will be announced later.   Purchase of books and study material  is acceptable but not a requirement, only a desire to gain a deeper understanding of the Word of God.  Understanding The Word of God  can be purchased HERE.