Monday, June 20, 2016

Living In A Deteriorating Society, Part #2

 On SaleLuke 18:8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? 

The last part of this verse seems like an afterthought although many will disagree.  Jesus was using the unjust Judge as a teaching point, and he spoke of avenge his very elects.  Then he seems to wonder aloud if he would find faith on earth upon his return.  There is a teaching point in this verse, but it does not fit the narrative of the modern day church, the same as Jesus condemnation of the church in the book of Revelation. When Christ comes in his final judgment, there is a sense here that there will be few Christians on the earth, and that the wickedness will overrun the world.  This may be true, but it is not taught in our glorious sanctuaries because it fails to support the emerging agenda.  The faith of today has become polluted and is alien in nature compared to the faith Jesus taught his disciples.

 The word faith denotes the whole of religion, and it has been understood in this sense here.  The truth lies in whether there is a close connection in what Christ says in this verse, and what he said before. The truth that he had been teaching before making this comment was that God would deliver his people from their calamities and save them, though he suffered them to be tried.  It seems as if he was aware, without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit the suffering his followers would endure would be enough to turn many away from the faith.  The question he posed was when he came back to this earth would he find the faith, or a belief of this truth, among his followers? Would they be found persevering in prayer and believing that God would yet avenge them in the world to come; or would they cease to pray always, and faint?    

The concept of marriage is dying, and abortion is at an all-time high. The messengers of God have become proficient at raising money, and the community in which they exist are suffering.  Following after the money many churches in the Western world has allowed themselves to become pawns of the government.  The edict of the Holy Scripture is cast side as they scramble to adapt and promote the failing agenda of the government, ruling body or pastor.  The Word of God no longer influences simple things such as marriage and the sexuality of humanity.  The Holy Spirit is downgraded, whereas it once was our guide now only shows up and make us want to dance.  Salvation is a work in process; sin is justifiable, and the size of our offering determine our faith.  The world condition of today seems to indicate that Jesus was aware of the deteriorating state of society.

 A shooting occurred in a bar in Orlando Florida, At least 50 people were killed in what police are investigating as an act of terrorism. There were numerous reports of the patrons praying that they make it out safely. The headlines proclaimed the shooting at a gay bar was the worst case of domestic gun violence in the history of the United States.   Another headline that caught the attention of many was "Canada Legalizes Sex with Animals". Canada's Supreme Court has declared that most sex acts between people and animals are legal, as long as no penetration is involved, Slammed by animal rights groups it is label as a controversial bestiality ruling.  What an evil wicked generation full of the devil and on the road to hell was the respond of one writer. 

Schools are threatened with the loss of federal fund by the president and the justice department if they do not adhere to the transgender agenda.  A private issue of who can use what bathroom has become a hot political issue.  At least 13 states have filed a notice of taking legal action to stop the erosion of common sense. The International Olympic Committee will now allow transgender men to compete as women without reassignment surgery. This ruling is great news for adventurous male Olympic hopefuls: if they declare themselves women and reduce their testosterone below ten nmol/L for at least 12 months before the competition, they can compete against women. 

In Chicago, 64 people were shot during the Memorial Day weekend, From Friday evening to the end of Monday, 64 people was shot in this city of 2.7 million, six of them fatally. In a population made up of nearly equal numbers of whites, blacks, and Hispanics, 52 of the shooting victims are black, 11 Hispanic and one white. Eight are women, the rest men. Some 12 people were shot in their cars, 11 along city sidewalks, and at least four on home porches. The prevalence of evil is what the world is experiencing in its culture.  A society with no moral compass "cannot survive." The churches are failing to educate society about morality and moral issues, they have become caught up in the world of entertainment and are govern by the rules of such.  The gates to the sheepfold seem to be no longer guarded and the wolves have entered in the form of "pimp style" preachers proclaiming a motivation Gospel that is contrary to the Word of God.  

A man is charged in seven sexual assault cases in Houston; he also is the prime suspect in eight others since 2012, investigators said Monday.  He is accused of using either a knife or a gun to force women into his car and then taking them to secluded areas and sexually assaulting them, said a Houston, police officer. For nearly 2 thousand years the church has been working to transform the mentality of humanity.  

For nearly 2 thousand years the Devil has been working to change the mindset of the church.  The Devil has always sought to mimic God; he operates under the rule of opposites.  The same as God has a throne, the Devil has also established his throne.   There is the faith (religion) that is sanction by God, and there is the faith (religion) that is sanction by the Devil. The battle between good and evil manifested itself between Cain and Abel and proved its resilience in the battle between Esau and Jacob, a battle that will continue until the end of time.  

Revelation 2:13-14  I know your works and where you dwell, even where Satan's throne is: and you hold fast my name, and have not denied my faith, even in those days when Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwells. But I have a few things against you because you have there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, (the prophet for profit)  who taught Balak to cast a stumbling-block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.  

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Living In A Deteriorating Society, Part #1

When engaging in a discussion concerning sin, there are various truisms injected into the conversation that is supposed to be accepted as the Word of God.  Often these truisms are the product of shaped interpretations of scriptures out of context.  The ancient view of Christianity and salvation is cast aside by those who are in search of a new ideology.  The doctrine or concept of Salvation once was living a Holy life, free from sin, this is now of none effect, salvation is nothing but a work in progress.   Jesus speaking to the adulterous woman did not advise her to work on freeing herself from her sins; rather he told her to "go and sin no more."The justification of sin is that we all sin but some of us just sin differently, therefore sinning is acceptable because Christ died for our sins.  

The pastor of a 45,000 plus member church says God love everybody, regardless of the sin they commit. Those who says God love everybody, regardless of the sin they commit, confuses me. Where is it in the Holy Scriptures does it say that? I have often asked for documentation, but what I received were conjectures and suppositions. The God of the Old Testament expressed his hatred for those who sinned. Hosea 9:15 All their wickedness is in Gilgal: for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings, I will drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all their princes are revolters.

Malachi 1:2-3 I have loved you, saith the LORD. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? Saith the LORD: yet I loved Jacob, and I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Romans 9:13 as it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.  In these verses, we are privy to a type of discrimination and hatred that is unacceptable in today's society.

Supporting the law, a pastor of a Christian church in Washington State recently wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper in Spokane. In the pastor's reasoning, she stated that as Christians, we are called of God to love everyone, even transgender people, and discrimination is certainly not of God. She speaks of transgender as if God said he created male, female, transgender and others. Genesis 5:2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. Claiming anything else is adding to the Word of God.  

As a Christian, as a pastor or teacher how do you preach or teach about something that does not exist? Can a Sunday school teacher teach the "Theory of Evolution?" Not likely, because according to the bible, there is no "Theory of Evolution." What about the theory of gender identification, do it exist or is it a figment of a corrupted imagination? There is nothing in the Holy Scriptures that supports the existence of either of these theories, yet proclaimed messengers of God are scrambling to voice their support for that which does not exist. Either we believe in the Bible and teach the Bible, or it is nothing but an ancient Book that is the product of creative imagination.  

The Headlines of the media speaks to the changing and declining values of society. God-fearing nations are promoting values that are politically correct while excluding God from the matrix. What once began as an experiment in the protection of human rights have evolved into a cesspool of in-your-face stench that leaves many wondering how long before we self-destruct. Could the founding fathers of this nation in their innate wisdom foreseen a time that when the government became the presenter and protector of human rights. I do not believe they envision a nation whose courts would become the definer of marriage.

We are engaged in discussions seeking to determine when does life began. The president has become the decider of what bathroom we should use. The founding father declared that our Creator endowed us with certain inalienable rights. The problems began to manifest themselves when men lacking understanding began to define the meaning and intent of the founding fathers.

It is taboo to speak of the fear of God or God's hatred or even his wrath; God is made to seem as if He just loves playing with his children. We have redefined the attributes of God in such a manner that, "God is love" is indicative of a God, who spends his time showing his love for his creation.
1 John 4:7-8 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

Another truism that emerges when seeking to justify the sin question is, "We all are God children". This statement is not true, not everyone is His children’s, everyone is His creation, yes, but not His children’s. Jesus said to the Pharisees “you have Satan as your father and not God” (paraphrased) and that showed not everyone are His children’s. John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.

The same holds true in the household of faith. Defining the scripture in a manner that allows the justification of sin has become common among the messengers of God. Once sin is justified, the masses can come together in agreement that to sin is of no consequence. Whenever there is a discussion of sin, the first truism to emerge is that "God loves everybody". I am searching for that scripture that says, "God passionately loves us." Our indoctrination guides us into a belief that God loves us no matter what we do, is this ideology scripturally supported. I have often asked for clarification on this point only to no avail.

Homosexuality is nothing new, in Judges 19, we can see the depravity of the human mind even in Benjamin's tribe, and we can see how God deal with it. The next truism to emerge is, "God hate the sin but love the sinner", but in Ezekiel 18, God says something entirely different. God does not love the sinner because a person who lives in sin is one with the sin and God hates the sin and the person who do the sin. Somehow, we have contrived an unscriptural way to separate the sin from the individual, thus justifying our life as a sinner. God loves the sinner when the sinner rebukes his sin and decides to live a righteous life. We need to stop saying these wrong and deceitful things about God and his way of dealing with the sinner.

We need to read the Scripture more careful, and we will understand if we ask for and allow God to guide us. The pious prelate said, “Everyone sins and they are forgiven by the grace of Jesus.” Haven't we read that not every sin is forgiven?

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Are We Headed In The Right Direction?

Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death".  

2nd Timothy 3:1-5, (1) But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: (2) For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, (3) unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, (4) traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, (5) having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 

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Have you ever pulled over to the side of the road and pondered the direction you were heading?  Have you ever been lost and did not know you were lost?  Maybe, knowingly or unknowingly you simply miss your exit.  Traveling in unfamiliar territories, have you ever become confused? Oh yes, in the age of smartphones and GPS one would suppose that it is hard for a person to lose it way, but a dead battery, a lost signal or even unfamiliarity of the user can cause a driver to miss a turn and end up lost and confused.  Traveling in the wrong direction or missing a turn has not gone away even with the increase in reliance on advanced technology. An even stranger phenomenon exist among those who are proud in spirit,  they are traveling in the wrong direction but refusing to acknowledge it because to do so would require admitting they made a mistake.   I know that there are those who know what I am talking about, because I once drove in circles, rather than admit to my fellow travelers that, " I was lost."   

What direction are we headed is a self-check question.  This question is worthy of an answer, but there are those would prefer that a question of this nature never came to the "light of day."  Through the justification of our sins, we are quick to infer, "I know I am headed in the right direction."  As a nation of people of different ethnic backgrounds, different cities, and states, we are all headed in different directions.  Even the church, that singular body of Christ presents itself to the world as a divided body. Simple things such as the direction we are traveling are no longer worthy of debate; there are more important issues at stake.  As a nation, people and the church we are distracted by more important, but irrelevant issues.  Simple things that are not worthy of debate has torn the organized church and the world apart.  Our society is plunging swiftly into almost the total rebellion against God.  The question is, how much longer before the true God of the Bible began to intervene and shake this world to its senses?

We live in a world in which self-centeredness is being promoted to its greatest extent in human history. Appealing advertising hammers away at us to gratify ourselves: Why wait, why deny ourselves, why sacrifice, why not go along with everyone else? Constantly we hear, "Indulge yourself because you deserve it."  This world always appeals to moral and ethical standards lower than those of the great God and His way of life. In Technicolor with emotion-stirring music, Hollywood "sells" adultery and fornication as acceptable as long as the couple involved are attractive and somehow oppressed—thus "deserving" of a "better" relationship. 

In a society whose mere existences depend on the emergence of leaders, we are guilty of creating leaders or role models when there is no need.  Often the unqualified emerge and claim the role of leaders.  Those who are dissatisfied with their status are quick to embrace the antics of a fool.    Demonstrated in the Garden of Eden, The desire for self-improvement is the greatest weakness of humanity.   In the Garden, the Devil offered the representative of mankind the chance to be like God, and to this date, he has not rescinded the offer.   As an added incentive that old Devil offered Jesus all of the richness of the world.  The promise of financial blessing have now become, and intricate part of our Christian worship and God promises monetary awards if we type "Amen" on the social media.

In our American society, it is those who yell and scream and "want their own way" in promoting vile behaviors of every sort, and these are the ones who usually get their way.  Eventually, the silent majority will rebel against some of these outlandish requests and behaviors that are being promoted.   In the end, we will have unrest, riots, and a complete shattered society because humanity has turned totally away from God.  A phenomenon called road rage has dominated the natural and spiritual roadway, and we are traveling in the way that seems right to man. 

 The desire to be like God or the desire to be like "a god" is the result of subjective thinking.  Humanity has placed itself at the forefront of the agenda, personal perspectives, feelings, or opinions has entered the decision-making process.  Subjective thinking is struggling to eliminate objective thinking, the same as Cain slaying his brother Abel.  Christianity should place the values of God above the values of humanity.  Religion is about faith. Therefore, faith is subjective.  Religion is easily perverted by our personal belief system.

Doors are open that should have remained closed. The putrid smell emulating from these once hidden cesspools is a testimony that we are not moving forward.  History gives us many examples of people or nations that traveled down a road that led to destruction.  The desire for change is usually indicative of the beginning of destruction.    Many world leaders' desire for change led their nation or people down a road of destruction.  From the Roman Emperors, the Kings of England to leaders such as Hitler and Stalin, the road to change is paved with destruction.  What God did to the ancient city of Sodom and Gomorrah was to be an example to us today.  More and more politicians and liberal professing ministers are going along with the vile behaviors of the so-called communities of humanity. 

We are traveling today in a new direction, a direction that our emerging leaders have proclaimed to be the right way.  All of the sacred cows are being slaughtered and offered up on the altar of political correctness.  Doors are being thrown open, new ideologies are emerging, and God is not in the matrix. 

A type of unholy godliness has arisen; this godliness caters to the subjective nature of humanity.     It is different from that spoken of in the Word of God.  The leaders of our nations and churches have downplayed the importance of the one God concept and what has emerged is a more political correct God.  Even the Pope and Bishops are scrambling to realign their thinking to the acceptance of this new and multifaceted concept of God.   

More and more news emerge every day as to how our entire society is breaking down.  Our justice and educational system are becoming more and more corrupt as the attention is turned from the will of God to what bathroom certain people are supposed to use. Pointless arguments dominate the human agenda.  A great number of people are becoming discouraged with our political system, our so-called leaders and even our "religious system".  The people are being seduced into more and more vile behaviors as our society comes apart.  The Apostle Paul wrote about the early philosophers of the Roman Empire, who: "Professing to be wise, they became fools" (Roman 1:22).  Later he describes how: "For this reason, God gave them over to a debased mind" (Roman 1:26-28).

In the Old Testament Scriptures, death and destruction are synonymous. Therefore, the proverb infers that traveling down the wrong path or in the wrong direction even though it seems right is detrimental to one well-being. Faithlessness is rising to its peak because self-centeredness, the father of irresponsibility, is being promoted to its utmost. It is the spirit of this age, but we have cause to resist it by what God has offered us in His revelation. God-centeredness in our lives is the answer to faithlessness and irresponsibility. But God-centeredness is not cheap, and few are willing to pay the price: their lives!