After a three month habitat, I began this discourse in a confused state, it is not the confusion of dealing with my business associates or writer friends that shape my gloomy outlook, nor is it the gloomy breaking of daylight outside my office window, it is the confusion of humanity. The people of the world and the people of this nation now exist in a total confused state. Undeniably, this nation has become a sea of confusion. It is not necessary to establish a timeline when these changes began to occur, they began when we began systematically removing God from the equation, thus preparing the way for the advancement of (the) antichrist. Revelation 13:1 speaks of a new nation rising up out of the sea (confusion).
The world I once knew, the community and the social groups that I once was a part of have undergone drastic changes. Even the church was not immune to these changes. It is as if awakening from a beautiful, peaceful dream and realizing that reality is a cold, dark place. Instead of awakening from a nightmare, those of my generation and older often speak of this dilemma as having awakened to, or within a nightmare. We can no longer ignore the problems or questions by burying our heads in the sand or pretending the Elephant in the room do not exist. It is the time we face our own reality. How did we get to this point? Did we not train up our children in the way they should go? If so then why are we plagued with a godless generation whose intent is to destroy our Christian values? It is easy to cover ourselves with scriptures, plead the blood and proclaim, "God knows what he is doing." Are we contributing to the decline of Christian values by blaming God for our shortcoming?
If we look closely at the dilemma that we are in, at least two inconvenient truths will emerge. I use the word inconvenient truth because it can be hard to accept these truths. The first truth is the millennial generation that precedes us is a product of our own creation. The base of the second truth is as follows. "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest" (Matthew 9:37-38) Our generation has produced preachers, apostles, teachers, prophets and other workers of the harvest by many different names, more than any other generation. This being true, the question is where is the harvest. Instead of a harvest, God, church and Christian values have become toxic.
The cumulative effect of the past eight years has been a blatant attack on Christianity and Christian values. The attack on Christian values is the elephant in the room that is being overlooked by those who profess to teach the Word of God. If the attack on Christian values were to be acknowledged, many ministers who have sided with the losing party would lose their credibility. In this day of confusion, the ancient teaching of the Bible has been cast aside or reinterpreted to accommodate the sinful nature of humanity, and the ministers are saying Amen with cute cliches and shaped truths. Bible history and science confirms the effects of challenging God, the evidence presents itself when we trample through the relics of lost civilizations that were wiped from the face of the earth.
As I watched the twisting and shaping of the scripture that 30,000 plus different denominations can attest to, I was overcome with fear. Theis type of fear has allowed me to believe we are standing on the eve of destruction. In simplest terms, as pertaining to the United States I assumed that martial law would be declared, the elections would be set aside and a new and ungodly nation emerges. This worst-case scenario did not happen or did it happen in a way that I and many did not expect.
Even now as I watch the events unfolding, I am still convinced that America is the nucleus of the birth of this new and ungodly nation. The cauldron of hate that once was hidden or suppressed has been brought center stage, the fires are stoked and it constant stirring has caused it to overflow and infect the country and entire world. A one world government seems to be on the horizon. Whether history is repeating itself and whether we are in the first act or last act, the stage is set for an apocalyptical conclusion.
The world I once knew, the community and the social groups that I once was a part of have undergone drastic changes. Even the church was not immune to these changes. It is as if awakening from a beautiful, peaceful dream and realizing that reality is a cold, dark place. Instead of awakening from a nightmare, those of my generation and older often speak of this dilemma as having awakened to, or within a nightmare. We can no longer ignore the problems or questions by burying our heads in the sand or pretending the Elephant in the room do not exist. It is the time we face our own reality. How did we get to this point? Did we not train up our children in the way they should go? If so then why are we plagued with a godless generation whose intent is to destroy our Christian values? It is easy to cover ourselves with scriptures, plead the blood and proclaim, "God knows what he is doing." Are we contributing to the decline of Christian values by blaming God for our shortcoming?
If we look closely at the dilemma that we are in, at least two inconvenient truths will emerge. I use the word inconvenient truth because it can be hard to accept these truths. The first truth is the millennial generation that precedes us is a product of our own creation. The base of the second truth is as follows. "Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest" (Matthew 9:37-38) Our generation has produced preachers, apostles, teachers, prophets and other workers of the harvest by many different names, more than any other generation. This being true, the question is where is the harvest. Instead of a harvest, God, church and Christian values have become toxic.
The cumulative effect of the past eight years has been a blatant attack on Christianity and Christian values. The attack on Christian values is the elephant in the room that is being overlooked by those who profess to teach the Word of God. If the attack on Christian values were to be acknowledged, many ministers who have sided with the losing party would lose their credibility. In this day of confusion, the ancient teaching of the Bible has been cast aside or reinterpreted to accommodate the sinful nature of humanity, and the ministers are saying Amen with cute cliches and shaped truths. Bible history and science confirms the effects of challenging God, the evidence presents itself when we trample through the relics of lost civilizations that were wiped from the face of the earth.
There are biblical accounts of civilizations perishing and the reason given in the Holy Scripture. Sodom and Gomorrah, the flood, the threat on Nineveh is just to name a few. What happened to Africa, the birthplace of humanity? Consider Eygpt and all its great gods and even the Maya civilization. Why did a cloud of darkness descend over these along with other civilization, separating it people from their past? Many of these civilizations demonstrated a technology for surpassing that of today. There seem to be dark clouds rising.
The Hypocrisy of Christianity manifests itself as a religion that seeks compromise with other religions.
Even now as I watch the events unfolding, I am still convinced that America is the nucleus of the birth of this new and ungodly nation. The cauldron of hate that once was hidden or suppressed has been brought center stage, the fires are stoked and it constant stirring has caused it to overflow and infect the country and entire world. A one world government seems to be on the horizon. Whether history is repeating itself and whether we are in the first act or last act, the stage is set for an apocalyptical conclusion.
In my study of the Book of Revelation, there were numerous inconvenient truths uncovered. Revelation is a book about the vengeance of heaven. Ignorance of God is naturally accompanied by vice and crime, filling the nations and communities with violence and bloodshed, and making it ripe for the vengeance of heaven. (Hosea 4:6) To mask these truths it is necessary that the interpretation of this book follow certain guidelines (denominational and politically correctness). These guidelines often inject variables into the book that renders it incoherent. This technique discredits the book of Revelation as well as the entire Bible. Here again, tampering with the Holy Scripture is a reality that most are not prepared to acknowledge. If we consider the numerous interpretations and revisions, we should be able to draw a conclusion as to what has and is taking place.
Never in my lifetime has the attack on Christian values been so intense. Many failed to see the shift in the battle and belief structure as a "man of color" took the helm of a nation that once was proud to proclaim it a Christian nation. A change was what he proposed and he soon issued a proclamation that America was not a Christian nation. The institutions of old that made this country what it is, though not perfect, suddenly came under attack. Those who shared his ethnic background or views accepted much of what he proposed. To implement changes, the empowerment of dredge elements was used solidified a campaign of shaming and hatred directed at anyone who did not agree with the emerging agenda. The enactment of laws that in theory was supposed to eliminate hate created an environment that allowed hate to thrive.
Once these laws were enactment, sermons, certain verses in the Bible and the teaching of Christian values were subject to intense scrutiny. Appling the hate speech label indiscriminately became the focus of the newly enlightens. For protection, the church scrambled to change, even the ancient focus and direction of Christianity. Subjected to reinterpretation the Word of God the church was able to embrace new and alien concepts. To implement changes pagan values were intermixed with Christian values thereby forming an unholy union.
We can use Biblical and secular history to document the effect of mixing pagan values with Christian values. Once our values shift, the warnings of old tend to go unheeded. The Roman Empire became weak and floundered when its values shifted to include Christian values mixed with Pagan values. Christian values do not mix with pagan or worldly valued. Christianity seeks to impress upon the individual or church the need to form a wall of separation from the world. "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you," (2 Corinthians 6:17)
Once these laws were enactment, sermons, certain verses in the Bible and the teaching of Christian values were subject to intense scrutiny. Appling the hate speech label indiscriminately became the focus of the newly enlightens. For protection, the church scrambled to change, even the ancient focus and direction of Christianity. Subjected to reinterpretation the Word of God the church was able to embrace new and alien concepts. To implement changes pagan values were intermixed with Christian values thereby forming an unholy union.
We can use Biblical and secular history to document the effect of mixing pagan values with Christian values. Once our values shift, the warnings of old tend to go unheeded. The Roman Empire became weak and floundered when its values shifted to include Christian values mixed with Pagan values. Christian values do not mix with pagan or worldly valued. Christianity seeks to impress upon the individual or church the need to form a wall of separation from the world. "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you," (2 Corinthians 6:17)