Sunday, April 26, 2020

A World With God (Part ll)

A World Without God, (Antichrist)

The transformation of the world is taken place.   A New World Order of biblical proportion seems to be emerging but the events that announce its arrival are deflected by our hate, our indifference, or a lack of knowledge and this has left many confused.  The world as we once knew it will never be the same.   The Left Behind Movie series seems more like a prophecy unfolding rather than an entertainment fete.   The stage has been set, and what very well could be defined as the mark of the beast is being tested. 

As far back as I can remember I was told 'The Antichrist' was coming.  I later learned that this was a distraction because the focus was placed on a dark moment in the future when a person, known as the 'The Antichrist' would suddenly appear.  The appearance of this antichrist would signal an all-out battle against the follows of Christ.  The justification of sin would become a political issue, churches would be close, and calling upon the name of Jesus would be taboo.  There is truth in this and many other statements attributed to the coming of the antichrist, but the presentation is often a distraction because the Antichrist is spiritual and its presents have been among humanity ever since God created man and its works have been to bring about a world transformation, a world without God.

Distractions is a magicians trick, it allows events to proceed without our knowledge.  The word antichrist, as first used by John referenced those who were opposed to the teaching of Christ.  In this sense, it did not refer to just one individual it references a group of individuals.  There is the Spirit of Christ, which is Holy and there is the Spirit of Antichrist which is of the Devil.   Within the 21 century, the spirit of antichrist has grown exponentially. Its infectious nature has fanned the embers of hate that exists within our hearts, causing them to burst into flame, consuming our homelives, our communities, and spread to the most powerful seats of governments.  While many are still looking for the coming of 'The Antichrist' and clamoring for the blessing of God, the world is been transformed by the spirit of antichrist.  

John, the author of the word said there were many already in his time.   Even today there are many who have the spirit of the antichrist; unbelievers, heretics, and persecutors, even bearers of false witness.  In  1st John 2:18; 4:3. They were characterized by the denial of the Father and the Son, and of Christ's coming in the flesh, 1st John 2:22; 4:3. But the apostles and early Christians seem to have looked forward to one great antichrist, who should precede the second coming of our Lord, and whom Paul calls "the man of sin, the son of perdition," 2nd Thessalonians 2:3. To this passage, John alludes, 1st John 2:18. Bible students agree that antichrist denotes an organized body of men, perpetuated from age to age, opposed to Christ, and which he will destroy, Revelation 11:1-19; 13:1-18; 17:1-18.

Revelation 13:1-2, "And I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.  A one-world government is a biblical reality. 

The second greatest war in the history of the universe is being waged today. World war I and world war II pale in comparison to the war that is being conducted. The very first war of this magnitude took place in the unlikeliest place. The Bible tells us that “there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.” Revelation 12:7-8. War in Heaven?  How did this war begin and what was it about? The answer to these questions reveals the true reason behind the unrest plaguing the world today.  The battle is spiritual and the soul of man is at stake.  

The prophet Ezekiel gives us insight into this first war and Satan’s rebellion against God. Lucifer, described as “the anointed cherub that covers”, was “perfect” when he was created until hate “iniquity was found” in him. Ezekiel 28:14-15. The high position of covering cherub (or angel) reveals much about Lucifer’s rebellion. In Luke 10:18 Jesus says, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”  The end result being the Devil was cast out upon the earth, long before the events portrayed in Geneses 1:2.  The devil has had plenty of time to lick his wounds and plot his revenge.  This first battle took place more than six thousand years ago.  

For a moment imagine the traumatic effect of the devil being cast out of heaven and striking the earth, like a bolt of lightning. The effect could easily be portrayed in  Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. "    

From the early days of creation, the devil has sought to circumvent or change the word of God.   Skilled in the art of obfuscation he seeks out those whose faith is wavering, they are easily persuaded to follow the most popular path.  The same as with Eve in the garden of Eden, many of the frontline soldiers are confused by his rhetoric, distracted by the media many have accepted a sideline position of "standstill and let God work it out."  The common association of both of these wars is hate.  hate the country, hate the president as if we have the power and authority to do something better.  It troubles many of us when proclaimed messengers of God will use their influence to promote political agendas and messages of hate, this hate serves no purpose other than to add to the confusion that has encompassed the world. There is a spiritual battle of biblical proportions taking place and the question is are God's soldiers prepared to engage in spiritual warfare, or are we standing on the sideline clamoring for party favors? 

In Psalm 2, David reflects upon a time before the Second Coming Of Christ when all the nations of the world will consolidate into one worldwide government.  The hidden agenda of this unholy alliance will be to fight against the prophecies of God.  Hitler's approach was to annihilate the Jews, thus changing the prophecies.  If the Jews were annihilated Christ would have no reason to return.  

Not once in recorded history has the world been brought together into any sort of international unity, not World War I, World War II, not even the United Nations, until now, hyped by the media, The coronavirus is the culprit. This so-called pandemic, or is it, has the attention of every world government working together in a common cause to fight against this dangerous threat as fear and economic downturns decimate what once was a thriving economy.  The Bible says that the horned goat (Daniel 8), the beast (Revelation 13:1, Revelation 17:8-24) will do it. The Antichrist will set up a one-world government.  The truth is, our world may actually be getting ready for a one-world government. The pieces are falling into place faster than before.   

Not long ago a man visited the White House to promote his nano-vaccine. This man is standing at the gate ready to inject every living person worldwide with a cure and a microchip. Worldwide laws are being considered, without this vaccine, you will not be able to leave your house to buy or sell. Whether this signifies the biblical mark of the beast or not, this chip fits all of the characteristics. You must accept the vaccine or be prepared to die. The world will never be the same. 

This is a time of judgment. The belief that God is going to fix the problems of this world is something that I have a hard time accepting, this is MY belief and I base it upon MY knowledge of the book of Revelation. Revelation declares Judgment has been decreed. Regardless of our belief if we look at what is going on in the world today and compare it with the biblical prophecies we ought to be concerned. I would have preferred to use the word afraid, but we have explained away the fear of God.  At least we should be expecting these things to happen. In Revelation 13:1 John prophecied, "..a beast rising up out of the sea." The word beast signifies a nation, a new nation. The word "sea" is indicative of a world-wide state of hate and confusion. This new nation will be the antichrist, controlled by the demons of darkness, and as once before, darkness will be upon the face of the deep. This will be the devil's grand scheme to replicate the conditions that existed in Genesis and claim the earth as his prize.  

Genesis 1:2-3 And the earth were without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.  I think it is time we become concerned about a new Heaven and a new earth. I know everybody wants to go to Heaven but we don't want to die.

Too many of our so-called Christians are fighting against the president and blaming him for a virus that was created and deployed by powerful entities for the purpose of ushering in a one-world government. This is biblical. America, with all of the imperfections of humanity the same as all of us, has always stood in the gap for the oppressed. It was America who led the battle to outlaw the cruel practice of worldwide slavery. It was America who stood with the fledging nation of Isreal and allowed them to fulfilled the ancient prophecies, and God blessed America. Like a Moses type who grew weary of seeing his brothers oppressed, choose to stand with his brothers against the oppressor. When he chose to intercede between a rift between the brothers, the question of who made you a ruler or overseer over us rang out.  To be continued...

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A World Without God

Revelation 13

On Easter Sunday morning I sat in my office staring out of the window into the darkness. The lightning was flashing and booming thunder shook the house and rolled across the darkening landscape.  The surreal sounds of thunder mixed with the sound of wind and raindrops set a scene that could be described as terrifying, it was reminiscent of a loving parent scolding his child.  It seems as if the heavens were angry, I eagerly await the relief of the first light.  There is a strangeness throughout the land, Things are happening that have never happened before.   
For a moment I closed my eyes and tried to visualize what a world without God would look like.  That didn't work too well.  Have you ever tried to visualize a country, even a world where churches are closed down and the police are raiding church services, on the day set aside to celebrate the resurrection of Christ?  It is mind-blogging.   Many of us don't remember when our president said, America is no longer a Christian nation and set about to establish laws that were contrary to the word of God.  Next on the horizon, a presidential candidate implied that the church must change its views on many issues in order to remain a relevant entity in a modernist society?   Do you remember when the world rejoiced and the church said, "Amen?"  

Now take a close look at us, and the world.  We are a confused entity, consumed by media-driven hatred.  Hate is infectious and any attempt to expose it causes it to grow, leave it alone and it withers and dies.  We hate our country, we hate our president, we hate each other if they don't think the same as we do.   The world, not just this country is being driven by a hate-filled agenda that many refuse to acknowledge.  We have empowered our youth in the name of freedom of expression to deny the existence of God, and by example, we have taught them to hate.  Now look at us, do this look like a world where the love of God is abounding?  Maybe the wrath of God is upon us and we are running to and fro trying to hide from the wrath that has befallen us.  Is this the change that we bargain for?  

Trying to visualize a world without God goes against the teaching of many Christians because we are indoctrinated into a belief or concept that God is everywhere and he is always present.   Believing this gives Christianity a type of balance that allows us to believe that God is always working things out even while we are asleep.  Without this belief, we would be adrift in a sea of confusion, lost and alone, desperately searching for something to hold on to.  Yet, even with this assurance, there are moments in our life when we are forced to entertain the question of, "where is God."   The question of where is God during this pandemic should cause us to pause and rethink our relationship and position.

Whenever there is a school shooting, where young children are killed, the media becomes fascinated with the cries of grieving parents.  Wealthy and influential pastors, prophets and preachers take to the airways and podiums across the nation and the world in a vain attempt to explain where God was in the midst of the tragedy.  Many of them do more damage than good.  For that reason, I use the word vain because many God-fearing Christians are left wondering, but are ashamed to ask because of our indoctrination.  The influential ministers have stated that it is a sin to question God and God always knows what he is doing.  

There are those who feel empowered by what is described as the failure of God to act, use they use this platform to promote their idealogy that God is an irrelevant and impotent entity in a modernistic society.  There was a time when if a person or group choose to stand against God judgment was swift.  God often displayed his anger and brought judgment upon his chosen people. Man inability to adhere to the word of God 

A cloud of doubt began to emerge as bad actors stepped forward whose objective was power.  The church began to evolve as a business, each one promoting his own brand of salvation, competing against each other.  Somewhere between the meetings, the pomp and the pageantry God became an irrelevant standing at the door knocking.  "Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me," Revelation 3:20.  With the number of churches springing up it soon became an irreconcilable fact, "God did not need these so-called churches.        

Over a year ago I prided myself as being a religious blogger and published author of more than eight books on the subject of searching for God, The understanding of the Word of the Bible, the justification of sin and the evolution of church.  My latest work was to be an in-depth study of the Book of Revelation.   Suddenly,  I ceased to function in that capacity, I entered a self-imposed habitat.  A number of my readers contacted me wanting to know why I stopped writing and posting to the International Bible Study Group, a group that I once headed up.  In a rambling sort of manner, I tried but I failed to provide a coherent answer that was satisfactory to me and my readers.   

After the publication of the first chapters of my in-depth study of the book of Revelation, "The Five Judgments" I realized that my study of the book of Revelation had evolved into a "soapbox type" type of message and was used by prophets, preachers, and pundits to gain attention and to promote an alien agenda.  In the middle of my study of Revelation, my belief and faith in God grew exponentially while my faith in modern-day religion was shattered.  Like Jonah and many other Biblical figures knowing can be a curse.  Standing as John stood, in Revelation 1:1, I was able to see the world, the Church and the people changing in such a manner that was frightening.

Revelation 13:1  
And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.
And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.
And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.
What is that noise that many are hearing? Are the trumpets of Revelation sounding? We could just explain it all away, but there are many of us who believe the Trumpets mention in the Book of Revelation is sounding around the world. These sounds alone can be dismissed, but together with the earthquakes in uncommon places, same with tornadoes, snowstorms in the desert and cities, floods here, droughts there, uncontrollable fires, pestilences and volcanoes everywhere, and these strange sounds on top of that, you have too many variables hitting the mark at the same time. 

Revelation 8:13 And I beheld and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound! 

And just like that the world as we know it shut down, church doors closed

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