Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Selling Of The Christ, Part #1

 It started some years ago; the preacher realized that the core job was to sell Jesus Christ to the masses. There was nothing wrong with this concept at first, but then came the shaping and reshaping of the message.  Jesus said, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me.”(KJV) He or she envisioned themselves as a salesman for God. They enshrined that the message must be attractive and it must offer the masses something tangible.  A message about the pie in the sky by-and-by was not attractive enough to draw the massive crowds need to support or increase the bottom line of the growing churches. Preachers, Pastors and Teachers had to learn how to be successful living of God’s churches. God’s churches were now becoming a business.  A business must offer a product or service or it will go out of business.  Thus began the reshaping of the message of Jesus Christ.  To reshape the message you must find a scripture, take it out of context if necessary and apply it to the model that you are constructing.  Jesus said, “I came that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly.”  This statement became the cornerstone for many messages of prosperity. 

     What message did Jesus preach on how to boost your earning or status in the natural world?  Jesus messages always placed the focus on spiritual things.  We must be careful not to err when we attempt to apply his message to natural life.  His message was not about the kingdom of men, which is natural. His message was always about the Kingdom of God which exists in the spiritual realm.  The first spiritual then natural concepts have allowed many to inject their personal or denominational interpretation of the scripture.

God had already blessed mankind in the book of Geneses with the blessing of prosperity.  To make churches services more attractive the promise of prosperity was injected into the message.  People could grasp the prosperity issue better than they could the pie-in-the-sky-bye-and-bye concept. 

      Jesus did not come to address the prosperity issue; he came to address the decaying spiritual nature of man.  He came to warn us to repent for the kingdom of heaven was at hand.  When asked to address natural issues, he had very few words.  Render unto Caesar the things of Caesar, and unto God the thing of God. It is not that what goes into a man that defiles a man.  He explained the ‘seek’ in Matthew 7:7 as, Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and all things will be added.  When Jesus was speaking these words, he referred to the lilacs of the field and the birds of the air, which neither toil nor sow and the heavenly Father takes care of them.  He has provided everything needed for the grass, lilacs and the birds to survive.  He did the same thing for mankind.  God has already provided everything mankind needs to be prosperous.  Not only did he provide man with everything he needed to survive, he blessed him with a spirit of prosperity. (Gen1:28) We need to get up off our hind part and take advantage of the blessing that God has already blessed us with.  Again consider the fowls of the air, if they sit in the tree and refused to fly around and get the food that God has already provided them, they will starve.

     I take no issue with a pastor or church teaching people how be prosperous.  It is a needed service, so are many other community services. It is when we forget the message of Luke 13:1-10, unless you repent, you all shall likewise perish.

     I talked to a young lady, who had lived a high profile life and was now having trouble finding a husband.  She had been married several times, and each one was not what she was looking for.  A preacher told her to turn from her sins and start going to church and God would provide her a husband.  He used the most misunderstood statement in the Bible.  The Bible said, “Ask and it shall be given, Seek and ye shall find, Knock and the door shall be open unto you.”  If there were such a thing as a greater sin I wonder who would be guilty of it.  When she failed to find a husband she began to lose her faith. The message that was given her caused her to lose faith in the word of God.  Then there is the question of ‘if’ it existed at the time of her so-called conversation.  She attended church, worked in the church and paid her money, but she did not get what she came looking for. 

     Many young, educated people have failed to grasp the relevancy of Christianity in modern day living because the message has been presented to them by self motivated messengers who did not take the time to get the message right.  The self motivated preacher realized that the masses was running to and fro seeking and/or enjoying prosperity, and Jesus did say, “Ask and it shall be given.”  Now the message is taking shape, if you want prosperity you must ask God for it.  For God to grant your request you must be in the right frame of mine.  Now comes the sucker punch, Jesus said, “It is more blessing to give than it is to receive.”  Now we have the basis for a beautiful message, “Getting what you want from God.”  The smart Preacher or Teacher that can develop this message and presentation in a forceful manner, with the hooping and hollowing in the right place.  They can attract a crowd from miles around.  The key to getting is giving and everybody wants to be in on the getting.   Somewhere in the process of enjoying God’s blessings and getting our praise on the message of Jesus is forgotten.  The reason God said, “let us make man” has also been forgotten.

The younger generation sees the Rap Star, the Athlete, the drug pusher and just the plain old hard working sinner who doesn’t attend church and they are prosperous.  These observations provide the fuel for the religious disconnect. The The church tries to match the pleasures of the world by telling you that God wants you to have all of these things. To achieve all of the benefits of the natural world all you got to do is pray.

Christians are being taught that the mission or purpose for man is to praise and worship God.  Have you ever considered how purposely it would be for God to create man for the purpose of praising and worshiping him?  This would make our Heavenly Father seems like an egotistical maniac. This is far from the truth.  Praising and worshiping God is something we should do because God is the one and only God and because of the covenant that he has made with us.  We should praise and worship God because of what he has already done for us. We should praise and worship God because we fear him. To approach God with our hands outstretched in a gimmie position is not an act of respect or reverence.   Seems more like the action of spoiled brats who want everything they can get their hands on.  Somewhere in all of this there is a mission or message that is being overlooked.

     What is the message being presented to our young people?  What is the message of Christianity? What is the message of the churches?  What good is a message without a mission? What were the message and mission of Jesus Christ?  
     Was it necessary for Christ to come and die on the cross so that we could have stuff?  God forbid that he should die so I could ride in a new car.  Did the father send his son so ministers and pastors could strut around like stuffed peacocks, adorned with Gold and Silver and living of Gods people? As one lady remarked after returning from a national meeting, “It is getting harder to tell the preachers from the pimps.”

 There was a time when the churches raised an offering for a visiting minister.  Now we raise offerings for ministers who don’t have the time to visit.   Many churches are coerced into supporting meeting and organizations that have no benefit to the community or church.  The only benefit is derived by the ones who are conducting the meetings.  I suppose there are those who say a Sheppard is suppose to fleece his flock. 

     If God were to answer all of our requests, then all Christians would be rich and all sinners would be poor. Christians would live forever and sinners would die.  Sinners would look at the Christians and say. “That's what I want to be.”  Soon there would be no sinners. The churches would be full of people serving and praising God for the stuff that they were getting, and not because they loved God. 

     Serving God for his richness is the wrong reason. Can a rich man find true love in a community of poor people? 

The pastors of many churches have done their homework; they know what it takes to pack a church. A beautiful message of prosperity, a television camera, a movie or recording star, and an expression of financial success will fill any house.  The title is important to; it is no longer fashionable to be called a Minister, Pastor or Reverend.   Apostle, the Superintendent or Bishop tend to evoke more respect.  To be successful the title must indicate that you are elevated above your peers.

     On any given Sunday thousands of people nationwide will pack football stadiums to be entertained.  They will pay their dues for a good seat and the weather is not a factor into the decision to attend and be entertained.  They do not expect anything tangible in return; they just want to be entertained and made to feel good.