Friday, June 21, 2013

The Church and the Kingdom, Part #2


     As we have seen, the Church is not an "Organization" but an "Organism." Therefore it is not a "Social Club," organized and supported solely for the benefit of its members or its pastor. Neither is it a "Place of Amusement"  or "Place of Entertainment" to pander to the carnal nature of man. Nor is it a "House of Merchandise" for the sale of "Indulgences," or other commodities, whereby the money of the ungodly can be secured to save the penurious church members a little self sacrifice. Neither is it a "Reform Bureau" to save the "bodies" of men. The reformation of men is very commendable, as are all forms of "Social Service," but that is not the work or mission of the Church. The world was just as full, if not fuller, of the evils that afflict society today, in the days of Christ, but He never, nor did the Apostles, organize any reform agencies. All the great philanthropic and civilizing agencies of the world are "By-Products" of Christianity. We are told in Ac 5:15, that the people laid their sick in the streets that the "Shadow of Peter" might fall upon them and heal them. But if Peter had spent his time "casting shadows," and neglected his Apostolic work of trying to save the "SOULS" of men, his shadow would have lost its power. Jesus knew that the source of all the evils in the world is SIN, and that the only way to eradicate sin is to Regenerate the Human Heart, and so He gave the GOSPEL, and the "Mission" of the Church is to carry this Gospel to the world. "EVANGELISM," not "Social Service," is the "Mission" of the Church. Mr 16:15-16.
     The great mistake the Church has made is in appropriating to herself in this Dispensation the promises of earthly conquest and glory which belong exclusively to Israel in the "Millennial Age." As soon as the Church enters into an "Alliance with the World," and seeks the help of Parliaments, Congresses, Legislatures, Federations and Reform Societies, largely made up of ungodly men and women, she loses her spiritual power and becomes helpless as a redeeming force.
     When the Church is complete it is to be "caught out" at the First or "Rapture Stage" of Christ's Second Coming. 1Th 4:13-17. After the Rapture the Church is to be judged. Not for sin, but for works. Then comes--


The "Marriage" of the Church is prophetically referred to by Jesus in the Parable of the "Marriage of the King's Son" (Mt 22:1-14), and is consummated in Re 19:7-9--
     "Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to Him; for the `Marriage of the Lamb' is come, and His wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white; for the fine linen is the righteousness of Saints. And he saith unto me, write Blessed are they which are called unto the MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB."
     Notice that it does not say the "Marriage of the Bride," but the "Marriage of the LAMB." That grand event will be not so much the consummation of the hopes of the Bride, as it will be the consummation of the plan of God for His Son, arranged for before the foundation of the World. Eph 1:4. The "Marriage of the Lamb" is the consummation of the joy of Christ as a MAN. It would not have been possible if Christ had not been born in the flesh. Otherwise it would have been the union of "dissimilar natures" for the "Bride" is of "human origin." This is why Jesus took His "human nature" back with Him to Heaven, and today we have in Heaven the MAN Christ Jesus. 1Ti 2:5.
     While the "Bride" was chosen for Christ "before the foundation of the world," the "espousal" could not take place until Christ assumed humanity and ascended to Heaven as the Man Christ Jesus. There have been many long betrothals, but Christ's has been the longest on record. He has been waiting for His Bride nearly 2000 years, but He will not have to wait much longer. Soon Heaven shall resound with the cry--
"Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to Him, for the Marriage of the Lamb is Come." Re 19:7.
     There have been many royal weddings of international interest, where the invited guests and spectators witnessed a spectacle magnificent in its appointments, and rejoiced in a union that bound together different nations. But the wedding of the Lamb and His Bride the Church will surpass them all, for it shall unite Heaven and Earth in a bond that shall never be broken, for what God (the Father) shall join together, no man shall ever put asunder, and that union no divorce shall ever break.

Continued in Part #3

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