1. Subjects-- The
2. Tune-- During the
Renovation of the Earth by Fire.
3. Place-- Before
"The Great White Throne."
4. Basis of
Judgment-- Their "Works."
5. Result-- Cast
Into the "Lake of Fire."
This judgment is
The account of it is
given in Re 20:11-15. It will take place at the close of the Millennium a 1000
years after the judgment of the Nations, and before the "Great White
Throne." The "Great White Throne" will not be on the earth, for
the "Great White Throne Judgment" will take place during the
renovation of the earth by fire, for the "renovation" of this Earth
is reserved or kept until the time of that judgment, which Peter calls
"The Day of Judgment and Perdition of Ungodly Men" (2Pe 3:7), because
the judgment of the "Great White Throne" is the judgment of the
wicked dead.
All the Righteous
dead will arise at the First Resurrection. If any Righteous die between the
First Resurrection and the Resurrection of the "wicked" or Second
Resurrection, they will rise with the wicked dead at that Resurrection. The
words-- "Whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life" (vs.
15), imply that there will be "some," probably very few, Righteous at
the Second Resurrection.
At the close of the
Millennium and just before the renovation of the earth by fire, the living
Righteous will probably be translated, and the living Wicked or Ungodly will be
destroyed in the flames that will consume the earth's atmosphere and exterior surface.
The Wicked or
Ungodly will not be judged to see whether they are entitled to Eternal Life,
but to ascertain the "degree" of their punishment. The sad feature of
this judgment will be that there will be many kind and lovable people there who
were not saved, and who will be classed among the "ungodly" because
they rejected Christ as a Savior. The "Books" will be opened in which
the "Recording Angel" has kept a record of every person's life, and
they will be judged every man according to his "works." Some will be
sentenced to a more severe punishment than others, but none will escape. The
worst of all is, that those who were not so bad must spend eternity with the
ungodly, and that in the "Lake of Fire." Their punishment includes
the second death, which means that they shall lose their resurrection bodies,
in which they were judged, and become "disembodied spirits" again,
and so exist in the "Lake of Fire" FOREVER.
The "Fallen
Angels" (not the Devil's angels), who are "reserved in everlasting
chains under darkness," will be judged at this time, which Jude calls the
judgment of the "Great Day." Jude 1:6.
When I first
presented this study on the Five Judgements I was ridiculed and looked upon as
if I was trying to change the Bible. The
idea of the Five Judgments is nothing new, they were first written about in “Rightly
Dividing the Word”, by Clarence Larkin, in 1920 and other in-depth studies that followed.
It is easy to
present the “Judgment Day is coming” concept because it requires little study. When questions or complications arises it is
easy to shed them off by saying there is much about the Word of God that we
don’t understand. The use of such phrases
as, “it is right because the Bible says it is right or it’s right because I got
the word of God in my mouth”, has allowed the gate to stand open, wolves have came
in and the Gospel is being perverted.
By allowing the
Bible to speak rather than trying to explain what was meant to be said allows
one to grasp a deeper understanding of God word. If I try to combine the incidents of judgment
or those that are judged, I would end up with a homogenized form of the Gospel
that was unbelievable to many and could only be sustained thru hypnosis and
conjectures, tainted by denominational or personal belief.
Understanding the
Word of God is no more complicated than understanding Algebra or or any other
subject of study. To excel in any field requires
constant study. Paul stated in 2 Timothy
2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto
God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of
truth. Modern high-tech society is based
upon questions and answers. As each
question is answered another follows
Another point of study. In this study there is use of the word Millennium that reference a thousand years. Now all judgments take place in the presence of God. In 2 Peter 3:8 he attempted to put things in the proper perspective when he said, "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
A common cliché is,
“ there are things within the Bible that we will never understand.” If this is true then why did the Word of God
tell us about them? Is that just an excuse
for our inability to study? If there is something
we don’t understand, shouldn’t we find someone that can help us understand?
Tell me about the Kingdom
of Heaven, Matthew 25:1 Then shall the
Kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went
forth to meet the bridegroom. Thru extrapolation
we can conclude that the journey was not easy, we know it was long and into the
dangerous night. Traveling by night was a
dangerous undertaking in cities without light.
There was a certain amount of fear because
they took their lamps, not for others to see but for their own use. The fool was not prepared for the journey. They all suffered the but the message of Jesus
in the book of Revelation 2:10 “Fear
none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some
of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten
days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”
Your comments and questions are welcome