Saturday, July 20, 2013

A Study of The Book of Revelation, Part #10

Jesus Message to the Church at Smyrna

Lesson scripture Revelation 2:8-11


As we read the 2nd chapter of Revelation the 8-11 verse, I want you to visualize yourself a member of the church of Smyrna, you are with the assembly and you are aware of your condition, and you are listening to a message from God.  What are the message you hearing from the angel of the church, the pastor, the teacher, or the missionaries?

Many times, as I listen to those who expound the word of God I find myself wondering what did Jesus preach and teach.  Then more I study the Book of Revelation the more I understand the message of Jesus Christ.   I am convinced that if we studied the book of Revelation, Jesus message to the churches, we would get a deeper understanding of the Word of God.  This is an extrended lecture and I want to compare the messages that Jesus sent to the seven representative churches in Asia, The churches that lost their candle stand, with the message that is being delivered to the churches today.  If we can understand Jesus message to the churches, then maybe we can understand why the churches of today are in danger of losing their light (drawing power) in today’s society.   

In Revelation 2:5, Jesus said, “Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.”

Revelation 2:8-11, “And unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write; these things
the first and the last, who was dead, and is alive; I know your works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but you are rich) and I know the blasphemy of them who say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which you will suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that you may be tried; and you shall have tribulation ten days: be faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life. He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches; He that overcomes shall not be hurt of the second death.”

The representative church at Smyrna was suffering, and Jesus saw and understood their suffering.  Jesus commended them for their suffering and not one word of reproach is addressed to the assembly there.  By the way of contrast, the message to the assembly at Laodicea is a message of rebuke.  Not one word of commendation or praise is in the message to the Laodicea’s.

The message to this church represented a period of the great persecution somewhere around 316 AD.  The briefest of the spirit's messages to the seven representative churches is to the church at Smyrna, The longest message is to the church at Thyatira.

Is this Jesus idea of a message of hope and encouragement? 

The church at Smyrna is the number two church of the seven churches that is mentioned in the Book of Revelation.  Seven is a symbolic and representative number used in the scripture to indicate a period of time, a time of repetition,  such as seven days is a week, a period of time that will repeat itself as long as time exist.  It signifies the fullness of and a marker that indicates the completeness of the works of God.  If man is involved, then the number seven is a time of testing and it requires, and is indicative of, an act of faith. Joshua was required to march around the walls of Jericho seven times; Naaman was required to wash in the dirty river of Jordan seven times.  Now, if we can view the seven churches as representative churches, then we can see the history of the church unfold and the message that is passed down to the church of today. If we refuse to accept these churches as representative churches, then we are justifying the changing and polluted messages that are being preached to the churches today.

I know there are those who will debate the relevancy of the book of Revelation and its application to the events taking place today.  Revelation is described by some as a dated book and the events portrayed or spoken off no longer apply to this age.  When asked about the Book of Revelation, noted prelates will use words such as pre-millennium or post-millennium.   Many will accept the teaching of Moses speaking to the children of Israel more applicable than the very testimony of Jesus Christ is speaking to the churches. 

The Bible is the world best-selling book.  Year after year millions of copies are sold or given away.  Most ancient books have disappeared from memory, the Bible continues to be printed more than any other book and is available in more than 2000 languages.  Yet in spite of its popularity, it has been described as the world’s most misunderstood book.   Although million of people read the bible, many find it hard to understand. 

When Jesus spoke to the multitudes he spoke in parables, yet one would think because of the simplicity of a parable everyone would be able to understand it.  Yet it is because of the simplicity of the message everyone cannot understand it.  Read Matthew 13.

In Matthew 13:9, Jesus gives the same exhortation to the multitude, that he gave to the churches in Revelation, “Who has ears to hear let him hear.”  It seems that Jesus was concerned about the day when humanities ears would become dull, and the ability to hear would become selective.

If we continue following today’s learned dissertations we will have created the model for a book that has no concrete value or meaning. If we can accept the testimony of Moses and Elisha If we can accept the four gospels and the teaching of Peter, Paul and the other gospel writers, why shouldn’t we also accept the VERY testimony of Jesus Christ as being relevant and ageless?  Is it because of the blood bath predicted?  Or is it because we are like many world leaders past and present, we cannot accept the final consummation of things?

To simplify, the teaching of the bible was applicable in the ancient days and is applicable today.  It is how we hear and apply the scripture.  There are four applications that the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to write in reference to scripture.  Some I suspect through the prodding of the Devil will seek to entertain a debate that Paul could not be speaking of the things he wrote.  I am not going to try to create a debatable issue as to what period he was speaking of.   In 2nd Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:  I accept the inspiration of God as being transcendental and timeless.

The reduction of the bible to surgical removed sound-bites and astute messages that bring on a state of euphoria is not in accordance with Jesus teaching or his final message to the churches.  The purpose of Christianity is the processing of humanity to fill the need of the Kingdom.  Remember God lost a third of his stars or children when the Devil revolted and was cast out upon the earth.  Christianity was not designed by God to make your life easier on planet earth.  It was designed to see if you could stand up to the Devil, and if you can stand against the devil, Christ said he was coming back to get you.  So, if life on earth is a test why are we praying for God to circumvent the test?  In church today all types of promises are made. If you are struggling God will make a way.  If you need a Job God will give you one. If you need a husband or wife God will hook you up.  If you are sick God will heal you. We hear beautiful crafted messages about walking in God’s favor, or abundant life here on Earth.  Have we ever considered the possibility that we are guilty of lying on God?  We are writing checks in the name of God, and God does not honor them, and we are afraid or ashamed to admit it?  Because of our attitudes, our lack of knowledge, misinterpreting, mis-locating, and misapplying the scripture, we have rendered God irrelevant to many of the younger generation.

Jesus message to the angels or messengers of the seven churches should serve as a guide to the pastors, teachers and church members of today’s church.

Revelation 2:7, Jesus speaking to the church at Ephesus he said, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches; to him that overcomes will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.”  He did not say, “Hear what man say unto the church,” He invoked the spirit and he was not speaking of an earthly entitlement what he is speaking of is a promise in the Kingdom of God. 

Now let us look at what Jesus considerate to be a message of encouragement to the church at Smyrna. Revelation 2:10, he says “Fear none of those things which you will suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that you may be tried; and you shall have tribulation ten days( a predetermined time): be faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown of life.”  Jesus did not promise to part the Red sea. He did not make any promise to deliver them from their earthly suffering; In essence he said, “If you die for me I will give you a crown of life.”  Here again Jesus is speaking of a Kingdom of Heaven entitlement.  This is not the message God gave to Abraham, This is not the message that God gave to Moses, and it is certainly not the message that God gave to David.  This is the message that God gave to Jesus to give to the churches.  This message has nothing to do with your financial status or your educational level.  

 Imagine the ministers of today speaking to the church at Smyrna.  Would they be like Job’s friends?  Would they tell you your suffering is because you are not trusting God.   Jesus said, “I know you are poor, but yet you are rich.”  By your earthly standards you are poor, but by your spirituality you are rich. He did not say sow a seed and I will bless you.  Remember John the Baptist, Jesus would not get his friend, his fore-runner out of Jail; he left him in Jail so he could get his head chopped off.  We do not find any indication in the scripture of John praying for deliverance.  Seeing how all of these promises are fulfilled the Kingdom of God, it is interesting to note that this was what Jesus messages was about, the Gospel of the Kingdom.

Many Ministers of Christianity spend many moments crafting beautiful sermons about Moses floating the river in a boat, or Daniel in the Lion den.   The predominant focus of mainstream Christianity is the undeserved crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and the subsequent forgiveness of sins that is available through accepting that sacrifice. While this selfless act was and is unquestionably momentous, and its effect is exceedingly far-reaching, many would be shocked to find out that the Bible defines the gospel differently than what they have always been told. What is the gospel?  Is it retelling the story of God delivering the children of Israel? Is the gospel about teaching us how to get things from God?  Again read Matthew 13.

In churches and in the media there are all types of messages promoting and selling certain attributes of God, Healing and deliverance is at the forefront of revelations. A message of prosperity or abundant life, (presented with flair and flavor) will lift the spirit of many, but are these messages promoting the gospel of the Kingdom?  Again, ask yourself the question what is the gospel and what should be the message to the church? Is the message a message of excitement and entertainment?  Why are our young people turning away from the church?

Remember at the beginning of this lecture I asked to visualize you a member of the church at Smyrna. Now visualize the ministers of today speaking to you. What is the message that you are hearing?   Now compare that with Jesus message to the church at Smyrna?  What is the good news?

continued next week