Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Study of The Book of Revelation, Part #14

The Spirit's Message to the Church at Pergamos

continued from Part #13
:Lesson scripture Revelation 2:12-17

E. Gillespie
A study of these Church Council meetings did nothing to solidify the church but were the wedge that was used to split the church apart.  They introduced confusion and added to the confusion that already existed.  The church that claimed to be the church that Jesus had founded became embroiled in petty arguments with mortal men striving for positions of leadership.  The Pope evolved as the leader of the church and the powers given to him by the Roman Empire made him the supreme authority in the church. Thus began the splitting of the church.  For the moment it seems the Devil had accomplished his purpose.  We should not look upon these events as events that took place in the distant past; the same thing is happening today.  Men of honor in today’s society has fostered ideas of worship without restraint under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, but after the death of the leaders, men with guns and law books have come in and hijacked the churches that were formed, for the purpose of obtaining power and control.  

When the number seven is used in the Bible it always indicates that a certain event or process must be or will be repeated for a period of time. The number seven in reference to the seven churches implies that these events will continue to repeat themselves as long as the church remains here on earth.   Seven days equal one week and this will repeat itself as long as time exist.  As one writer stated, “there is nothing new under the sun.”  History will always repeat itself.  The Roman started it, denounce Jesus or die.  The Christians picked up the cry during the crusades, “confess Christ as Lord or die.”  Down through the ages it continued and perfected itself in the Salem witch hunt.

There is a difference between the doctrine of Balaam and the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, but the result of both doctrines is the same, moral ruin to all who participated in such unholy teachings and practices.   Now listen to this, the outstanding sin in the church at Pergamos was the sin of tolerating evil men and their teaching in the church.  Balaam, the false prophet, the prophet for profit, still have representatives in the local assemblies today.  Men who are twin brother to Balaam occupy positions of responsibility in the local churches.  The sin of Pergamos is alive and still with us today.  There are those (Nicolaitan types) who look for a position of rulership over the churches.  There are those (Balaam types) who is still looking to extract money from the assemblies for no other purpose than to fatten their own purse.  

The events that took place at the Church of Pergamos set the stage for the many different denominations within the religious community.  It also provided the answer to the question, “Why are there so many Christian Churches or denominations?  Until I did this study it was a point of confusion for me.   Let’s first differentiate between denominations within the body of Christ and non-Christian cults and false religions. Presbyterians and Lutherans are examples of Christian denominations. Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses are examples of cults (groups claiming to be Christian but denying one or more of the essentials of the Christian faith). Islam and Buddhism are entirely separate religions entities and are not a part of the Christian experience.

The rise of denominations within the Christian faith can be traced back to the Protestant Reformation, the movement to “reform” the Roman Catholic Church during the 16th century, out of which four major divisions or traditions of Protestantism would emerge: Lutheran, Reformed, Anabaptist, and Anglican. From these four, other denominations grew over the centuries.  This split was spurred by the Nicolaitan types who had entrenched themselves within the church hierarchy.

The Lutheran denomination was named after Martin Luther and was based on his teachings. The Methodists got their name because their founder, John Wesley, was famous for coming up with “methods” for spiritual growth. Presbyterians are named for their view on church leadership—the Greek word for elder is presbyteros. Baptists got their name because they have always emphasized the importance of baptism. Each denomination has a slightly different doctrine or emphasis from the others, such as the method of baptism; the availability of the Lord’s Supper to all or just to those whose testimonies can be verified by church leaders; the sovereignty of God vs. free will in the matter of salvation; the future of Israel and the church; pre-tribulation vs. post-tribulation rapture; the existence of the “sign” gifts in the modern era, and so on. These points of contention is never about Christ as Lord and Savior, but rather honest differences of opinion by godly, albeit flawed, people seeking to honor God and retain doctrinal purity according to their consciences and their understanding of His Word.  All who can accept that is on the road to a deeper understanding of God’s word.

The Bible itself reveals the doctrines that are essential to the Christian faith.  They are 1) the Deity of Christ, 2) Salvation by Grace, and 3) Resurrection of Christ, 4) the gospel, and 5) monotheism.  These are the doctrines the Bible says are necessary.  Though there are many other important doctrines, these five are the ones that are declared by Scripture to be essential A non-regenerate person will deny one or more of these essential doctrines.   There are other derivative doctrines of scripture that become necessary also, the Trinity is one.  But how can you accept the Gospel without accepting the Trinity?

The five core doctrines should permeate the teaching of a church at every level. To deny one or more of these core doctrines is the bases of false teaching.  Is the gospel hopelessly confusing?  Not so, not even for little children.  Here again I must inject my favorite oxymoron, deliberate confusion.  The devil started this game in the Garden of Eden, the idea is not to deny the word of God, but to inject confusion into the word of God.

There are many times good men and women have a message that is good for the assembly, but because of the structure, the hierarchy of the assembly, they are not allowed to speak.   In order to create an avenue of exposure they elect to form their own independent assembly.  If this independent assembly is successful it began to branch out, and the problems it creator was trying to get away from soon began to manifest itself again.  Men and women in fancy suits and titles before their name began to appear and pervert the true purpose and  message of God.  Bogus checks’ being drawn on bogus accounts and God is not honoring the claim.  

John the beloved disciple was not schooled in the ability to trim the word of God to fit the times in which he lived.  The modernist and the liberals of today are trained in our preacher-manufacturing plants known as schools of theology.  They are trained exactly how to preach a gospel that will suit the times and the people to whom they preach.  But John preached the Word without apology, because of his true Gospel he was banished for his testimony and the Word of God which he preached.  The word of God declares, “if any man will live godly in Christ Jesus he shall suffer persecution” (2nd Timothy 3:12).  The only reason some of us are not exiled (mentally or physically) or thrown in prison (mentally or physically) is simply because they do not preach as fervently as Paul, John, Peter, and others.   This modern “Santa Claus” religion that is sweeping the country today is not the religion Jesus taught and John practiced.  Even now, religion is not the proper word to use.  Jesus did not say follow me and I will put a big automobile in your garage, money in your bank, and give you a host of friends and a flowery bed of ease.   Jesus said, “Follow me and I will give you a cross to bear, I will let you walk beside me in my yoke.  I will let you come after me and see where I liveno place to lay my head.  And if you are willing to carry the cross, you can be my disciple, if you are not willing to carry the cross you cannot be my disciple, you cannot share my crown.  If you refuse to suffer with me, you cannot reign with me.  If you put your hand to the plow and look back, you are not fit to be my disciple.  If you deny me, I will deny you.  This is not the gospel they are peddling today.

John 10:9-11 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief comes not, but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.  What is Jesus talking about?  What is the context of tis message?  There is a need for understanding.  I am the door. Door to what?  If any men enter in, he shall be save.  It now become simple, the door is to salvation.  Now he shall go out and find pasture, where, Jesus is preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom.  The sheep of his pasture, the pasture is the Kingdom.  Abundant life is in the Kingdom.  The teachers of the doctrine of Balaam had preverted the Gospel and the church at Pergamos allowed them to get away with it. 

Matthew 4:23  And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.  What is he teaching and preaching about?  The  Kingdom .  Matthew 25:34  Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:  None of this sounds like the modern easygoing happy-go-lucky, chocolate-covered, streamlined religion is being forced fed to the masses today.  But the suffering of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed to us (Roman 8:18). We have that blessed hope that if we suffer with him we shall reign with him.  The suffering of this present day is insignificant compared to the glory we shall share with Jesus.

Are we to assume that God is pleased when we surgical remove a section of a verse, take it out of context, and create a saleable message that says, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”  The selling point become I am going to show you how to get what you want from God.  Jesus told the church at Pergamos to endure your suffering, hold fast to your faith and I will give you a Crown of life.  What does endure mean?  Is crying and begging God for deliverance enduring?  Now, what does any of this have to do with abundant life here on earth?  

In Pergamos, the teachers of these impure practices were sheltered and protected within the church itself.  These sins were the results of those who were teaching the doctrine of Balaam.  For the born again child of God, and object, money any person place or thing that occupies the place God should occupy in the heart and life of an individual, is an idol and thus becomes idolatry (1st John 5:21). 

Revelation 2:16, “Repent; or else I will come unto you quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.” In the warning to the assembly at Ephesus, the spirit said, “Remember, therefore, and repent.”  No assembly on earth at that time had quite so much to be thankful for as the church at Ephesus.  Paul had labored at Ephesus for three years.  He had served with tears and with much suffering. The result was abundant fruit.   He had taught the people, he had suffered with them, and they had grown in grace.  But in spite of it all they had left their first love.  The spirit admonished the Ephesians to remember the good days, the spiritual days, to remember what they had fallen from, and to repent and return to their former spiritual status, which they had enjoyed under the teaching of the Apostle Paul.

This warning must be, and it is important that it be extended to the church today.  There are assemblies masquerading as churches, the bride of Christ that is so filled with contempt and confusion that it is understandable why the younger generation run from the church.  I am reminded of assemblies where you are required to lay aside your values of common sense and understanding when you walk through the door.   The minister standing in the pulpit on Sunday morning screaming, “Man should not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God may not be aware he has rendered himself ineffective because he cannot explain the significance of life, bread and the word within the proper context.  When God spoke to Adam, who was he speaking to?  When God spoke to Abraham was he speaking to the New Testament Church?     When God spoke to Moses was he speaking to the Gentiles or was he just talking to the Jews.  When was the word of God delivered to the Gentitles?  Keep in mind the Devil hold card, "deliberate confusion" is in play.  Was the Babylonian building a physical tower to heaven?  If so why didn’t God stop man from exploring outer space?  If we cannot understand the language of the Bible are not equipped to teach. 
But in Pergamos, there had been no Apostle Paul.  That church had not had the privileges and the teaching Ephesus had enjoyed.  So the spirit leaves of “remember” and simply state “Repent”.  In Ephesus the message was, “remember and repent or else I will come and remove thy candlestick”.  Here the warning to the Pergamos is, “Repent, or else I will come and fight against them with the sword of my mouth.”  Jesus is saying, not only will he come in judgment, but he will declare war.  I will fight them with the sword.   Thus the Lord distinguishes between the evils committed by the assemblies.  There are degrees of sin and proportionately, degrees of punishment.  The Lord will distinguish between leaders and those who are led.
Jesus is saying to the church leaders, repent for your false teaching.  To the lying wolves, the gossipers, the backbiters, the haters Jesus is saying repent or he will come and fight against you.  He will remove the light stand, and the church will be cast into utter darkness.

Verse 17; “He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says unto the churches; To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knows except him who receives it.”  

To each of the seven churches is given the solemn admonition, “He that has an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches.”  There then is a is a promise to the overcomer, concerning special and personal rewards of hidden manna, and a white stone, and in the stone a new name is written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”

Overcoming the world, the flesh, the devil is an individual matter.  We must be overcomers.  Overcoming refer to individuals, not to a group.  There is a peculiar sweetness to the promise given here: “I give of the hidden manna.”  In this verse two times the Lord Jesus declares, “I will give”, Manna -- and a white stone with a new name.  In the Old Testament, manna is declared to be Angel food, (Psalm 78:25).   John 6:33 speaks of manna as the, “Bread of God.”  For 12,500 mornings God rained down manna from Heaven for His people, Israel, on earth.  The God of Israel is God, and he is even more to us in this day of grace than he was to them.  This is the most glorious age ever known to man.

In the days when God fed Israel with manna, as a memorial of God’s grace to his chosen people, a potfull of the manna was laid up before the Lord (Ex. 16:13).  Paul informed us that it was placed in a golden pot (Hebrew 9:4).  For approximately five hundred years, this hidden manna spoke of Christ in his humiliation, but the message was to God alone, it was not made for man.  While hidden in the ark (the most sacred of all vessels), this manna was put away from the gaze of the people.   Now to the overcomers at Pergamos Christ say, “I will give to eat of the hidden manna.”  This is a Heavenly reward and it will be given in the future, when the final struggle is over.   The manna of old was rained down from Heaven for blessing and to satisfy the hunger of the people of God on earth.  The hidden manna referred to here is given to the overcomers in Heaven.

Not only will Christ give the hidden manna to the overcomer, but He also promises, I will give to him a white stone, and in the stone a new name is written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.”  What are we to understand by all this?  Here again it is important to understand the language of the Bible.  We also need to understand the language and how it was used in the time that it was written.  What are we to understand by the white stone and the secret name?  During the time when John wrote, a white stone was used in social settings and judicial customs.  Days of great festivals were noted by a white stone, days of great calamity were noted by a black stone.  If the host wanted to honor a special guest whom he greatly appreciated, the guest was given a white stone with a name or message on it, directed only to the guest and not to be shared by any other.  In a court of law, a white stone meant acquittal.   If a prisoner at the Bar was given a black stone that meant condemnation.  In our scripture, Christ promises to the overcomer a white stone, which mean victory and final acquittal.  We will enter into God’s glory without spot or wrinkle, without anything at all against us, complete with a new name written on the white stone.  No one will know that name but the happy person who receives it.

In this expression the Lord Jesus is pointing out His interest in every individual overcomer.  There are those who say if God is as great as we say He is, He would have no time for poor, finite creatures such as we are; but they are dead wrong.  The Lord is concerned about each of his children.  He has time for each of us and He will personally present each overcomer with a white stone, with a message on the stone that no one can appreciate but the one who receive it.

I wonder why John didn't say, "OK Jesus, if you get me off this God forsaken island I will write your book."

Next: The Spirits Message to the Church at Thyatira
Revelation 2:18-29
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