Monday, August 5, 2013

A Study of The Book of Revelation, Part #25

Earl Gillespie

The Seven-Sealed Book
Revelation 6: 1-17

Reading in the news recently about a controversy over a statement attributed to Dr. King, engraved on his Washington monument.  On the monument it says, “I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness...”  Many who heard or read Dr. King's speech assumed that this was what he said.  In reality he said   "....Yes, if YOU want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice. Say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a ..."  The error on the monument was created by taking the statement out of its context.  This can easily happen when we surgically remove segments of the bible, books or speeches and present them as a complete thought.  Dr. King never said he was a drum-major.  Think of the time, the labor and the money spent because someone gave the engraver the wrong message.

To further illustrate the point at the risk of being redundant, a minister once told me he had the keys to the Kingdom.  To validate his argument he quoted Matthew 16:19, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."  For a moment that was enough to scare the Devil out of me. To fully understand the verse and the context we must read  more than just that one verse,  No read this, Matthew 16:17-19  And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Now it is simply a conversation between Jesus and Peter. 

The church age, that operates in this present dispensation (Grace) closes with the Lord’s repudiation of all which publicly bears the name of Christians. There are two words used in this lesson that is very important, they are "age and dispensation." The Bible student should study to become well versed in the study and application of those words. Without a clear understanding of the age we are living in and the dispensation, we cannot fully understand the word of God. There are many who bear the name Christians, but they are not.   Remember how it was in the days of Noah (eight souls were saved), as it was in the days of Lot (three souls were saved), so will it be when Jesus comes. The question that is asked in the Word of God is, “Will He find faith on the earth?” Therefore, the local assembly that advertises the name Christian, the church that teach a polluted Gospel, these Santa Claus religions, those churches that has used the word of God to their own advantage will be repudiated by the Lord at the end of the church age. Romans 11:21-22, Revelation 3:16.

The church age will come to a close with the “spewing out” of the visible lukewarm assemblies or/and denominations and the gathering-out of that mass or group all born again saints.  This will be done without  regard to denominational affiliation. The saints who have died will be raised, and together the raised saints and the living saints will be caught up to meet Jesus in the air (I Thessalonians 4:13-18, II Thessalonians 2:1). I cannot stress this enough, because this is the hope of the true church. Jesus today is walking in the midst of the churches. He is the chief shepherd, the overseer of the Church. And in this dispensation the chief shepherd guides the sheep, leads the sheep, seals the sheep through the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost.  Oftentimes this age is referred to as the dispensation of the Holy Ghost. In this dispensation the Holy Ghost is the teacher, the guide even though many still profess to hold conversation with the Father and the Son.

The Rapture takes place near the end of the third chapter of Revelation. Chapter four opens with “AFTER these things.” These words occur twice in verse one of the fourth chapter. The verse opens with “After this, I looked . . .” and closes with “. . . and I will show thee things which must be hereafter.” The term is also used in Revelation 7:9, Revelation 15:5 and Revelation 19:1. In connection with this, read Genesis 15:1 and 22:1.
The words “after these things” form a connecting link between a series of events that are already past, and a series of events that are to follow. Therefore, the obvious inference is that the history of the church on earth as recorded in chapters two and three, and beheld by John in his vision, is PAST, and that a NEW series of events is about to be unfolded. Anyone with an open mind can see this clearly. The only persons who cannot see it are those who are married to religions, and they have more respect for their doctrine than they do for the Word of God.

Immediately after the Rapture (Revelation 4:1-3) we see the four and twenty elders clothed in white raiment, wearing crowns of gold. These four and twenty elders around the throne signify the redeemed in Heaven. They represent the Church, caught up out of the earth into Heaven to be with the Lord. Therefore, in chapter four of Revelation, the Rapture has already taken place, the redeemed are already in Heaven. Later, in chapter nineteen, verses 11-14, John sees the redeemed coming out of Heaven, following the Christ who is riding on a beautiful white horse. The saints are also riding white horses. Since these facts are clearly set before us, in what part of Revelation can the Rapture be placed except between the close of chapter three and the beginning of chapter four?

Chapter three closes one series of events, chapter four opens a new series of events. Therefore, we look for the fulfillment of the words in John 14:3 and the words in I Thessalonians 4:13-18, between chapters three and four of Revelation. Unless we admit this fact, an intelligent understanding of the book of Revelation is impossible. It is a Biblical fact that the Church is not on the earth during the judgments, the “time of Jacob’s trouble,” the Great Tribulation. We first see the elders (who represent the redeemed) in Revelation 4:4, and the last mention of them is in Revelation 19:4. They are not mentioned between these two chapters. Heaven is their home. The elders are not mentioned in connection with the series of events here on earth. According to Scripture, comparing spiritual things with spiritual (I Corinthians 2:13), the Church will not enter nor go through any part of the Tribulation period. Any minister who teaches that the Church will go through any of the Tribulation period is not rightly dividing the Word.

Beginning with chapter six, we will study the prophetic part of Revelation. As we enter this prophetic part of the book, keep in mind the fact that the three different series of judgments, (Two of the five judgments is already past), the seven seals, the seven trumpets, and the vials of the wrath of God . . . will take place between the gathering of the Church to the Lord, and the time when He comes with the Church. These judgments will take place during Daniel’s seventieth week of prophecy . . . a period of seven yearsThe first half of this period will be mild, but the last half will be known as the Great Tribulation - a time of blood, death, torment and suffering on this earth such as has never been known, nor ever will be known again after the Tribulation.

Revelation 6:1-2:

1. And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.
2. And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

The judgments under the seals and the judgments under the trumpets do not occur at the same time. One follows the other. The judgments under the seals cover a larger area than the judgments under the trumpets; but the trumpet judgments are much more severe. Also, note that the Lamb is connected with the judgments under the seals, but the angels are connected with the trumpet judgments and Almighty God is connected with the vials (or bowls) of God’s wrath. John wants us to know that he was an eyewitness to what he is writing about: he profoundly state “And I SAW. . .” (Revelation 6:1). “And I saw. . .” (Revelation 6:2). “And I heard . . .” (Revelation 6:1). John both heard and saw these things, he was there, he knows firsthand, he was an eyewitness. The first four of the seven seals is characterized by living creatures and living horses; however, the last three of the seven seals do not mention either horses or creatures. The voice that summons John to witness the opening of the first seal was as the voice of thunder - so there is no doubt as to whom the voice belongs: It is none other than Jesus. John immediately responded to the call, “Come and see,” and he saw “a white horse, and him that sat upon it.” This is a mighty war horse. 

There is much discussion concerning the rider of this horse, but the rider is not the Lord Jesus Christ. This rider is not the King of kings and Lord of lords riding forth in mighty conquest. Psalm 45 and Revelation 19:11 show us that this rider could not be the Lord Jesus Christ. These Scriptures prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6:2 is certainly someone else besides The Christ. The Psalmist and John declare that when Jesus rides out of the sky in great conquest, He will sit on the throne, He will assume the sovereignty of the world; but when this seal is opened there are many, many years before the kingdom of the Lord Jesus is set up in power. Therefore, this rider could not be the Lord Jesus Christ. When Jesus rides out of the sky it will be on a mighty, white horse - but with Him will be a host of other riders clothed in white and riding upon white horses (Revelation 19:1-11). This rider is none other than the counterfeit Christ, known in the Bible as the man of sin, the Antichrist. This is not an antichrist - John tells us in his Epistle that even in his day there were many antichrists (plural) - but this is the man of sin, the devil in the flesh.

For everything The Lord God has that is great and wonderful, the devil has a cheap counterfeit. The prefix “anti” - means “opposite” - and this is the Antichrist (the lie), whereas Jesus was the Truth and the Light of the world. The Antichrist will ride a white horse, and in Revelation 19 The Christ will ride a white horse. So you see, the personality in verse 2 is a counterfeit - he counterfeits everything Jesus has. This rider of the white horse goes forth in mighty conquest and he is victorious - the white horse is a symbol of victory; but he is victorious without bloodshed or slaughter. This rider has a BOW . . . but no arrow. In the Bible, when war was fought with a bow and arrow, the arrow was specifically mentioned. Read Numbers 24:8, Psalm 45, Zechariah 9:14. But in the account of this rider on the white horse, not one word is said about the arrow, which is the deadly part of the bow and arrow. This rider has only a bow, denoting bloodless victory. 

“A crown was given to him.” Notice here that this crown is presented before victory, and is therefore not a victorious crown. This crown denotes that royal dignity and imperial power is bestowed upon this distinguished rider of the white horse, who offers to the world peace without bloodshed; and during the first three-and-a-half years of the reign of the Antichrist, there will BE no bloodshed. Those years will be a time of peace and prosperity. He will make a covenant with the Jews in their own land, and all will be peace - until three-and-a-half years have gone by, and then all hell will break loose! “He went forth conquering, and to conquer.” That is, victory after victory, conquest after conquest was his without defeat. His reign was marked with victory on every hand, and of course he became the idol of the nations who had rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. Naturally, he was worshipped as the one who had finally brought world peace. Any person who reads the Word of God, listens to the radio and keeps up with current events, knows that the world is looking for a super-human to lead the nations into world peace, and into the Utopia that has been so much talked about in recent times.  Every president of the free world  strives to be the president to bring peace to the Middle East.

But the bible tells us that when they say, “Peace and safety,” sudden destruction “cometh upon them.” According to the signs all around us, we surely must be very near the Rapture - the time when Jesus will take out the Bride (his church) so that He can turn loose the judgments that are sure to come upon ungodly men.

The Second Seal