Monday, August 12, 2013

A Study of The Book of Revelation, Part #29

Earl Gillespie
Revelation 7:10-17

Coming of age in the sixties was a traumatic experience for many, for me it was the birth of new religious experiences during that era, that shook the very foundation and the faith of myself and many others. Growing up in a Christian environment, I was taught to believe in the Bible. I was also taught that it was impossible to understand everything in the bible, yet I was supposed to live by it, this created a level of contradictions and confusion that caused many young people to just simply run away from the church and the Bible. The pious elite turned their heads and pretended the problem did not exist.  

 One of the grandest teaching points that was confusing to school age children was to point out that science and the Bible did not agree.   There was always contention concerning the age and shape of the earth.  A visiting Missionary to a local assembly spoke at great length about the earth being square  and even read a scripture to support her theory.  The spiritualizing of the Jewish people, the mixing of dispensations and  surgically dissecting the scripture to form sound bytes that excite and to prove a personal or denominational belief proved that to many the Word of God was no longer considered to be sacred.  

The messengers of God should seek to project a deeper  understanding of God word rather sermonizing story ideas, and living conditions of and ancient people.   The Old Testament teaches us how God dealt with his stiff neck  people. The New Testament teaches us of the rejection of the Kingdom of God and the establishment of the church.  Geneses tells us how it all began and the Book of Revelation tells us how it is all going to end.  The Book of Revelation began with Jesus standing in the midst of the church, observing the condition of the church.  The Jews refused to obey God.  The Kingdom was rejected and the King was killed.  Grace was delivered and offered salvation to whosoever will.  The Gospel of the Kindom was no longer preached, and Jesus is standing in the midst of the assembly not offering deliverance as many proclaim, but offering words of encouragement.  He even speaks of the suffering and dying that the righteous must endure, his words are, "If you can endure I will give you a crown of life."  

Here in Revelation chapter 7, 144,000 missionaries out of Israel - 12,000 from each tribe – are sealed, commissioned, and ordained to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. In Matthew 24:14 we read: “And this Gospel of the The Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Many have used this verse of Scripture to suggest that Jesus cannot come until the Gospel has been preached to every nation. This is certainly wrongly dividing the Word, because today we should not be teaching the Gospel of the Kingdom. We should be teaching the Gospel of the Grace of God. This is the Age of Grace, not the age of the teaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom. This is not the day of the King. This is the day of the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.  There again remember 2 Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  

The 144,000 will have the same gifts received by the 120 on the day of Pentecost. The 144,000 missionaries out of Israel will have the gift of tongues and will speak in every language and dialect on the face of the earth. There are thousands of dialects and languages that have not been reduced to writing, but these missionaries, sealed of God and sent by God, will announce the coming Kingdom to every tribe and every kindred on the face of the earth who have never heard the Gospel of the grace of God. Those who hear the message and receive it will make up the number in Revelation 7:9 and following . . . the great multitude that no man can number.  

Those who refuse to believe the message of the 144,000 and who follow the Antichrist instead, will receive the mark of the Beast and will be damned (II Thessalonians 2:1-12). The unpardonable sin after the Rapture will be the mark of the Beast. (Today the unpardonable sin is blasphemy against the Holy Ghost.) The preaching of the true Gospel of the Kingdom will continue throughout the seven-year period . . . the reign of the Antichrist. At the close of the Tribulation, the battle of Armageddon will be fought. After the battle of Armageddon the glorious Kingdom will be ushered in, Jesus will sit on the throne in Jerusalem in the temple, and will reign for one thousand years. We, the born again, will reign with Him (Revelation 20:1-6). 

The 144,000 sealed missionaries out of Israel are special messengers of God to fulfill a mission during a specific time. They are especially called, commissioned, ordained, sent and sealed. They will be delivered from the devil and from the enemies of God. They will be protected. The devil cannot destroy them. Chapter 7 of Revelation is parenthetical. In this chapter we look away from the breaking of the seven seals, in order that the Spirit might enlighten us concerning the sealing of a chosen group of evangelists to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the teeming millions who never heard the Gospel of the grace of God.

After the Rapture, these 144,000 will do what the Church should have done during this Dispensation of Grace. God has never been without a witness on the earth, and He never Will be.During the days of Elijah, God reserved 7,000 who did not bow their knee to Baal nor to Ahab (I Kings 19:18), God reserved Daniel and the three Hebrew children in the days of Nebuchadnezzar. God has always had His faithful witness, and He always will, even during the Bloody reign of the Antichrist. There will be “a remnant according to the election of grace” (Romans 11:4-6). The 144,000 sealed ones out of Israel will be God’s remnant of true ministers who will refuse to bow their knees to Antichrist. During the Dispensation of the grace of God: - every born again person is sealed by the Holy Ghost (Ephesians 4:30). - Every born again person is baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Ghost (I Corinthians 12:12-15). - Every born again believer possesses the Holy Ghost and is led by the Holy Ghost (Romans 8:9, 14, 16).But when the Church is Raptured, the Holy Ghost will go out with the Church.

There again remember 2 Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  Once we adhere to this teaching the word of God is no longer hard to understand.  As a matter of fact the Bible has become one of the easiest books to understand.  I can say this after it took me more than a month to get pass the first chapter of Genesis.  Many will tell you that they have read every word in the Bible, I doubt if I have.  It is about understanding the word and not just reading it. Understanding the Word of God is understanding who is talking, who is being spoken to and what is being talked about.   Now lets continue.  

The 144,000 will not be sealed with the Holy Ghost as we are, but they will have a seal in their foreheads:“And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect (Israel) from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” (Matthew 24:31). The seal will be in their foreheads (Revelation 9:4, Revelation 14:1). They will be known by all whom they come in contact, for the mark of God will be upon them, visible in their foreheads. All hell can not stop them nor destroy themThe devil will counterfeit God’s seal, and he will seal his followers also. He will cause all of his followers to receive a mark in their foreheads or in their hands; and if they refuse to receive this mark they will be killed. We will study the mark of the Beast when we reach chapter 13; but remember, everything God has that is good, the devil has a cheap counterfeit for it. Remember the Devil has already counterfeited the word of God.

The 144,000 will be out of the tribes of the children of Israel. There will not be one Gentile in the group - not one! There are groups on earth today who claim to be the 144,000, but they are not. The Bible is clear on that subject. Some of these cults will be forced to revise their figures, because they have overshot the 144,000 number. Where the lost ten tribes are I do not know - nor does any other man on the face of the earth know.   There is talk of Great Britian and America being a part of the lost tribes but at best their identity is lost. But God knows where they are, scattered among the nations today. When God is ready for them, He can find them. We need not worry about the lost ten tribes. We need to be concerned about lost sinners, and go after them with the Gospel of the marvelous grace of God.

Verse 2 tells us that the angel making the announcement concerning the 144,000 appears out of the east.This angel cries out, “Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of God in their foreheads!” Note: “. . . till we have sealed . . .” The angel from the east seems to be the leader of a band of angels who will seal the 144,000. The angel appears out of the sunrise - “Unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise, with healing in His wings” (Malachi 4:2). If you will notice, the listing of the names of the 12 tribes here in Revelation 7 is different from the original listing in Genesis 35 and Genesis 46. The names in Genesis are thus: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Gad, Asher, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali.

In Deuteronomy 29:18-21 we read that the man, woman, family or tribe who should introduce idolatry into Israel should have their names “blotted out” from under Heaven, and that they would be separated out of the tribes of Israel. The tribes of Dan and Ephraim allowed Jeroboam to set up golden calves to be worshipped. One of these was set up in the tribe of Dan and the other at Bethel (I Kings 12:25-30). So the name of Dan is left out of the list of the twelve tribes in Revelation 7.

The mentioning of the sealing of the 144,000 in chapter 7 does not mean that they were sealed between the sixth and seventh seals. There is no date or time mentioned. When they were sealed,we do not know. They were probably sealed immediately after the Rapture. The Scripture does not enlighten us here; therefore, it is not for us to know the date or the exact time.These sealed ones will no doubt preach throughout the years of Daniel’s 70th week of prophecy, the Tribulation period (approximately 7 years). Even in the midst of Satan’s kingdom, where all hell is loose on earth, the power of the Gospel will reach millions, a great company that no man can number (Revelation 7:9).

Verse 1 tells us that four angels stand on the four corners of the earth. This has confused some, but there is no need for confusion. This does not mean that the earth is square, as some have suggested.  (I remember a Bible teacher teaching the world was round even after NASA showed pictures of a round earth.) The expression “the four corners” simply refers to the four points of direction - east, west, north and south. The Bible refers to “the east wind,” etc.The angels were holding the four winds, that they should not blow. This seems to suggest that the winds were angry and desired to blow and destroy. But the mighty angels held them, forbidding them to blow.

Verse 2: John sees another angel ascend from the East. This angel has the seal of God. The angel cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea.

Verse 3: The angel said to the four angels - “Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.” It seems that some power, or force, of the enemy tries to hinder the sealing of these servants. But judgment is stayed until they are sealed.

In verse 4 the sealing begins. There were sealed 12,000 out of each of the twelve tribes - 144,000 in all.Verses 5-8 name each of the twelve tribes of Israel, and declare that 12,000 will be sealed out of each tribe. 

There are those who spiritualize this number and the sealing of the 12,000 from each tribe; but it is absolutely impossible to understand the Word of God unless we obey I Corinthians 10:32: “Give none offense, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God.” It is impossible to understand the Scripture and to rightly divide the Word of Truth without recognizing the three basic groups.
1. Jews.
2. Gentiles.
3. The Church

We must give them their place in God’s program if we understand the Word. To spiritualize Israel is to wreck the Bible.  To claim the blessing of Abraham for the church is not spiritually sound.  God has not forgotten His people, neither will He cast them away forever (Romans 11). The most glorious days for Israel are yet to come. Every promise God made to Father Abraham will be literally fulfilled not to the church but to whom the promises were made.

Revelation 7:9-17:
9. After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man Could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, Stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
10. And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
11. And all the angels stood round about the throne, and about the elders and the four beasts, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshipped God,
12. Saying, Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.
13. And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?
14. And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb.
15. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.
16. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.
17. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

In verse 9 we read, “After this I beheld . . . “ and we learn what John beheld: 1. A multitude which no man could number . . .
2. Of all nations, kindreds, peoples, tongues (this number takes in every tribe on earth, even in the wilds of the most remote jungle). God set before the church at Philadelphia an open door (Revelation 3:8). The Church has failed to evangelize the world through the preaching of the Gospel of Grace. The Church has had the greatest opportunity of any people who ever existed, to preach the Gospel by the means of printed page, radio, television, modern travel, and many other ways. But the Church has not evangelized the world, nor has it announced the good news to the world. Therefore, God seals 144,000 after the Rapture, to fulfill Matthew 24:14.
3. This multitude which no man could number stood before the throne clothed with white robes, and each one had a palm in his hand.

In verse 10 the multitude is praising God with a loud voice, saying, “Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb!”

In verse 11 the elders fall down and worship God and the Lamb. The beasts do likewise. Please notice here that all praise, honor, worship and adoration is directed to the Lamb “because He is worthy.”

In verse 12 we hear these rejoicing ones shouting, “Amen! Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever! Amen!” Not a member of that redeemed host is silent. Their struggles and trials are over. It is only fitting that this countless multitude of redeemed should break out in one loud and united cry of praise to God and to the Lamb. 

In verse 13 one of the elders asked a question: “Who are these in white robes? Whence came they?” Who is this tremendous multitude? Where did they come from? How did they get here?

In verse 14 John said, “Thou knowest.” Then the elder said, “These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb.”   The use of the term, "made the white in the blood of the Lamb" indicates the use of symbology and signification that is common through the Bible.  These are those who have been saved during the Great Tribulation . . . the reign of the Antichrist. They are the saved ones out of every nation, tongue, tribe, and kindred on the face of the earth. They will be saved through the preaching of the 144,000 - but they will be saved by “the Blood.” They shall wash their robes white in the Blood of the Lamb. the Blood started flowing in Genesis 3:21 and has flowed down through the ages to this day. Without the shedding of blood is no remission.

In verse 15 we read, “Therefore (because they have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood) are they before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple: and He that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.” This verse clearly shows us that this company is not the Bride - the Church. The Bride will reign with Jesus here on earth. This multitude is said to serve Him day and night. Jesus said, “Henceforth I call you not servants (referring to His disciples), but I have called you friends” (John 15:15).

In verse 16 we learn that this group will not hunger or thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. This verse definitely identifies the multitude as Tribulation saints. During the reign of the Antichrist no one can buy or sell without having upon himself the mark of the Beast. Those who refuse to receive the mark cannot buy or sell; those who receive it cannot be saved. Therefore, these saved people, having refused to receive the mark of the Beast, will be forced to hide out under the heat of the sun by day and the stars by night. Many times they will be hungry -destitute for food. They cannot buy food . . . they will be forced to beg or steal. Therefore, “they shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more,” because God Almighty will take care of them from that moment forward. They will endure terrible tribulation, but it will be worth it all when they see the face of Jesus.

Verse 17 is tremendous. God Himself will feed them, God will lead them - and God Himself will wipe all tears from their eyes! In Revelation 22:1-7 we find the pure river of the water of life, proceeding out of the throne of God, and in the midst of the street and on either side of the street there is the tree of life. The tree of life bears twelve kinds of fruit and yields a harvest every month. There will be plenty of fruit for everyone, and certainly there will be eating among God’s creatures in eternity. In Revelation 22 we learn further that the leaves of the tree of life will be for the healing of the nations. Read Acts 15:13-18, Revelation 21:23-27. And remember: “Give none offence to the Jews, Gentiles, nor to the Church of God .” There will be new heavens, new earth, and the Pearly white City. Yes, chapter 7 is most refreshing. We see the multitude that no man can number - redeemed, washed in the Blood, standing before God with palms in their hands. Thank God for the Lamb! Even in the midst of great tribulation God still loves, saves, and delivers. He is not willing that any perish

In closing chapter seven, let me say that the words “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes” are unequaled in their depth and tenderness. Please notice: It is not the compassionate Lamb who shed His Blood who wipes the tears from their eyes - but God the Father who gave the Lamb . . . God, against whom they (and we) have sinned. All sin is against God; but God will tenderly wipe every tear from their eyes and they will never weep again. They will enjoy “everlasting consolation” and they will enjoy peace uninterrupted.

The Opening of the Seventh Seal
Revelation 8