Friday, September 6, 2013

A Study of The Book of Revelation, Part #39

The Seventh Trumpet

The remaining chapters of Revelation give us a view of the time of Jacob’s Trouble, this is the time of the Great Tribulation.   When God delivered Israel out of the land of Egypt and led them on into the Promised Land, many great wonders were preformed.   There were wonders in the air, in the waters, the trees, the rocks and clouds. There were marvels and miracles that stand out among the greatest of bygone days; but nothing to compare with what happens after the sounding of the seventh trumpet.  

Through a verse by verse study of the scripture, it is my belief that the church has already been delivered, they have been caught up to meet the bridegroom.  The church now occupies a front row seat in heaven as those who are left behind go through the tribulations.  The church is now preparing to return with Jesus to judge the world.  As we have already discussed there are three groups that is addressed in the holy scripture, the Jews, The Gentiles and the Church.  Two being an earthly body and the third being a spiritual body.  John is giving us a view from Heaven. 

  When Jesus was born, and during His earthly life and at the time of His death, there were also great wonders among the angels, the stars, the elements and on earth among men - both living and dead - which give us a divine story never told before. However, neither of these - nor all combined - can compare with the overwhelming intensity of the manifestations which attend and follow the sounding of the seventh trumpet. When the blast of the trumpet goes forth, John declares he heard “great voices.” 

As we study the remaining portion of chapter 11 and the chapters down through 19:11, we will hear voices like unto many waters . . . Great thunder . . . Harpers with their harps . . . A Mighty Angel flies through Heaven with such a Voice that it can be heard throughout every square inch of the universe . . . Angels shout for the fall of Babylon . . . Another voice crying, “Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord from this day forward,” and another voice calling for Jesus to thrust in the sickle and reap. Another great voice calls for the pouring out of the bowls of the wrath of God . . . Another voice cries, “It is done!” The voices cry, “Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth!”

Along with these, there are still other great voices from the heavenly world crying out praises to God as He takes over the reins of the earth and closes out wickedness, filling the earth with righteousness as promised from the beginning. In Revelation 5, when Jesus took the seven-sealed book from the hand of “Him that sitteth upon the throne,” there was quite a commotion in Heaven. The act performed here was the beginning of the fulfilment of the redemption of all creation. When Jesus was found worthy to open the book, He took it and began removing the seals.

This seventh trumpet is found under the last of the seals. From the moment Jesus took the book until this moment, all along the way we have seen the unfolding judgments. During the entire course of events there has been much heavenly interest and excitement. But when the seventh trumpet sounds, everything in Heaven and all creation breaks out with thunderous praises, shouts, “Amens!” and songs of victory. The four and twenty elders fall upon their faces. When the Lamb took the book in chapter 5, the elders fell down and gave thanks and praises - but here they humble themselves to a much greater degree . . . they are on their faces. These four and twenty elders represent the firstborn of the resurrection . . . Those who will be raised and those who will be translated when the Rapture takes place. They are the seniors of Heaven’s redeemed. They are the ones “counted worthy to escape the woes that will come upon the whole earth.” They are already glorified - that is, at this point. That does not diminish their interest in the ongoing of earth’s dwellers. They already have their golden crowns - but that does not withdraw their sympathy from those who are still under the iron hand of Antichrist here on earth. There is no vanity nor selfishness in Heaven - no pride in Heaven, no vaunting of authority. 

These crowned elders, these “seniors of Heaven,” are more concerned over the pending conflicts and victories yet to be won than they were over those through which they had come in order to win their crowns of gold.
- They know that the destroyer of the earth (the devil) is not yet destroyed.
- They know the great White Throne Judgment is ahead.
- They know the rewards to all the faithful have not yet been passed out.
The meek shall inherit the earth - but they have not yet done so. The devil still remains out of the pit, and therefore the victory of victories is yet to be won. The elders know that. But - the trumpet which brings all this to pass and brings to a climax all judgments, is now sounding in the ears of these “kings and priests.” They could not keep their seats. They fell prostrate on their faces before the Lamb. 

In verse 18 the nations of the earth are very angry.The time of God’s great wrath is come. God is about to judge the wicked in final judgment; He is about to reward all of His prophets and servants. There will be a new Heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. The saints will be put on display in the Pearly White City. Satan will be put in the pit. All sin and all unrighteousness must be removed from the earth. The Antichrist and the wicked will be put down. They become exceedingly angry, and in chapter twelve a Great War breaks out between God and the devil.

In verse 19 the temple of God is opened. Did you know there is a literal temple in Heaven? There was seen in the temple the ark of His testament. There were lightnings and voices and thunders and an earthquake and great hail. The tabernacle and the temple of the Jews were copies of the tabernacle and temple in Heaven. “LOOK THAT THOU MAKE THEM AFTER THEIR PATTERN WHICH WAS SHEWED THEE IN THE MOUNT!” (Exodus 25:40). The Holy Spirit spoke to Paul in these words concerning the tabernacle and the temple: “.. . Patterns of things in the heavens.” There is a temple in Heaven. There is a tabernacle in Heaven. And one time in the past, Heaven and earth’s worship was very close together.

God visited His creatures in the Garden of Eden and spoke directly to many in the Old Testament era. But of course, sin appeared in the Garden and wrecked the perfect unity and harmony between man and God. But thank God, the second Adam, the Lamb of God, has redeemed all by His Blood - that is, all who will come to God by Him. And one day that sweet union between Heaven and earth will be restored. The Lord Jesus said, “After this manner . . . Pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE IN EARTH, AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.” One day the oneness between Heaven and earth will be restored. This is clearly taught in Revelation chapters 21 and 22.

When the temple in Heaven is open, John sees “the ark of God’s covenant.” All the covenants and promises of God to His people are in that ark. God’s solemn promises cannot be broken - they are forever settled in Heaven. His engagements, His appointments with His people, are there. In that “SACRED CASKET” they have been stored safely and preserved under the protecting hand of the Lord God in Heaven. Not one word of God’s promises is obsolete, dead, or forgotten. God cannot lie, He cannot prove untrue, He cannot break His promise. He will keep every item of His covenant and promise to faithful Abraham.

And now, at the ending of time, when all promises are to be fulfilled, that treasure box, that sacred casket, appears. Where? In the temple of God that was opened In Heaven when the seventh trumpet sounded. The study of the ark in the Old Testament is very interesting. God’s blessings went along with the ark.
- The Jordan River rolled back beneath the shadow of the ark
- The walls of Jericho fell down before it;
- The enemies of God were scattered when the ark appeared.
Where it rested the thousands of Israel dwelt in safety. Its appearance here is a token of the recurrence of all these wonders, but on a more complete, more magnificent and sublime scale than in the Old Testament era. The appearance of the ark announces the speedy fulfilment of all that God has spoken, all that He has promised concerning the earth, the righteous, the wicked, and all creation (Romans 8:18-23).

As we close this tremendous chapter I ask you, dear reader - are you born again? Are you a child of God? Are you washed in the Blood? That is one thing we can know for sure. If you do not know for sure that your sins are washed away, bow your head and accept the Lord Jesus Christ right now; then if you die, your spirit will return to God who gave it, your body will return to dust. When the Rapture takes place, your body will be raised incorruptible, your spirit will enter the glorified body like unto Jesus’ body (I John 3:1-3).
If Jesus comes while you are living, you will cheat death and be caught up to meet Jesus in the clouds in the air (I Thessalonians 4:13-18). But if you reject Jesus, if you die you will open your eyes in hell - and if you are living when the Rapture occurs you will be left to go through the fury of the Great Tribulation period.