Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Study of The Book of Revelation, Part #41

A Study of The Book of Revelation

The Red Dragon
The second of the seven personages

E. Gillespie
Satan is a fallen angel; and particularly the chief of them. He is the great principle of evil in the world; and it is his grand object to counteract the good that God desires to do. He exerts himself, especially with his angels, to draw away the souls of men from embracing salvation through Jesus Christ.  His name signifies the calumniator, or false accuser; as the Hebrew Satan means the adversary.  The scriptures give him various other appellations descriptive of his character. He is called, "The prince of this world," Joh 12:31; "The prince of the power of the air," Eph 2:2; "The god of this world," 2Co 4:4; "The dragon, that old serpent, the devil," Re 20:2; "That wicked one," 1Jo 5:18; "A roaring lion," 1Pe 5:8; "A murderer," "a liar," Joh 8:44; "Beelzebub," Mt 12:24; "Belial," 2Co 6:15; "The accuser of the brethren," Re 12:10. He is everywhere shown to be full of malignity, cruelty, and deceit, hating God and man. He is ceaselessly active in his efforts to destroy souls, and uses innumerable devices and wiles to adapt his temptations to the varying characters and conditions of men, enticing wicked men, and even good men at times, as well as his own angels, to aid in his work. 

 The Devil’s expressed purpose is to destroy the prophecies of God, it does not matter to him how many souls he tramples upon to achieve his objective.   If he can destroy the prophecies he win.  The world is suffering under the curse that was brought on by the fall of man.  The Devil was successful in his attempt to pervert the plan of God in the garden of Eden, and he was successful in his campaign to  pollute the moral character of God’s chosen people.  Now the church is at the forefront of his attack. The inhabitants  of the world are enduring the pain and suffering that is a direct result of man’s fall from grace and many are placing the blame on God. This pretentious nature of the believers of God is not overlooked by the Devil and his disciples.

The God of our salvation is trivialized in such a manner that his believability is called into question.  God is portrayed as engaging in a day to day battle with Satan, and he is working behind the scenes fixing what the Devil messes up.  If this were true then it would seem as if the Devil was no match for God.  This is not scriptural, there is but one battle plan and it is laid out in the book of Revelation,  it will be swift and decisive. Jesus knew of the trials the church would endure, and his final instructions were, “if you can endure, I will give you a crown of life.”  We need to reorient our thinking to realize that the gospel of Grace provides for  rewards in the Kingdom. All of the promises to the church is of a spiritual nature, the promises to the Jews is of a natural nature.

From the time he used Eve to pervert and pollute the word of God the whole world has been under his sway.  But he is a doomed foe. Christ shall bruise the Serpent's head; shall dispossess him for the world, and confine him forever in the place prepared for him and his angels, Mt 25:41.  

We will begin with a scary but beautiful allegorical presentation of the of the  Devil . An allegory conveys its hidden message through symbolic figures, actions, imagery, and/or events.   We will explore every  facet of the beast in an attempt to understand their symbolic meaning. Remember, we will be dealing with a “wonder” in Heaven.

Verses 3 and 4: “And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.”

The red dragon is Satan  presented here in his most horrifying character. Read Revelation 20:2, Ezekiel 29:3-4 and Jeremiah 51:34. Being a Red dragon signifies the dragon’s murderous nature. This dragon is spectacular in that he has seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns. What is said of him here was predicted of the beast we find in Revelation 13:1. The seven-crowned heads of the dragon refer to the concentration of earthly power and wisdom in cruel and  tyrannical rule. His ten horns; point to the future extent and limit of his kingdom. He will be the unseen force behind ten kings (rulers) who will rule over the ten kingdoms of the empire. (Study the rise of the European Union) The red dragon will be the ruler of the world-wide Gentile monarchy. He will carry on his government through its personal heads,  the little horn referred to in Daniel 7.  There is a conspiracy today being conducted in the hidden chambers of world rulership.  This conspiracy should serve as a sign of the impending doom which we shall discuss later.

 We note in verse 4 that the dragon’s tail will pull down one-third of the stars in Heaven. The tail of this dragon is certainly one of his outstanding features. His tail swings through Heaven, coils about celestial principalities, “and draweth along a third part of the stars, and casteth them down to earth.” These are specific heavenly bodies with which we are now dealing with, not the little stars that twinkle. Remember, we are dealing with a “wonder” in Heaven.  The stars here are angels. The being (or angel) who came down to unlock the bottomless pit was referred to as a star (chapter 9). These angels are truly the “stars of heaven.” When God made the world in the beginning, “the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy” (Job 38:7). These were the angelic hosts, they are called stars because of their beauty and glory. They are the stars of Heaven because they pertain to Heaven, and are the most sublime ornaments of the celestial world. Satan - the red dragon mentioned here - was at one time the leader of all stars (Isaiah 14:12, Ezekiel 28:12-15). Study these verses carefully. Jude speaks of the angels “which kept not their first estate, but left their habitation” (Jude 6). Peter refers to the angels who sinned, who were cast down and are now “in chains of darkness” (II Peter 2:4).

There was a day when Lucifer, “the shining one,” became so jealous of The Lord God that he decided he  could overthrow God. He brainwashed some of the angels, brought evil among the heavenly creatures and indoctrinated many of them - soiled their robes, tarnished their crowns, silenced their songs, dislodged them from their glorious seats and took from them every noble impulse and holy affection. They connected with him in an all-out attempt to overthrow the God who had created them. How this horrible tragedy came about is mentioned in various places in the Bible. The Bible does not say how many angels Satan led astray except here in this Scripture, where the dragon pulls one-third of the stars down to earth, drawn from their place of shining in God’s great beauty of Heaven. Jude tells us that they are now reserved in chains in darkness. Can we find a plan in the scripture to replace these fallen angels?    These fallen angels are blacked out, they no longer shine. Disobedience to God brings spiritual blackout and spiritual slavery. All sinners are slaves, in bondage to the devil. 

We should always remember the devil is a powerful being. Three times. Jesus Himself declared that the devil is “the prince of this world” (John 12:31 14:30 16:11) Paul in later years declared the devil to be “the god of this world” (II Corinthians 4:4). John testifies that “the whole world lies in wickedness (In the lap of the wicked one)” (I John 5:19). When we look around us today we certainly agree with John. The whole world seems to have sold out to Satan.  The red dragon had ten horns. Horns are instruments of destruction (Zechariah 1:18-21), and ten is the number of evil, worldly completeness. With ten horns the dragon gores, wounds, hurt, scatters, destroys and kills. The dragon has seven heads - but whether he comes with the head of “an angel of light” or the head of “a roaring horn,” he has the same heart and is the father of the same confusion, deception and destruction. His head may change but his heart never changes.

The dragon is RED - the color of the horse whose rider took peace from the earth (Revelation 6:4). Red is also the color of the apparel of the Almighty King when He comes in HIS strength to crush all His enemies (Revelation 19:11-16; Isaiah 63:2-4). Red describes flaming heat, Intensity of fierceness, bloody administrations - and all these terms describe the true nature of the dragon.  Satan is and will be a “murderer from the beginning to the end” (John 8:44). 

Satan is the red, bloody dragon, but few of us have ever realized the power of the devil. Ever since he became Satan he has been extremely envious and jealous of God. Here in our Scripture he is making his last great drive to overthrow the God of all creation. Under the mysterious economy of God, Satan has only been able to make certain mighty strides toward the realization of his fallen desire and purpose. “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” According to the Word of God, principality after principality in the celestial realms succumbed and fell to his drawing power. Now there exists a mighty confederation of demons, fallen angels, men, and disembodied spirits numbering untold millions, who burden the atmosphere and overspread this planet with disorder, anarchy, misrule, darkness, gloom, sorrow, tears, death, murder - thousands dying indescribably horrible deaths because of the power of Satan.   We dishonor our God when we blame the works of the Devil on him. 

Jesus is more than a match for Satan, and Jesus is the only one who can handle him, but  even Jesus feared when He saw the cup of bitterness He must drink in order to put a stop to Satan’s destruction. (Mark tells us that Jesus “was sore amazed.”) The devil turned loose all Hell’s demons, principalities and powers to prevent Jesus from paying the ransom note and making it possible for the captives to be set free. But in spite of the devil and all Hell, Jesus drank the bitter cup to the last dreg, and just before He died He proclaimed, “It is finished!” (John 19:30).  Then in the book of Revelation he sent a message to his church that said, “If you can endure (the same as I have) I will give you a crown of life.”

 Satan is a defeated foe. He knows his days are numbered, and therefore he is working overtime to damn every soul he can and breaks every heart he can. The latter part of verse 4 enlightens us further about the dragon: He stands ready to devour the woman’s man child the moment it is born. The dragon was not trying to destroy the woman - but the son, Jesus. In Genesis 3:15  God announced to Satan that the Seed of the woman would bruise (crush) his head. That moment war was declared between the Seed of the woman and the seed of the devil. The battle became bloody when Cain killed Abel. (Satan was attempting to destroy the Seed that would crush his head . He was stabbing at the Seed of the woman.) The battle raged through the Old Testament and was renewed in the New Testament even before Jesus was born. It continued in all bitterness until at last Jesus proclaimed, “It is finished!”  Then the devil turned his attention to the church.

From the day in the Garden of Eden when the Lord served notice on Satan that the Seed of the woman would bruise his head, until Jesus said, “It is finished,” the devil did everything in his ungodly power to devour the Man child - the Lord Jesus. He tried to corrupt the seed in the Old Testament era, he tried to kill the Baby when it was born, he caused the parents to forget the Child when He was twelve years of age, leaving Him in the temple with the very crowd who later crucified Him. The unholy crowd tried to push Him over the precipice, they tried to stone Him, they tried to kill Him at the whipping post; but Jesus Christ the Son of God had a single mission to fulfill, and He marched on until He could say, “It is finished!”
 The Child