Friday, October 18, 2013

A Study of The Book of Revelation, Part #61

Earl Gillespie

Let’s sum up what we have studied in chapter 17: Strive to understand the symbology of the book rather than spiritualizing it.  Babylon is briefly referred to in Revelation 14:8 and in Revelation 16:19. In chapters 17 and 18 we have a fully detailed description of the character and the doom of Babylon; but there is another subject of judgment besides that of Babylon: The Beast.

This tremendous apostate secular power occupies a very important an outstanding place in this prophecy. The two main subjects in chapters 17 and 18 are Babylon (the religious system), and the Beast (the civil apostate power energized by Satan himself).  The former occupies the chief place in this chapter; the Beast is more prominent in chapter 13, but here is regarded as secondary, having to do with Babylon the harlot. In the outset of chapter 17 the harlot is the powerful one.

Chapter 17 is divided into two parts: First, John saw a vision (verses 1-6); and second, he gives to us the interpretation of that vision (verses 7-18). The interpretation goes much further than what is seen in the vision. The same principle is discussed in Daniel 2 and in Matthew 13. The interpretation adds instruction to that found in the dream of Daniel 2 or the parable in Matthew 13. The vision deep in symbology must be carefully studied.

John first beheld the great whore, ripe for judgment (verse 1). She is called “Babylon the Great,” because of the widespread and horrible confusion of which she is the head. She is also “the great whore” because of the hypocritical and frightful system she holds over the souls and bodies of men. Her terrible character is described by the word “whore.” She is called a woman because the term “woman” implies subjection (I Corinthians 11:3), and this harlot sets herself up as the bride of Christ - or, as the Church, the true Bride. She is definitely a counterfeit; the true Bride is described in Ephesians 5:23-25.

In the case of this woman, her every move is hypocritical, diabolical, intended to lead men to destruction. Jesus, the true head of the Church, came to save men, and His Church is made up of holy, righteous, spotless born again believers. This woman cares nothing for Christ, nor will she bow to His headship nor to His authority. She is one hundred percent diabolical in her hypocrisy. The whore sits upon “many waters” (verse 1). These many waters signify many peoples . . . multitudes of peoples (verse 15). The woman will cast a spell over these multitudes, luring them to everlasting ruin and destruction.  Keep in mind that the devil is making his last drive against the God of gods, Lord of lords, and the King of kings. He is using a woman here to do it.

The kings and inhabitants of the earth are deceived by the woman and are drawn to her. From this we gather that her influence will be universal, and that the whole world will have direct connection with the whore. “The kings of the earth” are not the same as the ten kings in verse 12. The ten kings will have to do only with the Roman Empire . . . the civil power of the day; but the kings of the earth signify the whole world. We can understand why liberals and modernists are crying today for a world church. After the Rapture, there will be a world church, and the woman will be the head of it.

The woman is seen sitting upon a “scarlet beast.” This is the same beast with the same power seen in chapter 13. The ancient Roman Empire which has been defunct for many centuries is here witnessed by John on the scene of prophecy covered with the glory and government of the entire world, and this will be fulfilled after the Rapture. The Roman Empire will again control the world, and all roads will once more lead to Rome!

 The woman is arrayed in scarlet. In Revelation 12:3 the dragon bears the same color. Man has always sought eagerly after the pomp and glory of this world. The imperial power in that day will be subject to the woman. The Beast to whom the dragon commits universal authority and his own diabolical power is servant to and tool of the woman. In the beginning of her reign, the secular power (the secular Beast and his ten puppets) will support her.

The Beast upon which the woman sat is further described as “full of the names of blasphemy.”  It is the Beast who is described as full of the names of blasphemy.  As despicable as the woman is, she is not guilty of daring and open blasphemy. Deceit, corruption, violence, pride and evils beyond description are ascribed to Ecclesiastical Babylon - the whore; but blasphemy and the public denial of Almighty God and His Christ are not acts of the woman; these are acts of the Beast upon which she rides. The names of blasphemy on the heads of the Beast in Revelation 13:1 point out the executive governing authority with this awful character of guilt and blasphemy. The fear of God is completely gone.

The empire in all its parts is wholly given up to the most horrible iniquity and blasphemy man could ever conceive.  When the Beast comes on the scene of action (Revelation 13) he is said to have “seven heads and ten horns.” This term is repeated several times. The mention of the Beast in Revelation 13:1 is in similar terms to that of the mention of the dragon in Revelation 12:3.  In the case of the dragon, his heads - not his horns - are crowned. In the case of the Beast (in Revelation 13:1) the horns are crowned, but the heads bear the names of blasphemy. However, in chapter 17, neither the heads nor the horns are crowned (Revelation 17:3). Such, then, is the general character and description of the Beast who will be the main supporter of the false,  corrupt religious systems dominating the empire that will come into world-wide power after the Rapture, and the head (or seat) of that government will be in Rome, while the influence of the empire will permeate the whole wide world.

It seems strange that the Beast on which such great power is conferred by Satan (Revelation 13:4-7) should be willing to allow himself to be used of the woman; but her dazzling splendor and seductive influence will be as the glistening of the shining serpent who came to Eve in the Garden, and even this giant power who will be at the head of the civil world government will bow at the feet of the harlot for a season.

The woman is clothed in splendor, adorned with all that the world values (verse 4). She holds a golden cup in her hand, and that cup is full of abominations and the unclean things of her fornication. All the people of earth who drink of her cup (and multiplied millions will) will be morally ruined. Upon her forehead we see stamped, in clear view of all, her name and character: “Mystery” of iniquity.

The second part of her title: “Babylon the Great.” This speaks of the havoc she will play with the peoples of earth in that day of her glory. She will fill Christendom with innumerable evils and with hopeless confusion.  This has been true ever since Rome (Babylon) came into existence almost sixteen centuries ago, but after the Rapture she will bring in such confusion as the world has never known.

There is a third part to the title of the woman: “The mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.” Every hellish system which copies the ways of the woman - every system which accepts her doctrines, including the Romish system - makes up Babylon. Babylon means confusion; the Romish system has always been confusion.

This woman is the mother, the source, of every evil religious system. There is only one true religion, and that is Christianity, purchased at the tremendous price of the Blood of Jesus. Every religious system that does not bow in total submission to the Blood and the finished work of Jesus is a part of the systems of Babylon.

This woman is drunk with blood. She professes to be the spouse of Christ; and yet she has murdered the saints and the prophets - the witnesses of Jesus Christ who were redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb.  
During the first part of the Tribulation period there will be a great number saved whom the spirit of Babylon will butcher. The Beast is the one who will actually put the saints to death during the time of the woman’s glory, but she is the power behind the Beast at that time. “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Revelation 13:7). This refers to the first Beast - the revived Roman Empire - and the power is given by the second Beast, which is the ecclesiastical dictator at the end time. The woman is the final bloody, deplorable picture of this ecclesiastical power.

In the second part of chapter 17, the mystery of the woman and of the Beast who carries her, is explained to us. I praise God that the Holy Spirit gave us the last half of this chapter. This mystery is double - the woman and the Beast. I made the statement earlier in our study that for everything God has that is good, the devil has a cheap counterfeit.

We read concerning the true Church, “the mystery concerning Christ and the Church” which has to do with Christ (the head) and the born again believers (the Bride) of the true Church. But here we read concerning the mystery of the woman and the Beast which carries her. In the true Church, Christ is mentioned first as the head, and we, the members of His body, are mentioned second; but in our present Scripture the woman is mentioned first, and the Beast carries her.  This is the counterfeit. Jesus is the True . . . and the Truth: “Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” Those who follow the woman are led into captivity and destruction.

The mystery of the Beast is explained first (verse 8). “The beast that thou sawest was, and is not.” The Beast, therefore, existed as one vast empire under a long line of imperial rulers. “ . . . and is not.” At the time John saw the vision and penned down this prophetic truth, the Beast has no political existence. The countries and nations once within the empire, remain; but the empire as a glorious power ended in A. D. 476. Rome crumbled and that ancient empire of world-wide fame for many centuries ceased to exist, although parts of it have never ceased to be. This Beast “shall ascend out of the bottomless pit” (verse 8).

How could the Roman Empire be revived?  The truth of the matter is, the Roman Empire exists today in broken parts. The countries and territories that composed the old Roman Empire are still there, and the spirit of the people in most of those places would be very happy to accept a world dictator.

The Empire will not be revived until after the Rapture. (Nothing needs to take place before the Rapture. Jesus can come at any second. There is not one word of Scripture that needs yet to be fulfilled before Jesus comes.) But before He comes in the Revelation to destroy ecclesiastical and political corruption, the Roman Empire must and WILL be revived. The Beast will be the head, the ten king will be his puppets, and their territory will make up the giant empire of Rome again. All the world will wonder at this gigantic Beast - except the elect (Revelation 17:8), who will understand.

At the end of his bloody reign, he “will go into perdition.” This describes the everlasting doom of the Beast (Revelation 19:20). He will be cast alive into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the Beast and the False Prophet are. So the Satanic trinity will be placed in the lake of fire and brimstone (chapter 20).

The seven heads are seven mountains. These mountains refer to the hills on which Rome is built. The seven kings signify various forms of government of the Roman Empire. These heads are seven kings, five of which had fallen. Some Bible scholars consider the reference to point to the first five emperors of Rome (Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius and Nero).

After John mentions the five fallen phases of civil and political government, he continues by  saying, “. . . and one IS.” (That is the imperial form of government that existed in John’s day - the sixth head.) However, another “is yet to come . . . the seventh.” The seventh one will continue for a brief season. “AND THE BEAST THAT WAS . . . AND IS NOT . . . EVEN HE IS THE EIGHTH, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition” (Revelation 17:11). And the eighth, which is of the seven and goeth into perdition, is the man who heads the empire - the Antichrist, the little horn of Daniel chapter 7. That will be Satan’s man who will arise out of the abyss.

Next we have the ten horns of the Beast (verse 12). The ten horns are kings who come within the scope of the kingdom of the Beast. The duration of his reign will determine the duration of their reign. They all have one mind, one purpose and one heart. They yield themselves wholeheartedly and unreservedly into the hands of the Beast . . . they are at his service (verse 13).  The Lamb of God then appears and declares war.

The Beast, the ten kings and their armies are on one side; the Lamb of God and the mighty host of Heaven are on the other side (verse 14). This is the war described in Revelation 19:11-21. In chapter 17 the last act of the Beast and his ungodly associates has not actually come. It is seen by John, but it does not happen until Revelation 19:11-21. There are other events that transpire between the account given here and the actual battle. There is no guesswork concerning the outcome. The King of kings will be victorious and the Beast with his henchmen will be put down.

The waters John saw, upon which the woman sat, signify multitudes of people, nations, tongues (verse 15).  The tremendous moral influence of the woman extended far beyond the Palestine area . . . it reached the ends of the earth. The masses of mankind were organized and brought under her influence. The “many waters” in verse 1 become evangelists of the woman, and lead untold multitudes to follow her. The ten horns (kings) finally turn against her whom they have supported, worshipped, and bowed down to. The Beast and the ten kings then destroy the woman. They reduce her to a state of complete desolation, and they confiscate her wealth.  “The love of money is the root of all evil,” and the glory of things seen has been the damnation of millions - and will be until the consummation of all things.

In verse 17 we see God’s will and God’s words carried out. The ten kings unite with the Beast, who is the real authority, and together they destroy the systems of Rome . . . the scarlet woman with all of her despicable doctrines and practices.

Verse 18 clearly points out the city where all these horrible things will originate - the city from which they will spread to the ends of the earth, and from which final judgment will be poured out and multitudes will be destroyed when the Lamb of God leads the armies of Heaven against  earth’s ungodly reprobates.