Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Conversation of Lies

Earl Gillespie
A Conversation Of Lies
A Testing Of Faith

Have you been engaged in a conversation in search of solidarity only to be reminded of an unknown 'thing that you always do'?  Not withstanding the fact that an improbability  has been stated,  the accused usually have no knowledge of what he is being accused of.  Any attempt to engage in an enlightening discussion is cast aside as being nothing more than, "your word against his' (hers')."  If this were true, why was it brought up?  Another fallacy that amazes me is that in the religious arena, we are often judged by how we act, "you act like.." or we make judgments based upon what a we think,  "you think you are more than anybody else."  Is it possible for a person to know the inner thoughts of another?  When Jesus alluded to a man looking at the outer appearance, was he talking about clothes?

Possibly,  as a young boy, participating in school closing and church plays I developed a habit of speaking in an animated fashion, relying extensively upon the use of my hands to express myself.  It became a habit that many found exciting and exhilarating as I sought to make my points in business meetings and Bible study classes.  In a conversation among friends I was sharply criticized and hurt when it was stated, " you come here with all that hand jive trying to act like somebody on TV and confuse us."

Often as advised I have prayed for God to open up a line of communication so that differences among families, friends and members of the household of faith might be worked out. The result of these prayers indicated that I prayed for the wrong thing or God simply, did not hear my prayer.  This conclusion added to my test of faith.   In my stupidity, I must admit I never understood the over used cliché of, 'He might not come when you want him to come, but he is always on time."   The again, I never understood the meaning of, "You cannot have your cake and eat it too."  If I asked you for a glass of water and you said no, did you answer my request?  When God spoke to Moses, who was he speaking to? Questions, questions designed to make us think.

In a conversation of lies the truth is stretched and shaped to accommodate the  person who has a difference of opinions with what is being said or done.  Sadly to say, in many instances there is nothing that can be said to resolve the differences when we elevate our opinion above all other opinions.   When I began to speak out about the things that was happening around me that was, 'messing with my faith', the standard reply was, we must keep our eyes on God not man.  The truth be told many times that statement is made in a self serving manners, designed to show  that you have lost your sight on God and to further implicate you in what ever atrocious act that you have been condemned of.   If we are representatives of God, then is it true, we must see God in those that represent him?

In a conversation about God or listening to the Word of God go forth there is a constant use of indoctrinated  phrases and cliches designed to bring about an emotional response.  In many assemblies a lively message is filled with questions about the goodness of God.  "God is a good God",  is repeated with such intensity that the parishioners  who might be dozing off will find it impossible to go to sleep. The question of who woke you up this morning is apt to bring on an emotional response that is equivalent to a James Brown concert.   The same as the word, 'touchdown' will evoke an emotional response at a football game, the savvy speaker has in his repertoire, words or phrases that will evoke the desired response. 

There appears to be an  ethnic diversification that has changed the demographics within the religious community.  Emotional reactions in the church manifested itself during the days of slavery, it can be argued that it is a part of the slave mentality, an infectious and  contagious malady.  It has ingrained itself in religious worship services and has redefined itself as the spirit of God.  In many ethnic churches the preachers learned to work the crowd.  In the ancient days the people would 'shout' and the Ushers would rush to, "hold and fan"  the emotionally overcome to keep them from hurting themselves.  In todays setting the crowd is worked into a frenzy and those that are so inclined,  get up and dance.   How God response seems to be relevant to this ethnic diversity of the congregation. 

I am very much aware that I have crossed over into a dark territory and ministers of God are declaring damnation upon my soul.  They say I have an agenda, some will say I am being vindictive.  The truth is I am being vindictive and I do have an agenda.  In my book, "My Search for The Real God," I challenged the pious prelates to take a closer look at the lies that are being told in the name of our Father.  In my test of faith I realize how tired I am of hearing the scripture misquoted, misapplied and I, like many others who are walking away from the church are tired of being lied to and lied about.  To sustain that which is left of my faith, I will speak out against those who have perverted the Word of God.  The church that Jesus ordained is being presented as a casino, "money goes in and blessings come out."   Why did Jesus condemn the church in the Book of Revelation?  Questions, questions.

Do you get tired of the lies? Do you recognize how many lies you are constantly being told?  When you go to church is there truth in the message, or is the Bible being twisted to massage someones egotistical personality?  When you engage in a conversation, are you repeating or reacting to the lies that someone else told you?  How do you know you are not?  Have you become so desensitized to lying now that it has become such a normal part of living.  Are you guilty of judging someone because of what someone told you?  Lying is the outcome of people being right in their own eyes and stubbornly holding to their own viewpoint, regardless of evidence to the contrary. Lies are constantly in politics and government, and we tend to simply accept them. Rarely does anyone address issues truthfully. And when such a rare thing does occur, many simply do not want to hear the truth.

Politics and lying are quite synonymous and to think that the church has become involved in politics.   We are constantly being bombarded by little lies, big lies and every kind of shading or perversion of the truth that falls in between. In the church, talk shows, books, advertising, and the news—what is the truth? How often do you find genuine truth, fidelity, honesty, and faithfulness in marital relationships?   Adding to the fragility of marriage alternate lifestyles that condone all of the sins that the Bible speaks against is becoming the accepted norm.  Again, how many lies? Over half of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. Are lies involved in such cases? Constantly! Are there lies in the workplace, in corporations and between employers and employees? People live with lies and deceit every day, and this very thing contributes mightily to the daily stress of life. Lies hurt relationships and cause people to be agitated and angry at one another.  A lies will cause a person to commit murder.  Brothers cannot get along because of lies.  One tells a lie and the other is never given a chance to defend himself.  Lies, lies how much stress is added to other areas of your life because of lies?  Lies are like photos on the internet once introduced, they become public domain and impossible to remove.

 What about relationships in families and the home, with children and parents, and between neighbors, friends or relatives? The list is endless, but we simply don’t stop to consider how such a thing impacts everyday life. The consequences are enormous and far greater than anyone can imagine. So how long has it been since you were lied to by someone? How many minutes has it been? How long has it been since you repeated a lie told to you by someone of a vindictive nature?

Religion Is the Worst Offender,  Religion is the greatest culprit of all when it comes to lying and deceit. You need to know why!  It's about money, the selling of hope.  The church teaches you to pray for all of the worldly excesses, and many are reveling in their fairy-tale misrepresentation of God.  It is for this very reason that this earth is about to suffer more than it has at any other time in history. Religion has had a devastating impact on people in all nations of the world. The clash of lying religions is about to erupt on a worldwide scale that will affect every person on earth. Why is this, and how is such a thing possible?  The Book of Revelation paints a bleak picture of the church and the conditions of the world.   Judgment is imminent, and no amount of praying is going to prevent God's judgment from being poured out upon the wicked.

Generations may come and go, but the chronic problems persist.  Lack of faith or a test of faith has been around for a long time.  Nearly two thousand years ago Jesus spoke a parable that illustrated our need to have and practice a living faith.    He described a widow who was having a difficult time obtaining justice.  She persevered in her quest for righteous judgement, however, and eventually the judge decided to help her because he grew weary of her constant pleadings (Luke 18:1-5).  Jesus used this example to draw from everyday life to illustrate God's promise to intervene on the behalf of people of faith.  Luke 18:7  And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?

Now I have used a segment from the Book of Luke to demonstrate that God has promised to deliver people of faith.   This chapter these verses make for a good Sunday morning message of, "God will deliver you."    To some who is suffering from life's situations, these verses do not provide the substance needed to grow their faith, no matter how it is sermonized.   I once asked a seasoned minister to reconcile the statement of Jesus in Luke 18:1-5 and the events spoken of in Acts 7:58-60  and they cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul. And they stoned Stephen, calling upon the Lord, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said this, he fell asleep. 

The Book of Revelation provides the answers….