Proverbs 14:12 "There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death".
2nd Timothy 3:1-5, (1) But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come: (2) For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, (3) unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, (4) traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, (5) having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!
Have you ever pulled over to the side of the road and pondered the direction you were heading? Have you ever been lost and did not know you were lost? Maybe, knowingly or unknowingly you simply miss your exit. Traveling in unfamiliar territories, have you ever become confused? Oh yes, in the age of smartphones and GPS one would suppose that it is hard for a person to lose it way, but a dead battery, a lost signal or even unfamiliarity of the user can cause a driver to miss a turn and end up lost and confused. Traveling in the wrong direction or missing a turn has not gone away even with the increase in reliance on advanced technology. An even stranger phenomenon exist among those who are proud in spirit, they are traveling in the wrong direction but refusing to acknowledge it because to do so would require admitting they made a mistake. I know that there are those who know what I am talking about, because I once drove in circles, rather than admit to my fellow travelers that, " I was lost."
What direction are we headed is a self-check question. This question is worthy of an answer, but there are those would prefer that a question of this nature never came to the "light of day." Through the justification of our sins, we are quick to infer, "I know I am headed in the right direction." As a nation of people of different ethnic backgrounds, different cities, and states, we are all headed in different directions. Even the church, that singular body of Christ presents itself to the world as a divided body. Simple things such as the direction we are traveling are no longer worthy of debate; there are more important issues at stake. As a nation, people and the church we are distracted by more important, but irrelevant issues. Simple things that are not worthy of debate has torn the organized church and the world apart. Our society is plunging swiftly into almost the total rebellion against God. The question is, how much longer before the true God of the Bible began to intervene and shake this world to its senses?
We live in a world in which self-centeredness is being promoted to its greatest extent in human history. Appealing advertising hammers away at us to gratify ourselves: Why wait, why deny ourselves, why sacrifice, why not go along with everyone else? Constantly we hear, "Indulge yourself because you deserve it." This world always appeals to moral and ethical standards lower than those of the great God and His way of life. In Technicolor with emotion-stirring music, Hollywood "sells" adultery and fornication as acceptable as long as the couple involved are attractive and somehow oppressed—thus "deserving" of a "better" relationship.
In a society whose mere existences depend on the emergence of leaders, we are guilty of creating leaders or role models when there is no need. Often the unqualified emerge and claim the role of leaders. Those who are dissatisfied with their status are quick to embrace the antics of a fool. Demonstrated in the Garden of Eden, The desire for self-improvement is the greatest weakness of humanity. In the Garden, the Devil offered the representative of mankind the chance to be like God, and to this date, he has not rescinded the offer. As an added incentive that old Devil offered Jesus all of the richness of the world. The promise of financial blessing have now become, and intricate part of our Christian worship and God promises monetary awards if we type "Amen" on the social media.
In our American society, it is those who yell and scream and "want their own way" in promoting vile behaviors of every sort, and these are the ones who usually get their way. Eventually, the silent majority will rebel against some of these outlandish requests and behaviors that are being promoted. In the end, we will have unrest, riots, and a complete shattered society because humanity has turned totally away from God. A phenomenon called road rage has dominated the natural and spiritual roadway, and we are traveling in the way that seems right to man.
In our American society, it is those who yell and scream and "want their own way" in promoting vile behaviors of every sort, and these are the ones who usually get their way. Eventually, the silent majority will rebel against some of these outlandish requests and behaviors that are being promoted. In the end, we will have unrest, riots, and a complete shattered society because humanity has turned totally away from God. A phenomenon called road rage has dominated the natural and spiritual roadway, and we are traveling in the way that seems right to man.
The desire to be like God or the desire to be like "a god" is the result of subjective thinking. Humanity has placed itself at the forefront of the agenda, personal perspectives, feelings, or opinions has entered the decision-making process. Subjective thinking is struggling to eliminate objective thinking, the same as Cain slaying his brother Abel. Christianity should place the values of God above the values of humanity. Religion is about faith. Therefore, faith is subjective. Religion is easily perverted by our personal belief system.
Doors are open that should have remained closed. The putrid smell emulating from these once hidden cesspools is a testimony that we are not moving forward. History gives us many examples of people or nations that traveled down a road that led to destruction. The desire for change is usually indicative of the beginning of destruction. Many world leaders' desire for change led their nation or people down a road of destruction. From the Roman Emperors, the Kings of England to leaders such as Hitler and Stalin, the road to change is paved with destruction. What God did to the ancient city of Sodom and Gomorrah was to be an example to us today. More and more politicians and liberal professing ministers are going along with the vile behaviors of the so-called communities of humanity.
We are traveling today in a new direction, a direction that our emerging leaders have proclaimed to be the right way. All of the sacred cows are being slaughtered and offered up on the altar of political correctness. Doors are being thrown open, new ideologies are emerging, and God is not in the matrix.
We are traveling today in a new direction, a direction that our emerging leaders have proclaimed to be the right way. All of the sacred cows are being slaughtered and offered up on the altar of political correctness. Doors are being thrown open, new ideologies are emerging, and God is not in the matrix.
A type of unholy godliness has arisen; this godliness caters to the subjective nature of humanity. It is different from that spoken of in the Word of God. The leaders of our nations and churches have downplayed the importance of the one God concept and what has emerged is a more political correct God. Even the Pope and Bishops are scrambling to realign their thinking to the acceptance of this new and multifaceted concept of God.
More and more news emerge every day as to how our entire society is breaking down. Our justice and educational system are becoming more and more corrupt as the attention is turned from the will of God to what bathroom certain people are supposed to use. Pointless arguments dominate the human agenda. A great number of people are becoming discouraged with our political system, our so-called leaders and even our "religious system". The people are being seduced into more and more vile behaviors as our society comes apart. The Apostle Paul wrote about the early philosophers of the Roman Empire, who: "Professing to be wise, they became fools" (Roman 1:22). Later he describes how: "For this reason, God gave them over to a debased mind" (Roman 1:26-28).
In the Old Testament Scriptures, death and destruction are synonymous. Therefore, the proverb infers that traveling down the wrong path or in the wrong direction even though it seems right is detrimental to one well-being. Faithlessness
is rising to its peak because self-centeredness, the father of
irresponsibility, is being promoted to its utmost. It is the spirit of this
age, but we have cause to resist it by what God has offered us in His
revelation. God-centeredness in our lives is the answer to faithlessness and
irresponsibility. But God-centeredness is not cheap, and few are willing to pay
the price: their lives!