Friday, July 8, 2016

Living In A Deteriorating Society, Part #4

Revelation 13:1  And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.

The visions in this chapter are two distinct "beasts," each with peculiar characteristics, yet closely related, they deriving their power from a common source; aiding each other in the accomplishment of the same object, and manifestly relating to the same power under different forms.  

One of the characteristics of the first beast, mention in Revelation 13:1-10 is that it comes out of the sea, signifies the death of a nation and the creation of another.  The use of the word "Sea" symbolizes a state of confusion. This verse indicates that a new nation is born out of the commotion, the agitation and manipulation of confused people.  Under the tutelage of one who possess the spirit of Antichrist, a new and ungodly nation will spring up from those disturbing elements.  Laws and constitutions will be set aside; in today's terminology, this is MARTIAL LAW.   In that day the blood of the Christians, the jihadist,  the protestors of every race, creed and color will mingle together in the streets and run like a river.

This beast with seven heads (rulers or Kings) and ten horns (the ultimate war machines) will crush the European nations that once stood as the vanguard of Christianity.  Using a cliché of the supposed enlightened, one does not have to be a "Rocket Scientist" to see the confusion, the changes, and manipulation that are taking place worldwide.   The attempt to establish a one-world government is a reality.  This transformation began with the reemerging of a false religion, one that look like the real thing but deny the true power of God, it purpose is to crush the heads of Christianity.

Durning the early sixties, a young man stood before his friends and in a drug introduced stupor declared, "God is dead".  The media practiced exploitation rather than censorship, all in the name of greed.  The metaphysical lightning bolt did not appear and strike him dead as many feared would happen.   In that highly publicized moment when it seems as if God had failed to defend himself, the fear of God began to vanish.   There was no shame or public outcry when the Rock Star stood on stage and decried he was more popular than Jesus Christ was, and the band played on.

Many of the older generation grew up in an age when we respected God and the Flag.   In school, our morning ritual began with the Lord's Prayer and a recital of the Pledge of Allegiance.    This did not make us less of a person; in fact, I would say it made us a better person.   It taught or gave us a sense of respect, a thing that our younger generation is searching for with guns, crime and drugs.  What can be so asinine as to disrespect the thing or entity that provide for your existence?  Our nation, our homes, our communities and the organized churches failing to police their sphere of influence as greed, and/or corruption becomes the status quo.   

The same as Jesus posed the question, "will I find the faith when I return", I often pose the same question.  The posting on the internet said, "Within 11 days, God will open your delayed money doors." "If you believe, LIKE and type men and share."  The number of people who respond to this type of "skullduggery" is amazing.  On the internet, in the church and on the street the transformation is complete; the God who offered the world salvation is now a God of money.  The great things that God is doing today usually involve money.  An interesting side note: If Jesus and the Apostles had ascribed to the prosperity and blessing Gospel, they would have lived a glorious life here on earth.

When I listen to a motivational message about planting seeds and reaping blessing the question that clouds my mind is; "do we really believe in God?"  What is our belief in God based upon?  Is it based upon God giving us the things he promised us?  My next question would is, "What did God promise us?"  One answer to the question would be, "He promised to be with us until the end of time".  Another said, "He promised to heal my body."  Once we get pass the platitudes without substance, it becomes clear we are serving God for what we can get.

The further we travel down the road of corruption the easier it become to trivialize the works of God.  Trivialization and corruption become the essence of false teaching.  I offer this, not for the sake of condemnation but for consideration, Jesus spoke or touched the sick and healed them.  Even the raising of Lazarus from the dead was not to prolong his life; it was so that those standing there might believe.  A miracle once was something that, in awe men and women proclaimed it the works of God.  In today's Christian environment healing and blessing is an inducement.  The redefinition of miracles and blessing allows one to enter the hospital for a surgical procedure and testify of the healing power of God. 

I often hear those that are enlightened speak of what God is doing.  Like the man said sitting by the side of the road if God is doing so much for the world, why is the world in such bad shape?  Now come the irrelevant platitudes and clichés, but they are not the answer.  The only thing standing between this sinful world and an angry God is the blood of Jesus. The religious right has become a part of the problem, like Nero fiddling while Rome burned.  Dumbing down and selling out to an alternate belief structure, promising blessings and favors while the wrath of God is building. On the horizon, the dark clouds are rising,  the world, even America, once that vanguard nation is now adrift in a sea of confusion.