There is an argument that uses the Word of God as the basis of justifying sin. This argument implies that sin is of no consequence because it is covered by the Blood of Jesus. The justification of sin, once the rhetoric of the heretic was necessary because of the testimony of the saints. When the spotlight once again shifted from believing to receiving the Holy Ghost, the saints began to testify of living a life free and separated from sin. This was unacceptable and not conducive to the expansion of multi-facet and multi-denominational churches. does not the Bible teach, we all sin?
Standing in the grocery check out I was not amused as the young child threaten to "knock out", his mother. Annoyed by the verbal altercation a customer's intervention was met by a stinging rebuff by the mother who exclaimed, "You don't stand there looking down your nose at me and talk to my child that way." Shaming, a new age form of one-upmanship was employed placing the concerned customer in a defensive position. The young mother of two barely sixteen years of age, explained to all within hearing distance, "There is no shame in my game, and what ever I do GOD got my back."
In the olden days when the knowledge of the ancients prevailed, there were certain protocols put in place that governed the interaction of children with their parents. Parent was to always address by the title of their position in the household, thus "mother or father", was the proper way to address one parent. Certain deviations were allowed such as "ma, momma, dad or daddy", but never by the first name. This was not to enhance the standing of the parent within the household, but merely a sign of respect. Respect was the first step on the path to obedience.
Standing in the grocery check out I was not amused as the young child threaten to "knock out", his mother. Annoyed by the verbal altercation a customer's intervention was met by a stinging rebuff by the mother who exclaimed, "You don't stand there looking down your nose at me and talk to my child that way." Shaming, a new age form of one-upmanship was employed placing the concerned customer in a defensive position. The young mother of two barely sixteen years of age, explained to all within hearing distance, "There is no shame in my game, and what ever I do GOD got my back."
In the olden days when the knowledge of the ancients prevailed, there were certain protocols put in place that governed the interaction of children with their parents. Parent was to always address by the title of their position in the household, thus "mother or father", was the proper way to address one parent. Certain deviations were allowed such as "ma, momma, dad or daddy", but never by the first name. This was not to enhance the standing of the parent within the household, but merely a sign of respect. Respect was the first step on the path to obedience.
It seems as if it was my generation that tore down the walls of that were put in place to govern the process of being a parent. The child became the controlling factor and the parent became the facilitator. I still shudder when I think of the first time I heard a child address his parent by their first name. The easing of the parenting protocol was necessary because we were of a generation that wanted to be a part of our children lives and not controlling their lives. Respect for the office of parenthood soon became a declining entity in many children lives. It was only natural that the lack of respect for God followed.
Years ago it was almost unthinkable and a rarity to hear of children attacking or killing their mother or father. The code of the family was tight under the rule of "Blood was thicker than water." We can amuse ourselves by asking, "what happen", but the inconvenient truth is, we know what happened. We are the generation that killed all of the sacred cows. There is nothing left that is sacred, not even the name of God.
Much of the posting on the social media cause me to shudder as enlighten men and women speak so cavalier about God or his works. I am not impressed when a pile of money is used to imply that God is going to work to resolve financial situations in a matter of days. How many people type "amen" and share, then sit back and wait for supernatural money to fill their bank account? The question that fills my conscious when I see these type of remarks is, "Do we really believe in God or are we just playing?"
At this point of our dissertation, we should ask, what is causing the erosion of Christian values when the field is crowded with worker? However, to ask or even answer the question we can become guilty of validating the "pretentious nature of Christianity". It is easy to pretend that we know the answer, invoking deliberate confusion through the twisting of the scripture and the trivialization of the name of God, his works, and his plan.
Years ago it was almost unthinkable and a rarity to hear of children attacking or killing their mother or father. The code of the family was tight under the rule of "Blood was thicker than water." We can amuse ourselves by asking, "what happen", but the inconvenient truth is, we know what happened. We are the generation that killed all of the sacred cows. There is nothing left that is sacred, not even the name of God.
Much of the posting on the social media cause me to shudder as enlighten men and women speak so cavalier about God or his works. I am not impressed when a pile of money is used to imply that God is going to work to resolve financial situations in a matter of days. How many people type "amen" and share, then sit back and wait for supernatural money to fill their bank account? The question that fills my conscious when I see these type of remarks is, "Do we really believe in God or are we just playing?"
At this point of our dissertation, we should ask, what is causing the erosion of Christian values when the field is crowded with worker? However, to ask or even answer the question we can become guilty of validating the "pretentious nature of Christianity". It is easy to pretend that we know the answer, invoking deliberate confusion through the twisting of the scripture and the trivialization of the name of God, his works, and his plan.
Deliberation confusion exists when those who proclaim to know the answer, cloud their message with supposition and obscured platitudes, quoting scriptures out of context and saying nothing in the process. Confusion is a politician's gambit; distraction is a magician's trick, combine together they form the necessary elements of deliberate confusion. Much is spoken but very little is said while we are distracted, often by the pomp and pageantry.
A most grievous display of contempt for the LORD of our Salvation is the flagrant abuse that we bestow upon the use of His name. God addressed the subject of disrespecting his name, in the first major group of commandants given to the children of Israel. "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain." (Exodus 20:7) There are made-up words or phrases that use "god" as the first part of a compound word or phrase, these words or phrases serve no purpose other than to trivialize the name of God. Does god-awful-truth make the truth more believable? What about when we scream "Jesus take the wheel" when things are not going our way?
Trivialization, an innate form of disrespect that traverses generations and with each passing generation, it grows more acceptable. It is sad to say but even a threat from God did not protect his name or his Word from abuse. The evolution of man was as such that the name of God, even the Word of God became more and more irrelevant in the affair of man.
God has become the butt of many comedy-show-off-colored jokes. Music of all genres seems to have learned the emotional and financial value of invoking the name of God in their lyrics. The entertainment value of misusing God's name in music has created a profitable crossover that appeals to the churchgoers as well as the nightclub crowd.
The name of God has become synonymous with disgust or cursing, whereas the use of the name of Jesus often expresses alarm or despair. Furthermore, the name of Jesus has evolved into just a figure of speech. This misuse of the name of God or the attributes of the Godhead is not limited to those who are of the world; the misuse and abuse exist in the household of faith.
Those that are of the world, as a Christian's would say, is not totally the blame for the condition of Christianity, the church and it leaders must accept much of the blame. Our leaders have abused and misused the metaphysical God of our salvation. What once was a solid foundation has emerged into a fairy tale ideology, based upon a foundation of entertainment. The stellar awards go to those who can entertain as they recount the stories of a God rendered impotent by our greed.
One of the most pathetic abuses occurs in the Church. This type of abuse emulates from the pulpit, spreading through the congregation and community, it exists in the form of a testimony of what God is doing. From positions of authority, they indoctrinated the masses into a belief that God is just standing by to fix all of humanities problems. This is not scripture. In the midst of pain and suffering, "Fix it Jesus" is the cry of the indoctrinated. Trained to interpret the scripture from a naturalistic perspective the same as the Devil did in the Garden of Eden, they make unfulfilled demands and promises in God's name.
The sad truth is church members are dying waiting on Jesus to fix it, and many have crashed and burned while waiting on Jesus to take the wheel. Those that are left behind are having are having a hard time reconciling their shattered faith.