In our utopia society labels are created and applied to the things that offend us. The definition of these labels are often fluid and for that reason alone they pose far-reaching implications that are often destructive to society itself. It is akin to clearing the forest of unwanted trees, a noble undertaking but destructive to the home of the creature that lives there. This action usually causes the animals to invade our personal space. These created labels are often fueled by an emotion of the heart called hatred and their purpose is to destroy rather than correct. Labels act as a virus once they are injected into an environment, destruction of that environment occurs. To validate this assessment look no farther than our school systems. Parents are being forced to rely on Law enforcement and the judicial society to protect their children from other children, this is an impossible scenario.
The desire to eliminate hate is a noble concept and has always been at the top of God's agenda but, God in his infinite wisdom realized that to do so he would have to destroy what he had created. Throughout the Old Testament, God's destructive plan was often thwarted by one person who found Grace in the Eyes of God. After numerous attempt to allow mankind to self-correct, he initiated a plan and he set a time to act on that plan.
Mankind dereliction of duty began soon after the creation, and it has continued. "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." (Genesis 6:4)
This verse seems to imply that there was a massive population swell in the land consisting of two types of people, the sons of God and the daughters of men. Who were the sons of God, and who were the daughters of men? We shall establish a foundation and explore the probabilities. This question has caused much speculation as men of skill and knowledge learned to preface their often-flawed interpretation with, "the Bible says." We will attempt to shed light on what some refer to as an anomaly in the scripture, but first, let's establish our foundation and examine the true reason why the detractors continue to point out certain things and label them anomalies.
There are numerous verses in the scripture that offers a key to the knowledge of the Word of God; this is one of those verses. This key is often overlooked because of an error in our original interpretation that is based on an indoctrinate view of the scripture. There are two types of knowledge mention in the Holy Scripture, one is the Knowledge of God and the other is the knowledge of good and evil. Too often, we assume and teach, the knowledge of good and evil is the knowledge to know the difference between good and evil, and this is not true. The Knowledge of Good and Evil is a Hebrew phrase that references all of the knowledge of the world. The use of such phrases is called merisms.
The use of Merisms found in the Old and New Testaments was a part of the Hebrew language, a figure of speech. Merisms are a convention of poetry and prose. Merism is an example of synecdoche in which the expression of a totality is by referencing it contrasting parts, (e.g. high and low, young and old). In this figure of speech a pair of opposites refers to something greater than the constituents, as in the phrase, "they searched high and low," meaning that they searched everywhere."
It is the knowledge of good and evil that has increased expeditiously, while the true Knowledge of God has become stagnant. The Knowledge of Good and Evil or all of the knowledge of the world has created a new model for a sympathetic God whose concern is blessing his wayward children. This model for a new and sellable God does not always agree with the ancient scripture, such as the return of Christ to rule over the world. This does not fit the narrative of the nations, and to the churches, it is merely an afterthought.
From the days of the Garden of Eden, the Knowledge of Good and Evil have engaged in a continuous battle to suppress the knowledge of God. This was the reason God placed restrictions on its access. The Devil used this great knowledge to impress upon humanity that they possessed the innate ability to become as God. This was the same trick the Devil had tried before being cast out upon the earth. Throughout the Old Testament, God and his prophets proclaimed that lack of the Knowledge of God was causing his people to error.
Consider this, it wasn't long ago we were led to believe that if man traveled into outer space he would crash into the gates of Heaven. This was hard for many to accept in the sixties as not being true. Why was this? It was because of our ancient interpretation of Genesis 1:4, which was a validation of the lack of the Knowledge of God to keep pace with the knowledge of man. Centuries ago, indoctrinated into a denominational belief by certain church leaders, our view of God was what they told us and not from a New Testament experience.
Now, if we read Genesis 6:4 and if we interpret this verse based upon our belief that all human life derived from Adam and Eve we create numerous impossible scenarios. I have long held the belief that our views of Adam and Eve were not scriptural. A careful reading of Genesis 1:26-28 can easily be accepted as "male and female created he them." If we allow ourselves to stray from our indoctrinated belief it would seem as if God created a host of males and females. Genesis 2 is not a narrative of the creative works of God, but rather that what God did after he had restored the Earth. Thus God formed, not created a special man to tend his garden. Adam and his offspring were styled as "The Sons of God" If we accept this narrative we will not have to rely on conjectures and superposition's to answer the questions that the emerging generation is asking such as, Where did Cain get his wife or when did God create the races".
Some hold that the "Sons of God" were the "angels which kept not their first estate" Jude 1:6. It is asserted that the title is in the Old Testament exclusively used of angels. However, this is an error Isaiah 43:6. Angels are spoken of in a sexless way. There is no mention of female angels in Scripture, and marriage is unknown among angels. Matthew 22:30. Thus if we are transformed into Holy Angels there will be no marriages. Old things including our memory of our previous existence will be done away with.
The uniform Hebrew and Christian interpretation have been that verse Genesis 6:2 marks the breaking down of the separation between the godly line of Seth and the godless line of Cain, and so the failure of the testimony to God committed to the line of Seth Genesis 4:26. For apostasy, there is no remedy but judgment Isaiah 1:2-7, 24-25; Hebrew 6:4-8; 10:26-31. Noah, "a preacher of righteousness," is given 120 years, but he won no convert, and the judgment predicted by his great-grandfather felled, Jude 1:14-15; Genesis 7:11.
"And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD." (Genesis 6:5-8)
Genesis 6:5-8 serves as a prelude to worldwide destruction ordain by God. Once the man had given the Devil access to God's creative works, man's heart became corrupt. The scripture says that the imagination of the thoughts of his heart was evil continually. Herein we find God declaring his disgust with his once prized creation and in doing so he is exposing certain attributes that we have been condition not to accept. In God repentance state, did he just declare the creation of man to be a mistake? Humanity with its infinite wisdom can easily explain this away.