Friday, August 5, 2016

A Study Of The Soul, Part #6 of 6

Salvation of the Soul

A wise man once said, "Just because you can't see the air, doesn't mean you stop breathing.   And just because you can't see God, doesn't mean you stop believing."   The believability of the soul has gone the way of the belief in God, the Devil, Heaven, and Hell.  These spiritual assets have not been cast aside instead they are redefined in such a manner that the freedom of humanity is not infringed upon.   Even the attributes of God has been used to redefine God as a God of love who would not send the soul of his wayward children to Hell.

In any debate or conversation about the soul, "Do we believe in God", is the ultimate question that must be answered.  Yet, the answer to the question is superficial because there is no agreement here.  Neither does rephrasing the question to ask, "What God do you believe in", provide the platform for an amicable discussion.  If you are a Christian you must deny the existence of other gods.  In today's society, a belief in the God of Abraham does not place us at the same table, because from the loins of Abraham sprang forth two religions.   Those two religions are at war today.  The worlds of opposites have existed for as long as the devil has sought to pervert the Word of God. 

The saga of the soul will continue as long as humanity places their trust in their own ideology.   What one believes is personnel and to disagree is said to be judging.   The quickest way to shut down a Christian from expressing a Christian viewpoint is the accusation of judging.  The so-called pious elite has justified sin by claiming that the Bible says we should not judge.  If this were true of Matthew 7:1 then John 7:24 becomes a contradiction.  Surgical removing certain words from a statement and presenting them as a complete thought is one of the tools of shaping the truth.  Shaped truths allow for the emergence of new and polluted Gospels.

 Most newly, emergence gospels do not include the salvation of the soul as an integral part of their doctrine.  This was also true of many of the ancient organized pagan religions.  Unaware or unconcern about this deficiency most followers of these newly founded cult type religions  revel in a newfound freedom, that is nothing more than the justification of lust.   The desire to obtain the pleasures that financial success can bring is the driving force of many "Gospels".   A Gospel or ministry should not be more concern about collecting money to elevate its leaders.  Jesus posed a relevant question.  "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matthew 16:26)

An interesting aspect of many of the gospel messages heard today, the phrase, "Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand", seldom is heard.  This is a condition of Soul salvation, yet it is overlooked because of the desire not to offend.  John the Baptist and Jesus came preaching this message.  Peter even picked up the theme and proclaimed, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." (Acts 2:38) There again, this was a condition of the salvation of the Soul.

There appear to be other things more important than soul salvation in today's society, such as how to get what you want from God, and walking in God's favor.   The Word of God is trivialized and much of what we hear and read is smart platitudes designed to titillate the sensibility of those who do not understand the word of God.  In church, we are told of the healing power of God, and when we are sick we pray, beg and cry to God for our healing.  There are those among us who dealing with life threating situations, and they have placed the matter in the hands of their God.  There are no tears, there are no demands for prayer, it is simply your will Lord, my soul is at peace.   The thought of Lord, when are you coming to get me does not set well with most indoctrinated believer.  

There are many examples of messages that cater to the salvation of the soul is in the Holy Scripture.  Rather than focusing on the important part of these messages, men of skill have shifted the focus to the text to the subtext.  When Jesus said repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, the focus of the message was repentance, it has now shifted to, "Where is the Kingdom of Heaven?"  The placement of the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth allows humanity to claim all of the blessings of the Kingdom here and now.  This is not a new age discussion or problem, Paul's attempt to address the situation was as such; "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption." (1st Corinthians 15:50)

If the statement made by Paul is true, then it does not matter what argument presented or even what scriptures that are quoted, flesh and blood cannot enter the Kingdom of God.  Therefore, we are looking forward to the coming of the Kingdom and the blessings that it has to offer.   The charlatan has come in and through the art of twisting of scriptures, overlooking context and perspectives; they have devised a Gospel that soothes the pallet of the knowledgeable and are leading humanity down a path of destruction.

In my writing, including several books, in my regular weekly blogs and in my lectures in scores of cities, I have taught the necessary steps to Understand the Word of God. I have chosen not to try to provide an answer, but to engage your mind and make you think.