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Earl Gillespie |
A Verse By Verse Study Of The Book Of Revelation
Continued from Part 67
Who Are The Guest?
There are friends of the Bridegroom, and as friends of the Bridegroom
they enjoy a deeper and dearer character of blessedness and joy than they would
if they were friends of the Bride. John the Baptist, forerunner of Jesus
Christ, announced the coming of the King and clearly stated that he was a
friend of the Bridegroom (John 3:29). John the Baptist was martyred before the
Church was formed, but he will no doubt become one of the most honored guests
at the marriage supper in the sky. The Old Testament saints constitute the
large company of guests, each Old Testament saint being a friend of the
Bridegroom, rejoicing in His presence and at the sound of His voice. No doubt angels will be spectators, but they
cannot be guests because they are “ministering spirits to the heirs of
salvation.” They are special creations of God (Hebrews 1:14). Angels never knew
the joy that our salvation brings. They will not be part of the Bride, nor will
they be guests and friends of the Bridegroom.
In verse 9 we read of “the marriage supper of the Lamb” and later, in
verse 17, we hear the angels calling the fowls in the midst of Heaven to come
and gather together for the supper of the great God. This supper will be a
supper of judgment - and in great contrast to the supper of the Lamb. The last
part of verse 9 assures us that the information given can be depended upon:
“These are the true sayings of God."
The basis of our faith and the grounds upon which we preach and teach these
things should not be speculation. God has spoken, "Let the church say Amen - Let God be true, but every man a
liar.” There are those who spiritualize, symbolize, and explain away
Revelation; but we can depend upon what God has said. In the Old Testament era,
God spoke through holy men - the prophets. In the New Testament, God has spoken
“IN HIS SON” Hebrews 1:1-2 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
How precious, blessed and assuring it is to have these words of
confirmation of these grand and glorious heart-gladdening, soul-stirring truths
concerning the glorious events just ahead. How glorious it is to have these
words come from Jehovah God Himself. Evidently John was overwhelmed by the
communications he had just received from Almighty God. He fell on his knees
before the messenger to worship him. But you will note that John was put in check: “See thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that
have the testimony of Jesus: worship God.” It would be beautiful if the messengers of God followed the same precept today. For man to worship even the most exalted of God’s creatures is
idolatry, and God forbids it. Worship God, and God alone. Love Him with all
your heart, soul, spirit and strength, and worship Him only. Angels worship
God; the saints should worship only God, not a Bishop. A second time John was about to worship the
messenger (Revelation 22:8,9), but again worship was prohibited.
The statement, “I am thy fellowservant” placed the messenger in the
same category with John, they were both servants of their God, to serve
Him and worship Him only. Certainly the spirit of the messenger at whose feet
John would have worshipped does not correspond with the spirit of some
Officials, priests, popes, Bishops, and pastors on earth today. They permit men to kiss their
hands and feet and fall upon their knees before them in homage and respect, place money in their hands in expectation of a blessing, which certainly in a sense constitutes worship.
Millions bow down to images and man made doctrines instead of worshipping God
through the one Mediator, the Man Christ Jesus, who now sits at the right hand
of God the Father to make intercession for us (I Timothy 2:5; Hebrews 1:1-3; I
John 2:1,2). Any person who bows before any other person in worship or in
prayer is committing the sin of idolatry. The error is not in being lifted up, but the error lies in seeking to be lifted up through deeds or actions. We are to worship God, and God
alone. The statement in verse 10, “I am
thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus
Christ,” should not be confusing to anyone who will compare Scripture with
That is the only way we will ever understand God’s Word. In Revelation
12:17 we find the same statement, referring to the Jewish remnant that will be
on earth during the time of Tribulation and up to the consummation of all
things. In that verse we find the same words: “And the dragon was wroth with
the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the
commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.” The rule of who is talking, who is he talking to and what is he talking about must be applied here. The statement simply means that the messenger here is a fellowservant
having the testimony of Jesus, and the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of
prophecy. The testimony of Jesus bears witness to His resurrection, His
presence in glory, and His coming again and all the blessed things connected
with that day, so fully revealed in God’s Word. Thus the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of
prophecy. All prophecy concerns the Lord Jesus Christ, and all intelligent,
scriptural proclamations of the coming events are a testimony concerning
Himself. The testimony of Jesus is not about earthly treasures as many proclaim, it is about judgment.
In the last section of chapter 19 (verses 11-21) we see Heaven opened.
There are three main divisions in these last verses:
1. We see the mighty heavenly Monarch, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His
victorious army - verses 11-16.
2. We see the multiplied millions of birds of prey called to feed upon
the slain, to partake of the great supper of God - verses 17 and 18.
3. We see the complete overthrow and destruction of the opposing army
and the leaders of the army consigned alive to the lake of fire and brimstone.
All of their followers are slain - verses 19-21.
Verses 11 through 16 record a very special and important scene. There
have been many and varied displays of the Lord Jesus Christ thus far in
Revelation. All of them are given for us “upon whom the ends of the world are
come” (I Corinthians 10:11). The present vision, in character, extent and
results, is second to no vision thus far.
Here we do not have the Lamb of God on a throne, as in chapter 5.
Instead, we see Him as the great Warrior-King, victorious in battle, conquering
in mighty power. The appearing of Christ
in the sky, riding upon a white horse with the armies of Heaven, will be a
gladdening sight to the saints on earth. However, it will be a terrible sight
to the armies of Antichrist - yea, the mighty men of earth and all who have
been against God’s Christ.
“I saw heaven opened.” In chapter 6, verse 2, we saw the rider on a
white horse. The rider had a bow in his hand, a crown was given unto him, and
“he went forth conquering and to conquer.” The rider of that white horse is the
Antichrist; but the rider of the white horse in Revelation 19 has “eyes as a
flame of fire.”
On His head are many crowns, and out of His mouth went a sharp sword.
This identifies this rider as the same person whom John saw standing in the
midst of the seven golden candlesticks in the very beginning of Revelation.
This rider is also the same One whom we saw to be “the Son of Man” in previous
places throughout the book.
The name of the rider of the white horse in Revelation 6 is not given,
but the rider of the white horse in Revelation 19 cannot be mistaken. His name
is called “THE WORD OF God.” On His garments and upon His thigh He has a name
written: “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords.” Certainly no one could
misunderstand the identity of this rider.
It was prophesied that Jesus would ride into Jerusalem upon a young
donkey: “Behold thy King cometh unto thee, lowly, and riding upon an ass,
upon a colt, and the foal of an ass” (Zechariah 9:9). We know this was
literally fulfilled to the letter; the account is found in Matthew 21:4-11.
Insofar as we know, Jesus only rode upon an animal one time during His sojourn
here upon earth. That one time was upon an humble ass; but see Him in
Revelation 19! He is not riding an humble little donkey - He is riding a great
white charger!
Someone is probably saying, “this is
figurative language? Who ever heard of horses in Heaven?” Horses and chariots of fire were seen in the heavens in the days of
Elijah and Elisha, and if in that day, why not again? (See II Kings 2:11;
6:13-17.) People are going to hell, searching the Bible with a magnifying glass,
trying to figure out this and that. We are not to figure out anything. “The
just shall live by faith.” We are to study, and leave it to the Holy Spirit to
guide us into all truth.
The book of Revelation is full of action - action in Heaven, in the
air, on the earth. The scenes in Heaven are numerous. John heard voices,
singing; angels and glorified saints were seen on every hand. John saw the
elders and heavenly creatures bowing in worship to Jehovah; thrones, crowns,
robes, living creatures, books, harps, and much more. These things tell us of
the eternal happiness and ceaseless activity of Heaven’s teeming millions. Up
to this point we have had glimpses into Heaven, but now Heaven is open. In
chapter four we read, “I saw and behold a door open in heaven.” Now, Heaven is open. In Revelation 4:1 the
door was opened that John might enter in. Here in Revelation 19 Heaven is
opened that the millions of horsemen may pass out into the sky. There are four
times in the New Testament where we read of Heaven being opened: Matthew 3:16; John
1:51; Acts 7:56 and Revelation 19:11. On all four occasions the opening of
Heaven is in connection with the Lord Jesus Christ. Two of these instances are
past; two are yet future.
Continued in Part 69
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