The Art of Preaching
I listen attentively as the learned pastor explained to me, “The Art of Preaching”. It seems strange to me that after years of religious associations and study, in and out of the organized church, this was my first encounter with a narrative that openly defined preaching as an art form. Yet, it was a natural evolution that preachers who desired to be successful would elevate their passion to an art form, the same as any other performing artist on the stage of human acceptance. After Googling the phrase, I was overwhelmed with the numerous references to the “Art of Preaching” that it seems as if I had been living in a cloud. In my search for a closer encounter with God, I never considered preaching to be an art form, least of all a performing art. Reading the exposition of one author, the words, art, science and preaching were used within the same sentence to define the presentation of the Word of God.
The purpose of performing arts is to entertain and it boundaries are defined by public acceptance and nowhere in the equation is the knowledge of God a defining entity. The standards of acceptability changes from day to day and with each generation. That which was once considered taboo soon become acceptable and these changes are reflected in the performing arts. Consider the movie and music industry, they have adapted and made changes, some of these changes are deplorable to the older generation. In a society govern by the knowledge of good and evil rather than the knowledge of God, changes are necessary to remain a relevant entity in an apostate society. The elevation of preaching to one of the performing arts has opened many doors for the messengers of God. Ministers now can become financially successful as they scramble for attention from the church that Jesus purchased with his blood. The sacredness of their position has now become fodder for reality television shows. Maybe the “salt” has lost its saving power.
It was not possible for me to continue to discuss the Art of Preaching with my learned colleague without taking into consideration, the different delivery system or styles of preaching. This is becoming an issue to some that are as simple as, “black preachers and white preachers”. There is definitely a black style of preaching and there is a white style of preaching, in the middle there are the crossovers who are blending the two together. Somewhere lost in the emotional rush is the question of what is right and what is wrong. If we follow the logical path of our indoctrination there are questions that must be asked. When we all get to Heaven, will there be a section for the emotional Blacks saints and the subdued Whites saints? Will there be a section for the Baptist and a section for the Pentecostal? God forbid that the confusion of religion would enter into the Heavenly place.
The Art of Preaching can be defined as being able to manipulate the emotional and/or spiritual intimacy of an individual, forming an interpersonal relationship with a group that varies in intensity from one relationship to another and varies from one time to another, much like physical intimacy. Preaching affects, emotions, and feelings, these phenomena are often described as the spirit of God. But, does today's concept of preaching and the different styles of delivery affects the spirituality of man or is it a play on the emotions?
In the Old Testament prophets would spend much of their time traveling from city to city delivering the Words of God. When not on a mission from God, they usually could be found in some secluded place, mountain top or forest retreat communicating with God. A common theme among the prophets was, they gave up all claims to earthly wealth and glory to serve their God. When they delivered a message, it was a message direct from God. John the Baptist, a New Testament prophet and preacher did not come eating and drinking with the multitudes, meaning John did not allow himself to be lifted up and honored by the multitude, rather he chose to live a life of simplicity. His diet was a poor man diet, it consisted of locusts and wild honey, and he preached, not in a temple but in the wilderness of Judaea. His message was even simpler: Matthew 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
What is “The Art of Preaching”? In today's modern, and politically correct society preaching is defined as a Homily, a religious discourse that is intended primarily for spiritual edification rather than doctrinal instruction; a sermon. Though the purpose of preaching is to communicate biblical truths, there is a sense in which Homiletics is both an art and a science. The study of principles of Homiletics, as they apply to the techniques of preaching, makes the discipline a science. It becomes an art when one shifts the focus to the appropriate manner of delivering the message. The message must be delivered in such a manner that the listeners are awed, excited, but not necessarily transformed. The manner, the message, and the messenger must resonate with the audience to bring about an emotional response. In an ethnic divided religious arena, the use of clever words, alliterations, screaming, hollering, jumping around is often used to validate a message from God. In many settings, the preacher hasn’t preached until he “tune up and roar”. This is “The Art of Preaching”.
Luke 10:1-5 After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come. Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest. Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves. Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: and salute no man by the way. And into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house.
It seems fitting that the basis of our discussion should be centered around these verses. Jesus has chosen a group of seventy and he is sending them out to preach the gospel or deliver a message. If pressed, to give a strict interpretation. The meaning is, that they were to go as they were, without making any special preparation, and that they were to give their time and attention wholly to their work, and not engage in social enjoyments, and in the interchange of the courtesies of society, in the places they should visit. The object of this mission seems to have been to disseminate generally some authentic knowledge of the Savior's person and character as a messenger from heaven and to call the attention of the community to the coming of the Messiah. What is the message? Luke 10:9… The kingdom of God comes nigh unto you. Remember John the Baptist message? Matthew 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
In the ancient ethnic defined, organized church, preachers were expected to stand before the congregations without a prepared script and allow the Holy Spirit to speak through them. The reasoning is based upon Jesus admonition to the other seventy to take no script. Matthew 10:19-20 is often surgical altered and used out of it context, to condemn those who sought to perfect the art of reading from a manuscript. … Take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you. As preaching began to evolve and become accepted as an art form, it became necessary to spend hours preparing scripts. Church goers within my age bracket can remember when it was taboo for a preacher to read from a manuscript. The old style preacher used many different techniques to hide the manuscript or notes. In today's electronic age the taboo of the script has dissipated and evolved, from turning pages in a notebook to the use of an electronic tablet and often projecting the message and scriptures on overhead screens.
What is the definition of preaching? Does the modern day definition of preaching concur with the teaching of Jesus or Paul? Are we guilty of adding or taking away from the message of the Holy Scripture? Has the message of God evolved into nothing more than a motivational speech designed to prod us along our daily journey? Let’s take a look at the modern day definition of preaching, then in Part #2 of this blog, we will discuss each aspect of this definition to see if it coincide with the teaching of the Christ.
A. Inspirational - It must impart God to the people and bring the uplift of the Holy Spirit to them.
B. Motivational - It must produce a change in their lives. They must be motivated to repent and live according to God's word and plan for their lives. It is the preacher's task to motivate the Church to its ministry. Phillip Brooks said, "You must count your work unsatisfactory unless you burn men's brains and awaken their consciences".
C. Relational - Preaching should establish the relative positions of God and man, & then man to man. Matthew 21:37-40.
D. Revelational - It should bring forth the whole counsel of God for that congregation. There should be an element of fresh truth being constantly revealed. Matthew 13:52. It is not enough to impart information. It is essential that his messages should have a revelation from God. Facts of the Word which God has taught him personally.
E. Confrontational - Not in a negative, destructive sense, but with respect to being able to accept the responsibility to challenge and change a city. The preaching which has no goal to change its community has lost its reason for being.
F. Proportional - Preaching must be:
a) Balanced - It is possible to be so caught up with ultimates that the practicalities are ignored. There should be a proper balance between what is revealed and what is relevant.
b) Consistent - The preacher ought not to go after fads or new emphases unless he can see that he can make it part of his ministry for all time. Zigzagging in ministry will produce confusion, inaction, and frustration in the congregation. Paul advised Timothy to be consistent. 2nd Timothy 4:2 - "be instant in season and out of season".
Scriptures are used to validate this definition, but is this an accurate biblical definition of preaching?
“What is Preaching”
Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
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