Saturday, November 28, 2015

Abusing The Role of Leadership Part #2 of 4

The God Complex

The emerging of untested leaders is a common occurrence within the human condition.  Specifically, ethnic groups, communities and the organized churches are inundated with a massive insurgency of leaders that serve no purpose other than to manipulate the masses to further their own objective.   Those of us who are enduring a type of suffering harbors a level of gullibility, we look for that Moses to appear and lead us into the promise land.  We quickly succumb to the antics and rhetoric of the actors,  the sports players the rock stars, the motivational speakers, we place them on pedestals and call them leaders.   

Revelation 2:15  So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.  Jesus spoke of his hatred for those that came into the church for the purpose of establishing rulership over God's people.  Why did the church organize and succumb to the rule of leadership? Why is a level of salvation derived from collecting funds within a community and funneling it to groups outside of the community?  Why have the saints of God emerged into an arena where the blessing of God is determined by the amount of money given?  Why is the program always about raising money?  
There is a type of sadness and suffering emulating from the household of faith, it is seen and experienced by those who are aware of the revocation of their immortal status.  The syrupy messages of sunshine and favor no longer hold sway as they once did, the realization has begun to set in, we are being manipulated. The pomp and pageantry of idolatry have been injected into many of our worship settings as men and women adorn themselves in manners that separate themselves from the rest of the assembly.  Does this level of seperation defined their level of Godliness?  The organized church has become a place where fancy title are issued and "the God complex" is nurtured. Let's take a look at what Jesus had to say about clamoring for a title or position.

Matthew 23:8  But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

Jesus forbade his disciples to seek such titles of distinction. The reason he gave was, that he was himself their Master and Teacher. They were on a level; they were to be equal in authority; they were brethren, and they should neither covet nor receive a title which implied either an elevation of one above another, or which appeared to infringe on the absolute right of the Saviour to be their only Teacher and Master. The command here is an express command to his disciples not to receive such a title of distinction. They were not to covet it; they were not to seek it; they were not to do anything that implied a wish or a willingness that it should be appended to their names. Everything which would tend to make a distinction among them, or destroy their parity, everything which would lead the world to suppose that there were ranks and grades among them as ministers, they were to avoid. 

It is to be observed that the command is, that they were not to receive the title. "Be not ye called Rabbi." The Saviour did not forbid them giving the title to others when it was customary or not regarded as improper, (Acts 26:25;) but they were not to receive it. It was to be unknown among them. This title corresponds with the title "Doctor of Divinity," as applied to ministers of the gospel; and so far as I can see, the spirit of the Saviour's command is violated by the reception of such a title, as it would have been by their being called Rabbi. It is a literary distinction. It does not appropriately pertain to the office. It makes a distinction among ministers. It tends to engender pride, and a sense of superiority in those who obtain it, and envy and a sense of inferiority in those who do not; and the whole spirit and tendency of it is contrary to the "simplicity that is in Christ"

Matthew 23:9  And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

This does not, of course, forbid us to apply the term to our real father. Religion requires all proper honour to be shown to him, Ex 20:12; Matthew 15:4; Eph 6:1-3. But the word father also denotes authority, eminence, superiority, a right to command, and a claim to particular respect. In this sense, it is used here. In this sense, it belongs eminently to God, and it is not right to give it to men. Christian brethren are equal. God only has supreme authority. He only has a right to give laws, to declare doctrines to bind the conscience, to punish disobedience. The Jewish teachers affected that title because they seem to have supposed that a teacher formed the man, or gave him real life, and sought, therefore, to be called father. Christ taught them that the source of all life and truth was God, and they ought not to seek or receive a title which properly belongs to him.

Matthew 23:10  Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

Those who go before others; who claim, therefore, the right to direct and control others. This was also a title conferred on Jewish teachers.
Neither of these commands forbids us to give proper titles of civil office to men or to render them the honour belonging to their station, Matthew 22:21; Romans 13:7; 1st Peter 2:17. They forbid the disciples of Jesus to seek or receive mere empty titles, producing distinctions among themselves, implying authority to control the opinions and conduct of others, and claiming that others should acknowledge them to be superior to them.

Matthew 23:11  But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

He that shall humble himself, etc. God will exalt or honour him that is humble, and that seeks a lowly place among men. That is the true religion, and God will and God will reward it.

Matthew 23:12  And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.

The scribes and Pharisees explained the law of Moses and enforced obedience to it. They are charged with hypocrisy in religion. We can only judge according to outward appearance, but God searches the heart. They made phylacteries. These were scrolls of paper or parchment, wherein were written four paragraphs of the law, to be worn on their foreheads and left arms, Exodus 13:2-10,11-16; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; 11:13-21. They made these phylacteries broad, that they might be thought more zealous for the law than others. God appointed the Jews to make fringes upon their garments, Numbers 15:38, to remind them of their being a peculiar people; but the Pharisees made them larger than common as if they were thereby more religious than others. 

Pride was the darling, reigning sin of the Pharisees, the sin that most easily beset them, and which our Lord Jesus takes all occasions to speak against. For him, that is taught in the word to give respect to him that teaches are commendable; but for him that teaches, to demand it, to be puffed up with it, is sinful. How much is all this against the spirit of Christianity! The consistent disciple of Christ is pained by being put into chief places. But who that looks around on the visible church, would think this was the spirit required? It is plain that some measure of this antichristian spirit prevails in every religious society, and in every one of our hearts.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Abusing The Role of Leadership

Hebrews 13:17  Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

The modern day interpretation of Hebrews 13:17 has been used by many to establish a domain, power base, and/or denomination within the religious community.  This cannot be the intent of the scripture if we consider the fact that Jesus spoke against a  group who came in the early church for the purpose of establishing a type of rulership within the church. Revelation 2:6  But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.  The Nicolaitans is representative of a group who established power bases within the church  for the purpose of lording over Christ church. In Revelation Jesus declared his hatred for this group.  The interpretation of the Word of God based upon our perspective is subject to error, especially when we use it to bend the will of the people for self-promotion. Understanding the Word of God teaches us that the perspective must always be that of the author.

In many churches, Pastor worship has overshadowed the true worship of God. Many of us are buying into promises made by pastors, typing "Amen" on the social media, expecting a financial reward and God is not honoring these promises.  The fear of God has been set aside and the fear of the pastor have come full circle.   A proper reading of the scripture will not support the thesis of some man ruling over Christ church.  The new pastor of the church that my community was instrumental in building many years ago came through the appointment of the state bishop.  He proclaimed that God sent him there and he has the mandate to act as he sees fit.  The death of the founding deacon and a younger deacon was seen by him as God moving these people out of the way so he could have full control of the church. How profane. A friend preacher of his with the audacity to insult stood in the pulpit and threaten others with the same fate if they didn't support the level of incompetency presented by their pastor.     

The desire to be a leader, even the proclamation of being a leader does not make one a leader.   The desire to be a shepherd, even armed with the proper credentials does not make one a shepherd.  Using the scripture to validate that whom God call he qualify, is a moot point when the calling is in doubt.  Even for the Bishop there are guidelines set forth.  Titus 1:7  For a bishop must be blameless, as the steward of God; not self-willed, not soon angry, not given to wine, no striker, not given to filthy lucre.  These guidelines have been cast aside as more and more people began to enjoy the title of Bishops and proclaim themselves to be prophets of God.  Jesus, as well as Paul, expressed their dread of false prophets. Mark 13:22  For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. Galatians 2:4  And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage: In the formative years the church was concerned about salvation, the church of today is working the entertainment programs, collecting money, the children of God is led back into bondage and the saving of souls is an afterthought.   

What does the scripture really mean when it says, "obey them that have the rule over you.'  First, this scripture cannot be explained or interpreted by one whose desire is to establish a power base and lord over the church.  The reference here is to the religious teachers, and not to civil rulers. The church were to show them proper respect, and submit to their authority in the church, so far as it was administered in accordance with the precepts of the Saviour. The obligation to obey does not, of course, extend to anything which is wrong in itself, or which would be a violation of one's conscience. The doctrine is, that subordination is necessary to the welfare of the church and that there ought to be a disposition to yield all proper obedience to those who are set over us in the Lord.

And submit yourselves. That is, to all which they enjoin that is lawful and right. There are, in relation to a society,
(1,) those things which God positively commanded--which are always to be obeyed.
(2.) Many things which have been agreed on by the community or church as needful for its welfare--and these are to be submitted to unless they violate the rights of conscience; and
(3.) Many things which are, in themselves, a matter of no express Divine command, and of no formal enactment by the church or  community. They are matters of convenience; things that tend to the order and harmony of the church or community, and of the propriety of these, "rulers" in the church or community and elsewhere should be allowed to judge, and we should submit to them patiently. Hence, in the church, we are to submit to all the proper regulations for conducting public worship; for the promotion of religion; and for the administration of discipline.

For they watch for your souls. They have no selfish aim in this. They do not seek "to lord it over God's heritage." It is for your own good that they do this, and you should, therefore, submit to these arrangements. And this shows, also, the true principle on which authority should be exercised in a church. It should be in such a way as to promote the salvation of the people, and all the arrangements should be with that end. The measures adopted, therefore, and the obedience enjoined, should not be arbitrary, oppressive, or severe, but should be such as will really promote salivation.

In Paul's time,  the rulership of the churches was retained by the elders.  Elders denoted those who were seasoned through wisdom and age, thus elders of the church did not necessarily denote members of the clergy.  Also during the early church years, the church was an intricate part of the community, not a building or assembly set aside by a particular denomination.  Therefore, church rulers we members of the community and they ministered to the needs of the community.    

As they that must give account. To God. The ministers of religion must give account to God for their fidelity, for all that they teach, and for every measure which they adopt, they must soon be called into judgment. There is, therefore, the best security that, under the influence of this solemn truth, they will pursue only that course which will be for your good.  That they may do it with joy, and not with grief.  Not sighing, or groaning; as they would who had been unsuccessful. The meaning is, that they should so obey, that when their teachers came to give up their account, they need not do it with sorrow over their perverseness and disobedience.

For this is unprofitable for you. That is, they're giving up their account in that manner--as unsuccessful in their efforts to save you--would not be of advantage to you, but would be highly injurious. This is a strong mode of expressing the idea that it must be attended with imminent peril to their souls to have their religious teachers go and give an account against them. As they would wish, therefore, to avoid that, they should render to them all properly honor and obedience.

The interpretation of Hebrews 13:17 is often used to suppress the people of God and bring them into bondage. (Galatians 2:4)  Often our resolve to question the wolves who come to us in sheep clothes with credential, is tempered by and indoctrinated belief that whatsoever or whosoever proclaim to be of God is of God.  1 John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.  The world, even the church, and community is being overrun with leaders.  The emergence of multiple leaders or the proliferation of the role of leadership has created a divided platform.  This platform must be reconciled in order for the organized church to regain its once held status.  There are community leaders and church leaders whose objective is to stir up a type of dissension or hatred for the purpose of establishing a separate church, power base and/or to enhance their self-proclaimed position.  

How can the organize church, a fragment body, a divided house reconcile itself through the fragmentation  that it has suffered for more than one thousand years?  How will this be reconciled within the Kingdom of God?  Will there be a segment of baptist angels and a segment of pentecostal angels.   Maybe there are other guidelines in place that determine who is saved and who is not. Is it possible that much of the doctrines and professions will have no value in the Kingdom of God.  These are the issues that the organized church must resolve in order to reclaim the light that Jesus threaten to remove in the book of Revelation.  

Friday, November 20, 2015

What Is The Price of God's Deliverance?

As Christians have sat through many different sermon or bible study lessons and was thrilled by the escapades of Daniel and the three Hebrew boys.  This has been the focus of the International Sunday School during the month of October and November.  These lessons are often used as a source of motivation, emphasising that God will deliver his people.   In many bible study groups, the emphasis is placed on, how these lessons are down to us today.  But, since we are vividly aware that there are no physical fiery furnaces of Lion's dens to be cast into, in today's society, we somewhat become at ease as the threat of death for our convictions escape us.  If our thinking leads us into that direction we are missing the most important lesson that the book of Daniel is teaching us.

How often have we question our self as to how we should act or respond when confronted with an adversary?  We are indoctrinated into a belief that when approached by the Devil, all we have to do is shout, "Get behind me Satan" (Luke 4:8), and he will meekly depart.  This teaching, this indoctrination is based upon a flawed concept, ideology or belief.  Even when Jesus uttered those words, the attack of the Devil did not diminish.   The Devils antics in Luke 4:9 showed an intensification rather than submission.  If our thinking allows us to believe that because we are "prayed up", we have control of the Devil or that when the temptation comes God will remove the temptation, then we are scripturally delusional.

The book of Job set forth the parameters of a classic example of  why and how we are tested.  If we view the story of Job as nothing more than a subject of motivation that proclaim, "all of the days of my appointed time, I am going to wait until my change come", (Job 14:14), we have missed the point.  Since that fiasco with Lucifer, that resulted in him being cast out on the earth, there has been an ongoing search for souls capable of resisting the devil.  There are a purpose and a plan for our temptation.  God has a way for our deliverance, but there is a price that we must pay for our deliverance.  Job, Daniel and the three Hebrew boys among others, all paid the price to be delivered.

Let us review the first six chapters of Daniel.  These chapters will give us a step by step guide on how one should conduct them self in the face of adversities.  In today's society and workplace, we have evolved to a place where to openly pray is considered taboo.  How did Daniel respond when told not to pray to his God? Daniel and the three Hebrew boys is a classic example of how we should response, even in the face of losing our jobs or death.   But, in a modern day agnostic and politically correct society are we prepared to go to those extremes.  

First, who was Daniel and what does the lessons of the first six chapters of the book teaches us?  Let's do a quick study of  the chapters and see what we can learn.  Maybe the words of Paul, "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might, ( Ephesians 6:10) will guide us.

Induction in Babylon (chapter 1)

In the third year of King Jehoiakim, God allows Jerusalem to fall into the power of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. Young Israelites of noble and royal family, "without physical defect, and handsome," versed in wisdom and competent to serve in the palace of the king, are taken to Babylon to be taught the literature and language of the Chaldeans. Among them are Daniel and his three companions, who refuse to touch the royal food and wine for fear of defilement. Their overseer fears for his life in case the health of his charges deteriorates, but Daniel suggests a trial and the four emerge healthier than their counterparts from ten days of nothing but vegetables and water. They are allowed to continue to refrain from eating the king's food, and to Daniel God gives insight into visions and dreams. When their training is done Nebuchadnezzar finds them 'ten times better' than all the wise men in his service and, therefore, keeps them at his court, where Daniel continues until the first year of King Cyrus.

Nebuchadnezzar's dream of four kingdoms (chapter 2)

In the second year of his reign, Nebuchadnezzar is troubled by a dream and demands that his wise men tell him its content. When the wise men protest that this is beyond the power of any man he sentences all, including Daniel and his friends, to death. Daniel receives an explanatory vision from God: Nebuchadnezzar had seen an enormous statue with a head of gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of bronze, legs of iron, and feet of mixed iron and clay, then saw the statue destroyed by a rock that turned into a mountain filling the whole earth. Daniel explains the dream to the king: the statue symbolized four successive kingdoms, starting with Nebuchadnezzar, all of which would be crushed by God's kingdom, which would endure forever. Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges the supremacy of Daniel's god, raises him over all his wise men and places him and his companions over the province of Babylon.

The fiery furnace (chapter 3)
Daniel's companions Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refuse to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar's golden statue and are thrown into a fiery furnace. Nebuchadnezzar is astonished to see a fourth figure in the furnace with the three, one "with the appearance of like a son the gods." So the king called the three to come out of the fire, and blessed the God of Israel, and decreed that any who blasphemed against him should be torn limb from limb.
Nebuchadnezzar's madness 

Nebuchadnezzar's madness (chapter 4)
Nebuchadnezzar recounts a dream of a huge tree that is suddenly cut down at the command of a heavenly messenger. Daniel is summoned and interprets the dream. The tree is Nebuchadnezzar himself, who for seven years will lose his mind and live like a wild beast. All of this comes to pass until, at the end of the specified time, Nebuchadnezzar acknowledges that "heaven rules" and his kingdom and sanity are restored.]

Belshazzar's feast (chapter 5)
Belshazzar and his nobles blasphemously drink from sacred Jewish temple vessels, offering praise to inanimate gods, until a hand mysteriously appears and writes upon the wall. The horrified king summons Daniel, who upbraids him for his lack of humility before God and interprets the message: Belshazzar's kingdom will be given to the Medes and Persians. Belshazzar rewards Daniel and raises him to be third in the kingdom, and that very night Belshazzar is slain and Darius the Mede takes the kingdom.

Daniel in the lions' den (chapter 6)
Darius elevated Daniel to high office, exciting the jealousy of other officials. Knowing of Daniel's devotion to his God, his enemies trick the king into issuing an edict forbidding worship of any other god or man for a 30-day period. Daniel continues to pray three times a day to God towards Jerusalem; he is accused and King Darius, forced by his own decree, throws Daniel into the lions' den. But God shuts up the mouths of the lions and the next morning Darius rejoiced to find him unharmed. The king casts Daniel's accusers into the lions' pit together with their wives and children to be instantly devoured, while he himself acknowledges Daniel's God as he whose kingdom shall never be destroyed.

Daniel is often spoken of as an Eagle eye prophet, a major prophet who was able to look down thru time and see the handiworks of God.  Daniel prophesied of that which was and that which is still to come.  A deeper Understanding of The Word of God can not be achieved without understanding the Book of Daniel. There is more to the Book of Daniel than three men dancing in a fiery furnace or a man sleeping with Lions.  To understand the book of Daniel, we must understand the separation of the Jews as an earthly people and the church as a spiritual entity.   Paul often addressed the three separate entities of the scripture.  1 Corinthians 10:32  Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:

Society has digressed into a level of idolatry where the Word of God is used to justify sin.  

The lesson that is often overlooked in these first chapters is, Daniel is teaching God's people how to act in the workplace.  Daniel did not hesitate to speak out against that which was evil.  This is something we hesitate to do in today's environment.  Today we read segmentized scriptures that are adapted to fit our narrative in a politically correct society.  We now can proclaim, "God said don't judge", we speak with the indoctrinated conviction that we are speaking the Word of God.  With an insight given by God, Daniel judged.  To condemn sin is to judge.  Failure to condemn sin is contrary to God's word.  Jesus judged.  He instructed his disciples to judge.  John 7:24  Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.  The verses preceding this verse defines the context of who is talking, who is being spoken to, what is the subject matter.   Often we read Matthew 7:1  Judge not, that ye be not judged. and proclaim that Jesus is saying don't judge.  The next six verses define the context.  It simply means if you are guilty of a transgression, don't judge me. As David did when he was guilty of the transgression, he pronounced judgment upon himself.  A call to repentance should be in order.

Another lesson we should learn from Daniel is, he did not dumb down in the face of adversities.  He was told what not to do by those in command, yet he went ahead and did it anyway.  In the face of a threat by the King not only to terminate his job but to terminate his very existence, Daniel acted faithfully to his conviction.   This is the lesson or message we should realize in the study of Daniel.  Regardless of the consequences Daniel stood for the righteousness of God.  He did not dumb down his message in fear of his job or his safety.  God saw Daniel's righteousness and in the time of despair, God delivered Daniel. 

The question is, how many of us would find it impossible to make the choices Daniel made?  Would we search for a scripture that would allow us to justify our inability to stand against evil?   When we change the Gospel of Christ that proclaim, "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand", into a Gospel that proclaim "Jesus love you as you are," are we not guilty of rendering the Word of God impotent.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Surviving The Death Wish.

A Christian friend of mine posted an earth shattering statement on his Facebook page, it invoked what I would consider to be a callous response from the religious community.  To openly express one's true feeling as, "I wish I were dead", is taboo in our modernistic and agnostic society.  Condemnation is often used to suppress these type of feelings.  We are surrounded by those who consider self-sacrifice to be an honorable pursuit, yet, one of the greatest contradiction in the world of Christianity prevails, "we all want to go to Heaven, but we don't want to die." 

There is a failure within our society to address the suffering inflicted upon members of society by society itself.  There is also a failure within the religious community to address the suffering that is inflicted upon members of the religious community by the religious community itself.  Even medical science with its glorious array of skill has been known to create personalities, without the will to survive.   Society is turning on itself, the gates has been left open and the sheep of God's pasture is straying. While many of us are suffering in silence, we are encouraged to let the government or God solve our problems. The government throws money at the problem in an inefficient manner while the organized church adopts a position of apathy or indifference as it collects the money and promise the intercession of God.  

I responded to my friends words by saying I could relate to his words,  there have been many times in my life, I have silently and sometimes verbally  said the same thing.  The saddest thing about these expressions are those that hear them or read them, few, even church members  have any clue as to how to respond.   The first response from the religious right is a rebuke and tossing a lot of scripture about, which is about as effective as telling me to pray and God will give me one million dollars.   Condemnation is next to follow, the person who is suffering from a traumatic medical experience, reversal of fortune or other hardships of life is made to feel even more pain because of the rejection he received from baring his inner soul.  As an enlightened society,  we are not prepared to hear someone utter the words, “I wish I were dead”.   We label these as “suicidal thoughts”, and programs are instituted to suppress these thoughts.    The effectiveness of these programs is yet to be seen, the suicide rate is climbing.

When calling the VA hospital for medical treatment, embedded in the menu of options are, "If you are having thought of suicide", then you are presented with a course of action.  Following the prescribed course of action often subject the person to a more traumatic experience.   A person who takes a drink to suppress his pain must admit he is an alcoholic in order to receive help.  A person who is suffering mental pains must subscribe to the theory of the "functioning idiot" to receive the needed help.  In the church, you must endure the stigma of doubting Thomas, a person whose faith is weak.

Those who profess to have a knowledge of dealing with these type of situations often finds themselves lacking when it comes to dealing with this type of loneliness.   (Notice I did not say sickness)   Being able to talk to someone who will listen without being judgmental is helpful, but it often does not solve the problem.  Scriptures are often tossed about as if this will heal our wounds, but the source of much of my pain emulated from those who stand in the pulpit every Sunday and supposedly preach a fresh message from God.   The sheep of the pasture are straying because the church has become too involved in “praising God” and preparing for the pastor’s banquet.    Where is that pastor or minister that you can call, anytime, day or night, who will leave their bible on the top shelf and help you deal with the harsh realities of your life.  Where is that person who profess to be following Christ who is willing to help you bear your infirmities? 

I underwent extreme cancer treatment, so speaking to me of joy coming in the morning of this life or things is going to get better does not apply to my life anymore.   Naturally speaking, things are not going to get better for me, they are going to get worst.  I do not pray for the healing virtues of God to flow, I merely pray that God's will be done.   Medical science has presented me with a new type or form of existence, a type of existence that is alien to most.   The church that we have supported down through the ages should be the foundation of our survival but, it  has rescinded its position back to God, and the only support forthcoming from the church is,  “God is able” or “God is good”.  God intended for man to do certain things themselves and we are supposed to help one another.  Where is that help for the “lost sheep” and why are they straying from the fold?   Listening to a person in a fancy robe tone up might take my mind of my predicament for a moment, the same as going to a football game, but tomorrow is coming. 

Those of us who are suffering are encouraged to make prayer requests and stand in prayer lines as we strive to build a type of hope that will sustain us through tomorrow.   The proliferation of the church and the use of prayer as a fix for all of our problems is instrumental in destroying the hope or faith of many.  We are indoctrinated into a type of prayer that do not closely resemble the model prayer Jesus gave his disciple.    We are taught to be like spoiled brats coming before God begging.  There appear to be  no help in the organize religious community, if has become caught up in pomp and pageantry, worship service has evolved into a type of "praise and play" that borderlines on a form of idolatry.   

The first step to surviving this traumatic experience is to find somebody that you can talk to.   Somebody that you can talk does not always translate into a pastor  or church member or even a therapist.  Someone who not only is willing to sit down and listen, but to become involved in your life even when you slam the door in their face.   Someone who is able to listen without condemnation, from a position of servitude, rather than a position of superiority.  Someone who is not afraid of getting their hands dirty as they walk with you as Christ did on a journey that will be unfamiliar yet fulfilling the words of Christ.   Pray is an important asset that must be used to obtain the fruit of the spirit.  Most of all surround yourself with friends as I did, who realize God works through each of us,  not those who encourages you to sit on the sideline and wait for God to pick you up, as they drive past.  Find that person who pious attitude does not prevent them from saying, “Brother what can I do to help”, and follow it up with action. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Choose Your Battles Carefully

Ecclesiastes 3:8  A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.  If we cannot learn from history, then we should learn from the Bible or vice verses.

Returning home, I was asked to speak at the church of my upbringing.  I spoke emphatically of my hatred for the path that the organized church was following. Many churches had accepted government funding and had become becoming pawns of the government.  Christianity was acting contrary to the teaching of the bible, it sought to embrace the pomp and pageantry of idolatry as it struggled to serve two masters.  Scriptures were being redefined in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the rules of political correctness.  I spoke with righteous indignation and with the conviction of Jesus in Revelation 2:6, "But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate". At the close of my speech, I was informed that Christians do not use the word hate. 

In many bible study groups, the students are drilled into how to separate the sin from the person, thus enabling the student to say I hate the sin but I love the person.  There appears to be a contradiction somewhere in this, in the scripture a sinner is a person who sins.   How is a person separated from sin?  Once a person is separated from sin is he still a sinner?  What are we trying to say when we say, "I love the person, but I hate the sin?"  The sin of syncretism and the rules of political correctness have spawned an impotent form of the gospel, a gospel whose confronting message has been subdued.  Stepping away from the fight for the faith and embracing an order of idolatry, entertainment, pomp and pageantry, maybe we have has chosen the wrong war to fight. 

If there is a thing that history teaches us  it is we must be careful in selecting our wars. As a veteran of the Vietnam war, I can attest to the winning of many battles, yet we lost the war.  Why? The objective of pacification was  deemed irrelevant because it was unobtainable.  It could be augured that the president chose the wrong war or type of war to fight.  Desert Storm was a redemption of honor, but what followed afterward by the next president was a failure to learn from past history.  There are many battles being fought thru out this nation today,  the battle over the use of words, the battle over flags, battles over monuments, etc, win lose or draw these battles will serve no other purpose then to intensify and bring to the surface an unquenchable hatred. When hate is brought to the light of day and examine, like a plant it grows.  Love and hate are two of the emotions that exist within the heart.  No laws can control these emotions and they cannot be eliminated.  The controlling factor is the one we feed. 

After satan and his angels corrupted the world, the creative or restoration works of God required that he either destroy the world and start over which he chose not to do, or created opposites to offset the works of satan.  Genesis 1:2 states that when God began his work darkness was upon the face of the deep and God spoke in verse 3 and said, "let there be light".  From that moment forward, opposites were created to interface a natural and spiritual world.  He separated the waters and called the dry land earth and the waters he called seas.  Each opposite he created he looked upon it and declared it to be good. 

When Eve succumbed to the temptation of the devil and partook of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil this displayed a type of hatred for the laws of God. The Tree of Life an opposite or The knowledge of God demonstrates or profess God's love for his creation thus we have the expression of love and hate. This love and hate relationship manifested itself when Cain slew his brother Abel.  

We can conclude from these examples that in a physical world in order for the day to exist night must also exist. In Revelation when a new  Heaven and a new earth is brought forth, there will be no night, Revelation 21:25  And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.  If love is to exist in a natural world the opposite of a spiritual world,  then hate must exist also.  The prospect peace can not exist in a physical world if the prospect of war does not exist.  Thus in the words of the preacher, "A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace" Ecclesiastes 3:8. 

As a nation of diverse people, we are engaged in many battles, laws are being enacted that are contrary to the nature of God.  The conscious among the growing population is strained.   Man in his attempt to circumvent God is seeking to enact laws that are supposed to infuse love and eradicate hate.  This is an impossibility, the laws of opposites must prevail. Mankind seeks to impose his will upon other, thus creating a platform for hatred and war.  He speaks of a utopia existing outside of the will of God, a one world order ruled by man, in a natural or physical world, this is an impossibility. 

The path of political correctness and the elimination of hate is a narcissist's armor of self-delusion.   In 2009, President Obama signed into law, The Federal Hate Crime bill under the pretense that this bill would help to eliminate hate. From the date of the signing, a continuous effort has ben made to suppress all forms of hate speech.   The definition of hate speech is ambiguous at best because it is based upon perspectives that are usually flawed.  The narcissist believes that we can make this thought, this process the truth just by repeating the phrase one billion times to shout down the facts.  Rather than bringing about a hate free environment, our world and communities have become a tinder box waiting to erupt, consuming all of us. 

From the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation hate has existed.  When God restored the earth to its present and natural state he did not destroy the hate that the devil created, not did he destroy the devil.  Man in his natural state will always be presented with a choice, it is a part of the test to see if we are capable of reigning with him in the new heaven and earth.  We are constantly faced with the option to choose.  It becomes a simple paradox when we realize that the devil tested Job and even the son of God.

There are two types of knowledge referenced in the scripture. The problems of humanity are brought into focus by the vast knowledge of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  This knowledge has overshadowed the knowledge of God. Daniel 12:4  But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased.  This increase in knowledge has caused the Knowledge of God to falter, Proverbs 16:25  There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death.

There are types and degrees of hatred the same as there is with love. Understanding the types of hatred a key to living with hatred and Understanding The Word of God. 

Psalms 139:22  I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies. God hates the character and ways of the wicked, and the feelings of all righteous men are in harmony with his.

Proverbs 8:13  The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do I hate.

Proverbs 10:18  He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander, is a fool.   Observe here, Malice is folly and wickedness. 1. It is so when it is concealed by flattery and dissimulation: He is a fool though he may think himself a politician, that hides hatred with lying lips, lest, if it breaks out, he should be ashamed before men and should lose the opportunity of gratifying his malice. Lying lips are bad enough of themselves but have a peculiar malignity in them when they are made a cloak of maliciousness. But he is a fool who thinks to hide anything from God. 2. It is no better when it is vented in spiteful and mischievous language: He that utters slander is a fool too, for God will sooner or later bring forth that righteousness as the light which he endeavors to hide, and will find an expedient to roll the reproach away.

Proverbs 10:12  Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins. Love is the great principle of harmony; it disposes men to cover the faults of their neighbors, and deal leniently with them.

Luke 16:13  No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

The product of uncontrolled hatred is wars.  Matthew 24:6  And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. Clearly the bible speaks of wars and rumors of wars, thus we cannot escape this prophecy.  

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

A Requiem For The Church

In Mark 3:25, Jesus spoke with clarity and purpose when he stated, "And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand".  Religion is a divided entity, even Christianity, the religion that is a representation of Christ teaching is divided.   Knowing that these divisions would arise, Paul warned his follower of the wolves, (the actors, the entertainers, the false prophets), coming in among them. Acts 20:29  For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Being warned of the wolves didn't spare the church because the wolves came disguised as sheep, and what they had to offer was enticing. Jesus issued a proclamation in Matthew 16:18, "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it".  In your study to understand the Word of God, you should ask yourself how all of these divisions are going to play out in the kingdom of God?

As a young man in the early sixties, walking down a major city in a major city, my fragile mind was not prepared for the number of churches I encountered in within each city block.  Churches side by side, big churches, little churches, even massive edifices across the street from storefront churches.  At the end of my walk, my young mind was filled with confusion and there was not a person prepared to give me an acceptable answer, one that fitted the narrative of the Bible. There were denominations less than two hundred years old proclaiming to be the only way, and specifically stated all others were hell bound.  That scenario even today, is not acceptable to some and it pave the road leading many away from the church.

Each denomination has its special form of interpretation or misinterpretation of the scripture, thereby forming the basis of a particular denomination or brand. If the denomination is a brand then the organized church becomes a product, the pastor fulfills the role of the manager and the members become the customers. This relationship is alien in comparison to the model laid out in the Holy scripture.  Jesus addressed himself as a servant, and Paul addressed himself as a servant of Jesus Christ.  Many pastors have taken on the role as Lord or rulers of the church and the mission of the church has been perverted.  A collation of pastors is often used to bully members into compliance with their so-called executive orders.  Much of the drama that exist in many organize churches has nothing to do with salvation, it has more to do with I am the ruler and I am in charge.  

For the first thousand years of Christianity, there were no "denominations" within the Christian church as there is today. Various offshoot groups certainly did exist, but they were considered "heresies" and not part of the Christian faith. Most were small and, until the 16th century, they were not very influential.  From the beginnings of Christianity through the Middle Ages, there was only one the church. Basically, if you did not belong to the Church, you were not considered a Christian.  Jesus and Paul addressed the issue very passionately of ungodly men coming in and perverting the church. 

The first division within Christendom came in 1054 with what is called the "Great Schism" between the Western Church and the Eastern Church. From that point forward, there were two large branches of Christianity, which came to be known as the Catholic Church (in the West) and the Orthodox Church (in the East).  The root cause of this split was a power play.  Once this split was introduced into the body the church became a divided and weak body.

The next major division occurred in the 16th century with the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation was famously sparked when Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses in 1517, but "Protestantism" as a movement officially began in 1529. That year marked the publication of the Protestation, directed at the imperial government. The authors, German princess who wanted the freedom or the power to choose the faith of their territory.  They protested that "in matters which concern God's honor and salvation and the eternal life of our souls, everyone must stand and give an account before God for himself", thus creating a valid argument  to support their power play.

The organized church has evolved and it has begun to cater to the natural aspects of humanity.  The the ability to entertain is the drawing force in many assemblies.  Churches have begun to search out and employ the same techniques used to promote a concert or sporting event.  What is the attraction that draws thousands of people to pack the seats of football stadiums, regardless of the weather condition?  Whether rain, sleet or snow the crowd will assemble to watch their favorite team play.  Even in the age of Television and high tech computer access, why do we pay astronomical fees to see an entertainer perform on stage?   It must be more than the desire for entertainment that draws the crowd.   Why is drinking a beer in a nightclub and listening to the music more refreshing to some than drinking a beer at home and listening to the same music?  To answer these questions requires a study of human nature and an in-depth study of the things it feeds on. Master this knowledge and you have the formula to attract thousands.

Durning those years of my life when I choose to become acclimated with what is call the street life, the question of why one night club prosper and the other fail when both played the same music and offered the same drinks.  The search for this answer was at the forefront of my agenda as I searched for a perfect business model for a night club.  Understanding human nature is an important aspect to drawing a crowd.  A final question, why is a watered down message at Bishop Pious's church is more entertaining that a message from John the upstart preaching on the street corner?  The common denominator is entertainment, to be entertained once must be in the presence of a crowd.  Sitting at home watching TV  alone is  a type of relaxation.  Therefore, when we wish to be entertained we are willing to pay to be part of the crowd, and when we want to relax we are willing to purchase the things that help us relax.  

The field of entertainment is one of the highest paid profession.  Sports figures and actors are paid astronomical fees to provide us with entertainment. Successful Preachers are learning to be great entertainers.   To be a great entertainer whether on stage or in the pulpit does not require an anointing from God. The organized church consists of many who are unqualified to lead or serve Jesus's church.  Stating that we have a calling or message from God never was proof that the message originated from God. The scripture reference a number of false prophets that stood before the people  and proclaimed a message from God.  These false prophets were accepted by the people because they knew what the people wanted and they tailored their message to promise them what they wanted. 

There is a certain type of reality that has set in that governs my life.  In reality, it is the life that govern me.   There is a certain type of confusion that surrounds me, and it is this confusion that drives me.  Confusion also weakens me, as I struggle to resolve the difference between the knowledge of the tree of good and evil and the knowledge of God. The scripture speaks of false prophets coming among the church and deceiving many.  My confusion began when the many profess so many different way, rules or doctrines, and none of these things help me understand the word of God.  

Acts 20:29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. At what point in the history of the church was this prophecy fulfilled? Surely, the organized churches of today existing as a divided body with men and women lording over the flock cannot be a true representative of the body of Christ. A divided house cannot stand.  In the history of the church, there was a time when it exist as one body. There are biblical facts and historical facts that if we were to resolve them, they would present us with a conclusion that many of us are not prepared to accept. 

One of my students ask if we are going through the tribulation?  My answer to the question based upon the chain of events set forth within the scripture would depend upon whether I believe the events in prophesied in 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18 has already taken place. If that event took place before the church became a divided body in 1054, then we are living in the midst of the tribulation and the seals are being open.  If those events set forth in the above scripture are yet to take place then I have a problem understanding the proliferation of the churches, as pertaining to what organized church is christ coming back for.

If the coming of Christ for believers in this age is imminent, it must occur before the predicted signs in (Matt. 24:15-26, Daniel 9:27), and before the tribulation period. Therefore, many have come to believe that the coming of Christ and calling for his church to meet him in the air, (1st Thessalonians 4:16-17, 2nd Corinthians 5:6-10) is an event which takes place before the tribulation time while the coming of Christ with his holy angels (church) (Matthew 25:31-32, Joel 3:1-2) to establish the kingdom on earth occurs after the tribulation.  One coming is in the air and the other is on earth. In confirmation of these conclusions, students of the Bible can find abundant proof to sustain these conclusions. More than twenty-five arguments based upon scripture facts is advanced in our seminars in support of the translation of the church before the tribulation,  It is the status of the church that causes many to wonder.

Often the question of salvation during the tribulation period is used to shape one's belief. But, John saw a number that was saved during the tribulation. Revelation 7:13-14 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.