Friday, August 31, 2018

Revelation 1:-3: a Recap

Let us recap our study and solidify our thinking and reaffirm our belief in the book of Revelation, and then we will take a trip to Heaven.  To do so I have to rethink my position on certain aspects of Christian lore, and I think it would be advisable that we all did because the path we have chosen is leading us farther away from God rather than bringing us together.  
The Heaven depicted in the book of Revelation differs greatly from the Heaven that we hear about almost daily.  If you believe in God and believe in his message, rethinking the modern day concept of Heaven should be easy.  I believe that the Book of Revelation is the message of Jesus to the Church and to the individual.  I believe Jesus' message is more believable than many of the messages delivered today.  
Too often, the presentation of the message of Christ is in a convoluted manner that breeds distrust in the Word of God.  Often presented as a message from God, cute clichés that serve no purpose other than to detract, excite and breed false hope.   How often have we been left standing by the side of the road waiting on deliverance only to be told later that, "He might come when we want him to but he is always on time?"   We would do well to study the predictions of John the Baptist, Stephen and Paul.  Before Stephen was killed, he saw Jesus standing on the right hand of God, but he did not come to his rescue.
The greatest challenge or hindrance to understanding the Book of Revelation is whether to accept the church as a perpetual or transient body.  Few are prepared to accept the "true church" as an ephemeral or transient body because it would be inconsistent with the teaching of a billion dollar enterprise.  The same holds true when it come to acceptance the inactivity or the silence of God.  The proliferation of the church has become the most destructive forces facing the church.
If the true church is perpetual as pertaining to the end of time then many of the events prophesied cannot proceed in a chronological order.  As indicated in my study, "The Five Judgments", all of the events detailed in the prophecies must proceed in a chronological order; it is the order of the Bible.
When the tribulation come upon the earth will the "true church" be safe in Heaven?  Numerous scriptures support this thesis.  Most of us are comfortable with the scenario that the church will remain on earth until the end of time.  The same as we are comfortable with people dying, bypassing judgment and going straight to Heaven.   Much of our knowledge of Heaven seems to be based upon entertaining rhetoric that is not scripturally supported, such as singing in the heavenly choir or even initiating a Heaven-wide search for our loved one.  Christ returning with his Holy Angeles and judging the nations or establishing his Kingdom here on a new earth seems a little far-fetched.  In light of the confused state of humanity, this would pose a problem.  
In Revelation 4: John's view of Heaven depicts an angry God and the organization structure of Heaven as it prepares to meter out the final judgment upon the earth.  Later John sees a number greater than no man could number coming out of the great tribulation, but he does not see the church.  Could the reason be the church is safely tucked away in Heaven with Christ, attending the marriage ceremony, where they will emerge as Holy Angels? 
I do not believe I have ever heard a sermon delivered from the book of Revelation.  I have heard, "Behold I stand at the door and knock", used in many different settings.  Heaven is a place we want to go and Hell is a place we do not want to go is the most knowledge many of us have of the hereafter.  Modern Santa Claus religion is about living and enjoying the blessing of God.  When it comes time to die many Christians are afraid and began praying and begging God for a little more time.  
The colleges and universities are doing a fine job preparing us to live a purposeful life here on earth; the church's mission should cater to our spiritual needs, our purpose and prepare us to meet God.  Many churches today main function is operating a business, selling the spiritual attributes of God, while the messengers of God are gainfully employed stirring the cauldron of hate.  They spew hatful rhetoric that causes many of the sheep to stumble and stray from the fold. 
The first division of Revelation was the vision of the glorified Lord (Chapter 1). The second division of Revelation consists of the letters to the churches (chapters two and three). The third division begins with chapter four and closes with chapter twenty-two, verse five. This comprises the prophetic portion of Revelation, although prophetic action does not begin until chapter six.  Chapter 4 and 5 is merely a prelude of things to come.  The signs and symbols prevail throughout the book, as with any journey if we do not understand the sign we probably will not arrive at our destination. One final point, when the message uses signs and symbols, the message cannot be understood by just reading, you must see the signs and symbols to understand the message.  
The scenes in Heaven, recorded in chapters 4 and 5, introduce the first series of judgments, about which we read about and witness in chapter six. Throughout the church age, there has been a conflict between good and evil, between Righteousness and unrighteousness, light and darkness. The battle between God and Satan, the Holy Spirit and evil spirits, has been raging since the Church was born, and will continue long after the Church is safely seated in the Heavens with the Lord Jesus.  
One of the purposes of this study is to show the role that the church plays in the overall scheme of things.  Many teach or believe that the church is the only “saved” entity after Jesus set up his Kingdom.  This is not scriptural.  The church created for a specific purpose, not to save the world but as the “Bride of Christ.”  Understanding the concept of the “Bride of Christ”, the symbology of the use of the words will enable us to understand the church's purpose.   
After the marriage, the Bride and the Bridegroom become as one.  It should be clear now that the church (a called out body composed of Jews and Gentiles) is a special entity created for a special purpose in the kingdom. Paul made his point clear in 1st Corinthians 6:2-3 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? Know ye not that we shall judge angels?
After the rapture of the "true Church", the Holy Spirit will not be here to restrain the forces of evil; this earth will become a literal hell. After the true church is caught up the systems of this earth will be committed entirely to the devil and he will rule in the person of the Beast (politically) and in the person of the Antichrist (religiously). The Rapture of the church  takes place between chapters three and four - the overcome's will be caught up, and the masses will be spewed out to go through the tribulations.  The true church will become the organized church and will continue to function, the same as the five foolish virgins. 
It is true that John does not record the facts concerning the Rapture; but Paul, to whom the mystery of the Church was revealed in full, unfolds to us the events during and immediately following the Rapture. 1st Thessalonians 4:13-18  But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this, we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
To be continued...

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