Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A Prayer Request For The Holiday

Do not pray for me.  Today as I head to the hospital for another batch of test and consultations, there is no heaviness within my heart.   Whether the news is good or bad is no longer a factor to me, I have long placed my fate in the hands of God and accepted the inevitable.   If cancer or diabetes does not take me out of the game  of life, then time or chance will surely prevail.  If you are taking the time to read this, I ask you this Holiday season to pray for the families  that are torn apart through hatred, false perceptions and lack of conversation. Pray for those who will be alone this holiday season, and pray for the church that have failed the mission of Christ.   Pray not for world peace, but pray that the love for Christ and the love of Christ will flow like water from the pulpit, throughout the church and into the community.