Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Test of Faith

Earl Gillespie
A Test of Faith #2
Deliberate Confusion

Revelation 21:8  But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death.

Verse 8. But the fearful. Jesus having stated previously , in general terms, who they were who would be admitted into that blessed world, he now states explicitly who would not. The fearful denote those who had not firmness boldly to maintain their professed principles, or who were afraid to avow themselves as the friends of God in a wicked world. They stand in contrast with those who "overcome," Re 21:7.

And unbelieving. Those who have not true faith; avowed infidels; infidels at heart; and all who have not the sincere faith of the gospel.  And the abominable. The verb from which this word is derived means, to excite disgust; to feel disgust at; to abominate or abhor; and hence the participle--"the abominable"-refers to all who are detestable, to wit, on account of their sins; all whose conduct is offensive to God. Thus it would include those who live in open sin; who practice detestable vices; whose conduct is fitted to excite disgust and abhorrence. These must all, of course, be excluded from a pure and holy word;  and this description would embrace a lamentably large portion of the world as it has hitherto been.  This includes murderers, and whoremongers and sorcerers, and idolaters. 1Co 6:9; Ga 5:19. And all liars. All who are false in their statements, their promises, their contracts. The word would embrace all who are false towards God, (Ac 5:1-3,) and false toward men. See Ro 1:31. Shall have their part in the lake which burneth, etc. That is, they will be excluded from heaven, and punished forever. 

I often speak of the confusion that exist in the household of faith.  This confusion is not the type of confusion that exist because of lack of knowledge or direction, it is a type of confusion that is perpetrated upon the believers of God.  The manipulation, the twisting of the scripture to achieve one's own agenda has become Christanity's worst enemy.  The recurring theme of religion is changing to accommodate the flawed nature of humanity.  Things that were once taboo in a religious society as well as things that once was acceptable in church worship services has now become acceptable.   The changes have become so pronounced that a ninety year old person finds many church services repulsive, yet we testify God has not changed.   Jesus addressed the subject in Luke 18:8... Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

Luke 18:9  And he spake also this parable unto certain who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and set all others at nought:

Beautifully adorned preacher appearing in the media  outlets, sculpturing the scripture, primping and posing and all preaching a message of giving.  The forefront of most christian messages is no longer based upon salvation, the message is about prospering here on earth.   Most are unaware of the ethnic diversity of the message of the church.  This ethnic approach has even fueled the framing of the question as to what color is the Son of God by those who are trying to appease the  ethnic diversification of their congregation.   In John 4:24, the scripture says, " God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."  The question should be what color is a spirit?  Then common sense would dictate, a spirit has no color.   The smiling preacher ended his message by promising, "You are going to have success all you need to do is plant a seed.     Jesus ended his message in the book of Revelations by saying, "If you endure I will give you a crown of life."    

There are those who are looking to the church for faith building support, and there are those who are looking to the church for all types of gifts from God.  I am going to church to get my blessing, a holdover from the days of slavery has become the cornerstone of religion as entertainment takes the forefront, because as praises goes up, blessing come down.   On any given Sunday paid performers entertain and strive to work the congregation into an emotional frenzy which is often described as the 'Spirit of God'.   This same type of showmanship is often found in concerts offering worldly pleasures.   Listening to a message about how God is going to show up and show out is not faith building message, yet this is the core of many messages.   Those that are emotionally inclined shout and sweat, then leave emotionally drain until the next session,  they return again in an emotionally agitated state, begging God for the same blessings they asked for the last time.   Is there a need to bring in a rocket scientist and ask the question, why people are turning away from mainstream Christianity.

There are many questions that should be addressed by the household of faith.  First and foremost those that claim to be leaders of God should be held to a higher standard, the same as Moses and other messengers of God.  Those that are unable to live up to the standards of the Bible should   vacate the title and honor that are placed upon them.    God's true people are being offended.  Jesus addressed this problem when he said in Matthew 18:6  But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 

In my weaken state of faith, I can only wonder how all of this is going to play out when we stand before God.  We do believe in God don't we? In  Revelation 21:8,   But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Monday, December 30, 2013

A Test Of Faith

Earl Gillespie
A Test Of Faith

Luke 22:32  But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

It is fitting that after a pause for reflection and tributes to those who have passed on, we return to our daily task.  The hardest part of accepting and dealing with pain is the sadness of the situation when much of the pain and grief that a soul is enduring is  caused by those who profess a Godly faith and love.   As Solomon exercise care and concern in his consultation and condemnation, religious leaders should ascribe to achieve that same attitude.  To condemn or even offer consultation without gathering all of the facts is destructive to all parties involved.  The condemnation of a suffering soul based upon untrues and irreverent acts by those who suppose to be messengers of God, this is truly a test of faith.  The truth is debased and become nothing but what ever opinion that is formed with one mine that bring peace to one's inner longings.

Over the past year Bible study blogging has become a part of my daily routine, but during my recent moment of grief, I ceased to function as a Bible study blogger and I must admit that for the past two weeks I have endured a severe test of my faith.  The action of certain people within the household of faith has even forced me to question the things that I believe in.  In some instances I have been forced to question my own sanity.  A truth is, if we all believed in the things we openly testify off, the pain that many of us endure would not exist.  In  this blog I intend to make a full disclosure of my test, hoping that someone's faith might be strengthened by my confession and in the process I might find a deeper level of faith and peace.  Our conditioning and religious indoctrination  do not provide the space for the open acknowledgment of the weakness of our faith, yet it is a secret condition that many suffer and endure.  It is also the reason that many fall by the wayside, or pretend to walk the walk of faith.  

The religious right and the pious pretenders will quickly proclaim, "all you got to do is pray and give it to Jesus and he will work it out."  For some reason that statement  reminds me of the man standing on the river bank shouting to the drowning man, "swim, swim, all you got to do is swim."  Both statements are true, yet, why would Ecclesiastes in his illustrations of Godly wisdom proclaimed that there is a time and a season for everything?    

There are truths that the religious right refuses to acknowledge, and there are acknowledgements of revelations from God that is in error, yet God does not err.  There are prophecies going forward that are in error, yet they claim to have the seal of God.  God's people are being tormented by the shepherds of his flock.   It was only fitting that God spoke in 1 Kings 16:2  Forasmuch as I exalted thee out of the dust, and made thee prince over my people Israel, and thou hast walked in the way of Jeroboam, and hast made my people Israel to sin, to provoke me to anger with their sins;  In the book of Jeremiah 23:32 , God said, "Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the LORD."  It is clear of what God was speaking of in both of those verses.  The so-called leaders had perverted the message, they had shaped the truth and the message had become self-serving.  

There is a need to examine ourself and as stated in James 5:16,  "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."  A confession must be based upon the truth and nothing but the real truth as it applies to all, therefore I am tempted to resort to using real names and real places in my hope that I will get somebody's attention.  If I do, I shall attempt to be as tactful as possible, but how can a person be tactful when attempting to deal with sixty one years of lies? Lies that have been repeated so many times that even God fearing ministers are buying into them and using the Word of God to chastise and convict  the victim of a blatant case of sibling rivalry.   How can I be tactful when I have spent years and years of living in turmoil.  Again, you will tell me to pray and let God work it out.  How did God handle the situation when Jobs friends misjudged him?  He let them continue until that day of reckoning?  Take no thought of those who are deceived?  How can I be tactful when my Christian faith hinges upon how all of this is going to play out when we stand before God.  Will God understand when the minister says, "I don't like my brother because my mother and father thought more of him than they did me when I was a child?"  

 There is another form of rivalry that is just as deadly and it exist within the church.   Somewhere between the whooping and hollering, there is the desire to be on the radio or television and be the greatest superstar.  When I said we need to build our Sunday School, why would a church member practicing the love of God response, "don't nobody want to hear you teach."   When in an open church meeting after the death of a prominent member I stood and said, "the church need to reclaim it vision, why would I be condemned and told by a practicing Christian, "The church is dying, but if you'll want to build a bonfire in the middle of the floor and invite people to come and watch, I will be glad to write letters."  Why, when I said to my brother a practicing minister, "Brother don't let those people get to you, people will drive you crazy if you let them", his response was, Who are you calling crazy? "You are the one who is crazy"  The explosive encounter was herald as my fault as I sought to defend my statement and myself to two ministers of God.

There has been several occasions I have stood before a Judge in a Court of Law and swore to tell the truth and nothing but the truth, on each occasion I confessed to a crime that I didn't commit.  In one instance, people in the right places knew it was a set up, but proving it was a set up would be expensive and the odds of winning would be against me.  It became a matter of simple survival, cop a plea and go home,  or declare your innocence, post bail and show up on trial day.  Through these cases I learned the cost of not standing up for yourself, even though the cost might be high.  For many years I held my peace, I ran from confrontation while every aspect of my life was turned into a freak and my life became a sideshow spectacle.  The pain and suffering of my military experience, my bouts with depression and drugs (legal and illegal), my broken marriage,  and soon the , "I told you he was crazy syndrome", began to take its toll.  

Living a thirty minute drive from my family home, I neglected to attend family reunions and other family functions.  A simple visit became a painful experience.    My younger brother had grown up to take the place of the older ones who had left home, and it seems as if someone had rewritten the history of my early years.  Standing in the street after an explosive encounter with my brother, my nephew tried to explain to me why my brother hated me.  These are his words. This is his story:

Growing up on the farm, your mother and father cared more for you that they did for Pops. Anything you wanted they bought it for you, and you were allowed to get away with things, whereas he would get whippings for the least little thing.  They would keep Pops out of school and make him work while you went to school and that's why you graduated ahead of him.  He had to work while you played and never took life seriously.  When you graduated from High school, they sent you off to college and you got a college degree.  They just wasted their money on you.  Pops feel that if they had done the same for him he could have done more with his life.  When I responded with, son, you don't know me", he replied, "yes I do, my mother said it is true."  

The above statement is nothing but shaped truths and lies designed to justify one's own behavior and villianify the other.  More than sixty years have passed since the days of little brothers going to school together, fighting and getting each other in trouble.  Now the truth has been shaped and the telling and retelling of this shaped truth has tainted the memory of the people I came in contact with growing up.   

Today the prophet writes, "Earl, I have a word of prophecy for you today that is designed to create greater possibilities for success and wholeness in your life even when you’re faced with difficult situations that look hopeless. How? Because all possibilities remain with God through the power of faith and belief. Earl, I ask that you trust me today because today, 

Click on this link now to sow a simple seed offering of $37.00 because you are only a phone call away from knowing what you really should know about in this season. Sow your $37.00 seed right now and this is what you will receive when you believe the Prophet."

Today I must endure a test of faith...
 To be continued in part 2

Sunday, December 15, 2013

A Tribute To My Mother

Earl Gillespie
Let The Church Say Amen
A Tribute To My Mother

In the Book of Ecclesiastes, the writer Solomon, in his quest for happiness and the meaning of life, also known as "the Teacher," asks many questions that are still being raised today and these questions are relevant in today's society.  We exist in a society where our young people are searching for proper answers.

Solomon was called a preacher, one who “Gathers” or assembles the people of God, Solomon in his great wisdom taught the true knowledge of God, and how men ought to live their lives in this transitory world. 

My mother, Mary Alice Gillespie was a great teacher of the Word of God. Her teaching has left an indelible mark on people many people all across this nation.  Her life and her teaching was a replicate of Solomon, a person seeking for a deeper understanding of God's Word.  Now at the age of 95 that life has ended.  What a life…

Ecclesiastes 3:1-2  For everything there is a season, and a time for very purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

Ecclesiastes 9:11  I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favor to men of skill; but time and chance happened to them all.

All that has happened has been ordained by God, therefore we will gather today not to shed a tear, though it may be hard not to, let us comfort one another, as David said in Psalms 121:1  I will lift up mine eyes unto the mountains: From whence shall my help come? 

God has spoken, let the church say amen.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Judaism and Christianity

Earl Gillespie
The Contrast between
 Judaism and Christianity

This will possibly be one of the most disconcerting postings to date, because it deals deeply with how many Christians are taught the scripture.  Most, are taught to jump from one verse to another in an attempt to prove a point.  The scripture should not be about trying to prove a point, nor should its believability be based upon indoctrinated concepts.  Often times students or teachers of the scripture will have a list of things that are problematic, but rather than searching for a deeper understanding  they resort to a scripture induced stupor that neither provide them or their listeners with proper and adequate answers.    

The Bible is a sacred story, it began with, "in the beginning" and it has an ending,  Revelation 22:21  The grace of the Lord Jesus be with the saints. Amen.  What transpires between those two points is the unfolding of God's plan and his interaction with his creation.  It is not a hodge-podge book of different ideas and concepts, as with any story our understanding of the story is based upon our ability to understand what we read.  One of the most dismal aspects of the application of the scripture is that two people can read the same scripture and have different interpretations, while each will claim a divine inspiration.  In todays society many are willing to cast aside two thousand years of religious ideas and concepts in exchange for a new order.   Often these ideas are nothing more than ideas that are based upon  the indoctrinated ideas of another. 

There is much confusion about the application of the Law.  Some religious orders consign Sunday worshiper to hell.  Some believe that Judaism superseded Christianity and herein is the crust of the problem.  There is much confusion concerning, "Faith Healing", the concept of , "I know God is a healer" often become the base of our prayer for deliverance.   The truth is God is a healer and yet people pray and people die.  Two preachers stood around my mother's hospital bed and prayed for God's deliverance, yet the next day she went to be with God.  We will discuss this further as we proceed, but let's examine the problem from the beginning.  

To fully understand the scripture must make a sharp contrast between "JUDAISM" and "CHRISTIANITY" or there will be confusion in our Scriptural Thinking. There is an overlapping between them, and the debatable points is in that "Transition Period" between "Pentecost," A. D. 30, and the "Destruction of Jerusalem," A. D. 70, when the "JEWISH AGE" really ended in the "Dispersion" of the Jews.  As we will see later that this is the reason for much of the confusion that exist today, whether knowingly or unknowingly.   The church of this age needs understanding, not sound bites.

In Hebrews 9:26, we read, "For then must He often have suffered since the foundation of the world; but now once in the `END OF THE WORLD' (AGE) hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself." The "Age," in the "END" of which Jesus came to put away sin, was the "JEWISH AGE."  We should be able to accept that Jesus did not live in this "Christian Age", nor did he preach a message of salvation.  He was crucified, dead, buried and ascended before it began. It began with the coming of the Holy Spirit on the "Day of Pentecost." Jesus said-- "Think not that I am come to destroy the law,' or the prophets;' I am not come to destroy, but to FULFIL." Mt 5:17. The "Law" that Jesus came to fulfil was not the "Moral Law" (the Ten Commandments), though He kept that in every particular, but the "Ceremonial Law." 

The "Ceremonial Law" typified what the Messiah was to do, or fulfil, when He came. He was to be the "Passover Lamb." As such He was offered up at the "Passover Season." In Him the "Sin Offering" was fulfilled. As the Goat of the "Sin Offering" He shed His blood at the Altar of the Cross, and as the "Scape Goat" He carried His own blood away, not into the Wilderness, but into the Holy Place of the Heavenly Tabernacle. Heb 9:11-12. In His conversation with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, on the afternoon of the day He arose, He said-- "O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the Prophets have spoken: ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into His Glory? And beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things CONCERNING HIMSELF." Lu 24:25-27. The same evening in the city of Jerusalem Jesus appeared to the "Eleven" and them that were with them, and said-- "These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be FULFILLED, which were written in the law of Moses,' and in the prophets,' and in the 'Psalms,' CONCERNING ME." Lu 24:44. So we see that "Christ is the 'END OF THE LAW' for Righteousness to every one that believeth." Ro 10:4. That is, He fulfilled the Law, and we as Believers are no longer under Law but under GRACE. 

But while we are no longer under the "Ceremonial Law," that being fulfilled in Christ, we are under the "Moral Law," the "Ten Commandments," for while they are distinctly Jewish, yet their observance is required of every Christian Believer as laid down by the Apostles in their Epistles, with one exception, and that the observance of the Sabbath, or the Seventh Day of the Week. That is not obligatory upon the Christian. He is supposed to observe the First Day of the Week. 

The Ten Commandments as reproduced in the New Testament are as follows: (1) One God. 1Ti 2:5; 1Co 8:4-6. (2) Idolatry. 1Co 10:7,14; 1Jo 5:21. (3) Profanity. Col 3:8; Mt 6:9. (4) Sabbath. They are warned against keeping it. Ga 4:10-11; Col 2:16-17. (5) Honor Parents. Eph 6:2. (6) Murder. 1Jo 3:14-15. (7) Adultery. Eph 5:3-5; Ga 5:19. (8) Stealing. Eph 4:28. (9) False Witness. Eph 4:25; 1Co 13:5. (10) Covetousness. Eph 5:3.

In the "Transition Period" from Egypt to Canaan of the Children of Israel, the Lord employed "Signs" (Miracles) to authenticate the Divine Mission of Moses. Ex 4:1-9. The same method was employed in the "Transition Period" between "Judaism" and "Christianity" to authenticate the Messiahship of Jesus, and the Divine Mission of the Apostles. The length of the "Period" in both instances was the same, about 40 years. It was foretold of the "Messiah" that when He should come-- "Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing." Isa 35:5-6. When John the Baptist, shut up in prison, had his doubts as to the Messiahship of Jesus, he sent two of his disciples to Jesus to ask him-- "Art Thou He that should come, or do we look for another?" Jesus seemingly did not directly answer John's question, but after performing a number of miracles said to John's disciples-- "Go and shew John again those things which ye do hear and see: the blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the Gospel preached to them." Mt 11:1-5. Now the above reference from Isaiah, as the context shows, has reference to the Millennium, and therefore is a "Kingdom Sign," and as the Jews expected the Messiah when He came to set up the "Millennial Kingdom," the "Miracles of Healing" of Jesus were "Kingdom Signs" to prove His Messiahship.

In what is spoken of as "The Great Commission," we read-- "Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these `SIGNS' shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils (demons); they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mr 16:15-18. While it is true that verses 9-20 of this chapter are not found in two of the oldest Greek manuscripts, and that their authenticity is questioned by some, nevertheless the signs here promised, with the exception of "drinking deadly things," followed the preaching of the Gospel by the Apostles. 

It must not be overlooked that the command to go into all the world and preach the Gospel, was given to the "Eleven Apostles" and not the followers of Jesus in general. The difference between Matthew's account (Mt 28:16-20), and Mark's account (Mr 16:14-18) is striking. In Matthew's account no "Signs" are promised and it was to continue until the "end of the world," or this present "Age." While in Mark's account the promise seems limited to the days of the Apostles. Be sure it says-- "And these 'Signs' shall follow them that believe," but that may mean only those who believed the Apostles, for such did "speak with tongues." Ac 10:46; 19:6. As further evidence of the "time limit" of the promise we have the words of Mr 16:20, "And they (the Eleven Apostles) went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with SIGNS FOLLOWING." To the "Eleven Apostles" we must add Paul who was chosen of the Lord to take Judas' place. Ac 9:15-19; Ro 1:1; 1Ti 2:7. That these "Signs" were "Apostolic Signs," and were to confirm the claims of the Apostles, was the teaching of Paul. "

Truly the 'SIGNS OF AN APOSTLE' were wrought among you in all patience, in 'SIGNS,' and 'WONDERS,' and 'MIGHTY DEEDS.'" 2Co 12:12. These "Signs" were to convince the Gentiles (Ro 15:16-19), and to confirm the "Great Salvation" promised through the Gospel (Heb 2:3-4), and when their purpose was fulfilled, they ceased. The reason they ceased was because they were no longer needed to confirm the Gospel or authenticate the mission of the preacher of the Word. While it is true that some of these "Signs" have attended the preaching of God's messengers where it was necessary to confirm their Divine authority, the fact that they have not generally attended the preaching of the Word since the days of the Apostles is an implication that they are not to be expected or looked for in these days. We do not need them to confirm the Scriptures. We have nearly nineteen centuries of Church History as evidence to the Divine origin of Christianity. We must not forget that in that "Transition Period" between "Judaism" and "Christianity" the Christian Church was largely Jewish, and it was hard for many to break away from the rites and ceremonies of the Jewish religion, but gradually they were weaned away until "Signs" were no longer necessary. We must not forget that there was no New Testament for the Apostles to appeal to in the first half of that "Transition Period." Therefore "Signs" and "Wonders" were necessary. 

The first New Testament book to be written was 1st Thessalonians, A. D. 52. The first Gospel was that of Mark, written between A. D. 57-63. The Acts was written about A. D. 65. Most of the New Testament was written between A. D. 60-70. All was written, except the writings of the Apostle John, before the Destruction of Jerusalem in A. D. 70. With the death of the Apostles and New Testament Prophets, the Apostolic and Prophetic Office ceased. Since then the Church of Christ has had no new revelation. Signs are not needed in these days because we have the more sure "Word of Prophecy." 2Pe 2:19.

As still further evidence that the "Signs," particularly that of healing, ceased before the close of that "Transition Period," we have the treatment of Paul of his fellow workers. In writing to Timothy (1Ti 5:23) he advised him to-- "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities." And of Trophimus he wrote-- "But Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick." 2Ti 4:20. If "Divine Healing" was more than a "Sign," if it was part of the Gospel, and was conferred on the Believer because Christ's death on the Cross included physical healing along with the salvation of the soul, then why did the Apostle Paul advise Timothy as he did, and leave Trophimus at Miletum sick?

I am a believer in "Divine Healing," and that the "Prayer of Faith" will heal the sick. I have had too much evidence in my own family and church congregations to that effect. But I do not believe that it is a lack of saving faith to be sick. Some go so far as to say that if a Christian has not faith to be healed, he has not the faith that saves. God does heal, and in many cases instantly, in answer to the "PRAYER OF FAITH." Jas 5:14-15. But that "Faith" must be implanted by God Himself. All "Divine Healing" is of "God's Sovereign Will." If prayer alone could heal there would be none of us sick. The fact that the majority of God's saints has not had their bodily infirmities removed in answer to prayer, implies that healing of the body is not a part of the atoning work of Christ, else they would have been healed the moment they took Christ as their Saviour. If the pulpit would teach the Scriptural method of Divine Healing, professing Christian people would not resort to the Satanic devised Healing Cults of the day for healing.

To Be Continued

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Law verses Grace

Earl Gillespie
 Law and Grace

One of the most confusing aspects of Christianity is the issue of the Law and Grace.  The church is quick to acknowledge that it must live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, yet the very church that Jesus ordained finds itself existing in a state of hypocrisy because selective application of the Word of God is the preferred order.  One of the reasons Christianity refuses to accept the fulfillment of the Law is that if the church acknowledges that it is no longer under the Law, then it  would looses one of its greatest fund raising tools.  Most churches have not fully reconciled the Law, the Sabbath and Sunday and therefore their ability to teach is impeded.   To some it is confusing listening to a fiery message about keeping the commandants of God on a Sunday morning.

The Scriptures make a clear distinction between "Law" and "Grace," putting "Law" in one Dispensation and "Grace" in another. "The `Law' was given by (through) Moses, but `Grace' and `Truth' came by (through) Jesus Christ." Joh 1:17. By the "Law" we are to understand the "MOSAIC LAW," the "Law" given to Moses by God on Mount Sinai. It was threefold.

1. THE MORAL LAW. Ex 20:1-17. (The Ten Commandments.)

2. THE CIVIL LAW. Ex 21:1-24:18.

3. THE CEREMONIAL LAW. Ex 25:1-40:38.

This is not to say there was no "Law" before Moses, or no "Grace" before Jesus Christ, for "sin" is the "transgression of the law," (1Jo 3:4), and Adam's sin was the transgression of the law that God laid down as to the eating of the fruit of the Garden, and "Grace" was revealed and exercised when Adam and Eve were spared the penalty of their sin. In Ro 2:12 the Apostle Paul speaks of those who were "without law" from Eden until Moses. He does not mean that they were not accountable for their conduct, for by their actions they showed that there was an "unwritten law" in their hearts that their conscience bore witness to. Ro 2:14-15. What Paul meant was that there was no "Written Law," that is, no "MOSAIC LAW," before the days of Moses. Let it be understood then in this discussion that by "Law" is meant the "Mosaic Law," and that there can be no mixing or blending of "Law" and "Grace" in this or any other Dispensation.  To do so is to pollute the Word of God.



"When the Gentiles, WHICH HAVE NOT THE LAW do by nature the things contained in the Law, these, having NOT THE LAW, are a law unto themselves." Ro 2:14.  THis is not a complicated scripture to understand.  

The "Law" was given to Israel exclusively. For illustration take the "Law of the Sabbath." It was not given to the Gentiles. It was given as the "SIGN" of the "Mosaic Covenant." Ex 31:13; Eze 20:12,19-21. The "Sabbath Day" belongs to the Jews alone and is not binding on the Gentiles (the World), or on the Church (Christians), though Christians are expected to observe the "First Day of the Week" for rest and worship. Nowhere in the Bible do we find God finding fault with any nation or people, except the Jews, for not observing the Sabbath. As a Jewish ordinance it has never been abrogated, changed, or transferred to any other day of the week, or to any other people. It is now in abeyance as foretold in Ho 2:11; 3:4-5, it would be. It is to be resumed when the Jews are nationally restored to their own land. Isa 66:23; Eze 44:24; 46:1-3.


The "Law" was not given to JUSTIFY men, for by the "deeds of the Law" shall no flesh be justified in God's sight. Ro 3:20; Ga 2:16. The "Law" was given that men might know what sin is, "for by the `Law' is the knowledge of sin," (Ro 3:20), for men would have not known that "covetousness" was sin, if the "Law" had not said-- "Thou shall not COVET." Ro 7:7. The "Law" was given to "stop men's mouths," and keep men from boasting of their own righteousness, and see themselves guilty before God. Ro 3:19. The "Law" was given to be a "Schoolmaster" to lead men to Christ. Ga 3:24-25. All the rites and ceremonies of the "Ceremonial Law" pointed to Christ, such as the Feasts and Offerings. Now that Christ has come neither Jew nor Gentile is under the "Mosaic Law." for He fulfilled the "Law," that is, all the rites and ceremonies of the "Law" found their fulfilment in Him. Christ then "is the `END OF THE LAW' for Righteousness to every one that BELIEVETH." Ro 10:4. Therefore Believers are "DEAD TO THE LAW," (Ro 7:4; Ga 2:19), that is, they are no longer under the bondage of "Legalism," but under GRACE.


"By Grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves; it is the GIFT OF GOD; not of works, lest any man should boast." Eph 2:8-9.

From this scripture we see that "Grace" is a GIFT. If a man receive salvation in exchange for his works, then salvation is but another word for "wages." Or if Salvation is given in exchange for benefits bestowed, then it is simply a "reward." Now if a man receive Salvation as wages, or as a reward, then Salvation is not a GIFT but something that he was entitled to, and therefore is not of GRACE. Grace is not something given us to help us keep the Law, Grace is UNDESERVED MERCY.

The "Source" of Grace is GOD'S LOVE. "For God SO LOVED the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Joh 3:16.  The "Channel" of Grace is CHRIST. "Grace and Truth came BY JESUS CHRIST." Joh 1:17; Tit 2:11.  The "Instrument" of Grace is FAITH. "By Grace are ye saved THROUGH FAITH." Eph 2:8. Not faith in a thing, as some good deed we have done, but faith in a PERSON, and that person JESUS CHRIST.  That we may the better see the difference between "Law" and "Grace" let us contrast them.


The first miracle that Moses performed as the representative of the "Law" was to turn water into BLOOD, typical of DEATH. Ex 7:19-21. The first miracle that Jesus performed as the representative of "Grace" was to turn water into WINE, typical of LIFE. Joh 2:7-11.


All the "Law" can do is to produce DARKNESS, as when Moses caused a "thick darkness" to cover the land of Egypt. Ex 10:22-23. But "Grace" gives LIGHT. Jesus said-- "I am the LIGHT of the World." Joh 9:5. Jesus came to give not only sight to the physically blind but to the spiritually blind as well.


The last scene in Egypt was DEATH. The death of the first-born. Ex 12:29-30. The "End of the Law" is DEATH. Ro 6:23. One of the last miracles of Christ was to give LIFE, the resurrection of Lazarus. Joh 11:41-44. Jesus came to bring LIFE and IMMORTALITY to light, through the "Gospel of Grace." The first time the "Law" was proclaimed 3000 were KILLED. Ex 32:26-28. The first time that "Grace" was preached 3000 were SAVED. Ac 2:41.


We are by nature like the man in the Parable of the Good Samaritan robbed and stripped and left by the wayside to die. Lu 10:30-37. The "Law," like the "Priest" and the "Levite," passes by and gives no help, while "Grace" comes where we are, and like the "Good Samaritan" pours in oil and wine, and puts us in his place on his beast, and provides for our future.


The "Law" says-- "SEEK the Lord while He may be found." "Grace" says-- "The Son of Man is come to `SEEK AND TO SAVE' that which was lost." Lu 19:10. What a vista the Parable of the "Lost Sheep" opens up. It was not so much the sheep that was lost, as that a man had LOST A SHEEP. When Adam sinned and wandered away, God said-- "Adam, if you can do without me, I cannot do without you." Then it was that "Grace" began its work.


The "Law" says-- "DO and thou shalt Live." Le 18:5. "Grace" says-- "IT IS FINISHED." No man is justified by his works, but as a Believer he will be rewarded for his works. We are not to work to the Cross, but from the Cross.


The "Law" said to Moses at the "Burning Bush"-- "Put OFF thy shoes." Ex 3:3-5. Why? Thou art a SERVANT. Heb 3:5. "Grace" said to the "Prodigal" when he returned home-- "Put ON thy shoes." Lu 15:22. Why? Because he was a SON. Lu 15:24.  THE LAW SAYS "Keep Off," GRACE SAYS "Embrace Him." THE LAW SAYS "Bow the Knee," GRACE SAYS "Kiss Him." THE LAW SAYS "Punish," GRACE SAYS "Forgive." THE LAW SAYS "Strip Him," GRACE SAYS "Best Robe." THE LAW "Kills," GRACE "Makes Alive."  Under the "Law" the "SHEEP" died for the "Shepherd." Under "Grace" the "SHEPHERD" died for the "Sheep." Joh 10:14-15.

THE LAW demands holiness.

GRACE gives holiness.

THE LAW says-- Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
GRACE says-- Blessed is the man whose iniquities are forgiven, whose sin is covered; blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute iniquity.
THE LAW says-- Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.
GRACE says-- Herein is love: not that we love God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
THE LAW speaks of priestly sacrifices offered year by year continually, which could never make the comers thereunto perfect.
GRACE says-- But this Man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever . . . by one offering hath perfected forever them that are sanctified.
THE LAW declares-- That as many as have sinned in the Law, shall be judged by the Law.
GRACE declares-- That there is no condemnation (Judgment for Sin) for those who are in Christ Jesus for they HAVE PASSED from Death unto Life. Joh 5:24.


The "Purpose" of God's Grace is revealed in Eph 2:7, as being-- "That in the `Ages to Come' He might show the EXCEEDING RICHES OF HIS GRACE." In the British Museum there are gathered from every nation and land under the sun specimens of all kinds of animal, vegetable, and mineral life. No expense has been spared to make the collection complete. So God is gathering from every tribe, people, and nation specimens of His "Grace," so that in the "Ages to Come" He may exhibit these trophies of "Grace" as samples of what the Gospel can do, and the sweet thought of it is, that there are no duplicates. You may think that you are too bad, too vile, too cranky, too odd and peculiar to be saved, but that is why God wants you, for there will only be SPECIMEN SINNERS up there, and God wants to show the Universe that the Gospel is the "POWER OF GOD UNTO SALVATION TO EVERY ONE THAT BELIEVETH." Ro 1:16.

What Is The Church, Part #3

Earl Gillespie
(They are not the same)

In part one and two of this study we took a closer look at the church and attempted to shine a light of the deviations that has taken place since Jesus made the profound statement that the gates of hell shall not prevail against his church.  The prevailing thought is, any group, organization or building that takes on the label of a church is a church and regardless of the deviation from the Word of God it still carries the seal and protection of Jesus Christ.  In reality this is not true.  Here again  if we study Jesus's seven letters to the churches, we will become aware of the condemnation and the threat Jesus issued to the churches.  The gate of Hell will not prevail,  but Jesus threatens to remove the lightstand.  A church without a lightstand is spiritually dead.  Jesus began addressing his message to the churches as a group, but he closed by addressing the individuals or overcomers.  Revelation 3:21-22  He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.   This also is a bone-fide offer for the members of the church to become a part of the Kingdom of God.

There is a difference between the Kingdom and the church.  Let us consider this, John the Baptist and even Jesus did not come preaching a message of salvation but a message of repentance for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.  We know that this message was rejected.  It is fitting that we ask, "What would have happened if the Jews, as a nation, had repented, and accepted Jesus as King, would the earthly Messianic Kingdom have been set up?" Certainly, but not necessarily immediately, for certain Old Testament prophecies as to Jesus' death and resurrection had to be fulfilled, for He had to die for the redemption of the race, before He could assume His office as King. But this could and would have been fulfilled by the Roman Government seizing Jesus and crucifying Him as a usurper, and with Jesus' Resurrection and Ascension, Daniel's 69th week would have terminated, and the 70th week begun without a break, and at its close Jesus would have descended and set up His earthly Kingdom.

But you ask, "What about the Church? If it was God's Eternal Purpose to form the Church (Eph 1:4), how could it have been formed if there was no break or gap between Daniel's 69th and 70th week, and how there could therefore have been a bone fide' offer of an earthly Kingdom to Israel?" The question is hypothetical and based on the supposition that something might have happened that God foresaw would not happen. God's foreknowledge that the Jewish nation would not at that time heed the announcement that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand and repent, does not militate against the sincerity of the announcement any more than the offer of spiritual salvation by a preacher of the Gospel to an audience of sinners who he has every reason to believe will refuse his offer, is not a sincere and "bona fide" offer.

God's Plan and Purpose in the Ages is based upon His FORE-KNOWLEDGE. If God had not foreseen that the Jews would reject the King and therefore the Kingdom, He would have planned for the formation of the Church at some other time than this present Dispensation. As the Church was to be purchased by the precious blood of Christ (Ac 20:28; 1Pe 1:18-21), it was necessary that Jesus should be rejected and crucified, and that by His own nation, for the Prophet Zechariah (Zec 12:10) foretold that the Jews should look upon Him whom they had PIERCED. But God's foreknowledge did not require or compel the Jewish nation to reject Jesus, any more than Jesus' foreknowledge that Judas would betray Him compelled Judas to so do. The possibility of the Church being crowded out by the repentance of the Jewish nation did not enter into the "Plan of God," who foresaw the refusal of Israel to accept Jesus as King, and that Israel would not nationally repent until after the Church had been formed and taken out of the world.

In expounding the Scriptures we are not to take something that belongs to a "PAST" and a "FUTURE" Dispensation and put it in the "PRESENT" Dispensation. For instance, "THE KINGDOM." The "PAST" and "COMING" Dispensations have to do with "THE KINGDOM," but the "Present" has to do with the CHURCH. The "Kingdom" is an outward, visible and earthly "POLITICAL ORGANIZATION," and is to be "set up" on the earth (Da 2:44); while the "Church" is an invisible and heavenly "SPIRITUAL ORGANISM" that is to be "caught out" 1Th 4:16-17. The "Kingdom" was prepared FROM the "Foundation of the World." Mt 25:34. The "Church" was chosen in Him "BEFORE" the "Foundation of the World." Eph 1:4. The "Church" then is not the "Kingdom." 

Now lets deal with the confusing issue of distinguishing between the "Kingdom of God," the "Kingdom of Heaven," and the Church. The "Kingdom of God" is the "Reign of God" in the Universe over all His created creatures, and includes time and eternity, heaven and earth. It is spiritual and "cometh not with observation." Lu 17:20-21. It is entered by the "New Birth," (Joh 3:5); and is not "meat" and "drink," but "Righteousness and Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost." Ro 14:17.

The "Kingdom of Heaven" is a New Testament term, and is found in Matthew's Gospel only, where it is mentioned 32 times. Its character is described in the 12 "Kingdom of Heaven Parables" given in Mt 13:1-50; 18:23-35; 20:1-16; 22:1-14; 25:1-30. From these Parables we see that the "Kingdom of Heaven" is limited as to its Time and its Sphere. It's Time is from the First to the Second Coming of Christ, and its Sphere is over that part of the world that we call Christendom. In the "Kingdom of Heaven" there is a mixture of good and evil, of "Wheat" and "Tares," of "Good Fish" and "Bad Fish," of "Wise Virgins" and "Foolish Virgins."

After the Resurrection of Jesus the hope of an earthly visible Kingdom was revived, and just before His Ascension the Disciples asked Him-- "Lord, wilt Thou at this time restore the Kingdom to Israel?" His reply was-- "It is not for you to know the times and seasons which the Father hath put in His own power." Ac 1:6-7. Now Jesus did not deny that there was to be a "visible earthly Kingdom," He simply told the Disciples that it was not for them to "know" when it would be set up. If Jesus came simply to set up a "Spiritual" Kingdom in this Dispensation then common honesty demanded that He at that solemn moment when He was about to leave His Disciples and go back to the Father should have disabused His Disciples' minds of their false hope, and told them plainly that the Kingdom He came to set up was "Spiritual" and not earthly. But He did nothing of the kind. He left them with the belief that there was to be an "earthly and visible Kingdom" some day.

The King having been rejected it was impossible then to set up the Kingdom, so the Kingdom took on another aspect known as the "Kingdom in Mystery," described in the twelve "Kingdom of Heaven" parables of Matthew's Gospel. When the Disciples of Jesus said unto Him-- "Why speakest Thou unto them in `Parables?'" He replied, "Because it is given unto you to know the `MYSTERIES' of the Kingdom of Heaven." Mt 13:10-11. In Mt 13:35 He gives as His reason for speaking to them in Parables, that it might be fulfilled as spoken by the Prophet "I will open my mouth in `Parables'; I will utter things which have been kept `SECRET' from the foundation of the world." The "Kingdom of Heaven Parables" therefore cannot describe the "Millennial Kingdom" for it was no "secret" to the Old Testament Prophets. Neither do they describe a "Spiritual Kingdom," for the figures they use are all of an "earthly" nature. They must then describe the character of the Present Dispensation in its earthly aspect during the absence of the King. 


Jesus is the "Certain Nobleman" who went into a "Far Country" to receive for Himself a Kingdom, and to return. Lu 19:12. And when He comes back He will reward His servants, the Jews, and give them authority over as many cities as they deserve. Jesus has not yet received the Kingdom. He must finish His High Priestly and Mediatorial work first. Daniel describes the event in Da 7:13-14. The form of Government will be a "Theocracy." Christ will reign through a "King" or "Prince" called DAVID (Ho 3:5; Jer 30:9; Eze 34:24; 37:24), whose Throne shall be at Jerusalem. The Temple will be rebuilt, and the "Aaronic Priesthood" reestablished. Eze 44:15-31. There will be a revival of the Land of Palestine (Joe 3:18), and the length of human life extended. Isa 65:20-22; Zec 8:4. 

 "Dispensational Truth."