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Earl Gillespie |
What Is The Church?
The Mission Of The Church
The Mission Of The Church
The Church is not a continuation of the "Jewish
Dispensation" under another name, nor does the Church edifice take the
place of the Synagogue. It is because some religious bodies believe that the
Christian Church is but another phase of what they call the "Jewish
Church," that they insist on a "Ceremonial Ritual" and retain
the Priesthood with its altar, vestments, etc., and Temple-like buildings; and
call the ordinances of the Christian Church "Sacrifices" and
"Sacraments." They also go further and advocate a "State
Church," with the Church as the head, and claim that all the Old Testament
promises of riches and glory have been transferred from the Jew to the Church. This is not true, yet the acceptance or rejection of these statements forms the base of much of the confusion that exists among the churches of God.
The Church is not to be confounded with "The
Kingdom." The Church is compared to a "House" (1Ti 3:15), to a
"Temple" (1Co 3:16-17), to a "Body" (1Co 12:27-31), but
never to a "Kingdom." Christ is the "HEAD" of His Church
(Eph 1:22; 4:15; Col 1:18), but He is never spoken of as its KING. The Church
is a "MYSTERY" and was first revealed to Paul. Eph 3:1-11. The
Kingdom was no Mystery. The Old Testament prophets describe it in glowing
terms. What they could not understand was, what was to come in between the
"Sufferings" and "Glory" of Christ. 1Pe 1:9-12. That is,
between the "CROSS" and the "CROWN." That the Gentiles were
to be saved was no Mystery. Ro 9:24-30. The "Mystery" was, that God
was going to form an entirely "NEW THING" composed of both
"JEW" and "GENTILE," to be called the "CHURCH."
The purpose of this Dispensation is seen in the "Divine Program"
outlined by the Apostle James in his address to the First Church Council held
at Jerusalem (Ac 15:13-18), where he declares that God has visited the Gentiles
to "take out of than `A PEOPLE' for His Name." The purpose of this
Dispensation then is not the bringing in of the Kingdom, or the conversion of
the world, but the gathering out of an "elect body," the Church.
While Israel is a "called out body" it is a
"National Body," composed exclusively of the descendants of Abraham,
but the Church is not a "National Body," for it is not composed of
the people of any one nation, but individuals from every kindred, people,
tribe and nation. These are simple statements that are validated through the Word of God. In our desire to be different from the "church down the road" we pick at the Word of God, change it and in the process we condone a perversion of God Holy Word.
The Church is not only a "called out Body," it is
the "BODY OF CHRIST." In Eph 1:22-23, we read-- "And hath put
all things under His feet, and gave Him (Jesus) to be the `Head' over- all
things to the Church which is His BODY." The context shows (Eph 1:20) that
this "Headship" was not possible until Jesus had been raised from the
dead, and seated at the right hand of the Father. The Church then could not
have been in existence before there was a "Head," for God does not
make headless things. The Church then is the "Body" of which Christ
is the "Head." In 1Co 12:12-13 we are told how this "Body"
is formed: "For as the body is one, and hath many members; and all the
members of that one body being many, are one body; so also is Christ. For by
one `Spirit' (Holy Spirit) are we all baptized into `ONE BODY,' whether we be
Jew or Gentile, whether we be bond or free." From this we see that it is
the "Baptism of the Spirit" that incorporates us into the "Body
of Christ." That is, there could be no Church until the "Day of
The fact that the Church is a "Body" made up of
"living members" shows that it is not an "Organization" but
an "ORGANISM." As the human body is for the manifestation of a
Personality, so the Church, the "Body of Christ," is for the purpose
of manifesting "His Personality." The only way then the world can see
Christ is through His Body the Church.
But the Church is not only the "Body" of Christ,
it is to be His BRIDE. At present it is but a virgin espoused. 2Co 11:2. Some
hold that the Church cannot be both the "Body" and "Bride"
of Christ, and that the "Bride" must be Israel. But we must not
forget that there are "Two Brides" mentioned in the Scriptures, one
in the Old Testament, and the other in the New Testament. The one in the Old
Testament is Israel, the Bride of Jehovah; the one in the New Testament is the
Church, the Bride of Christ. Of Israel it is said-- "Thy Maker is thine
husband." Isa 54:5-8. Because of her Whoredoms, Israel is a cast-off wife,
but Jehovah, her husband, promises to take her back when she ceases from her
adulteries. Jer 3:1-18; Eze 16:1-63; Ho 2:1-23; 3:1-5. She will not be taken
back as a "Virgin," but as a "Wife." But it is a VIRGIN
that the Lamb (Christ) is to marry. So the "Wife" of the Old
Testament cannot be the "Bride" (Virgin) of the New Testament. Again
the "Wife" (Israel) is to reside in the earthly Jerusalem during the
Millennium, while the "Bride" (the Church) will reside in the New
Jerusalem. These distinctions make it clear that Israel cannot be the
"Bride" of Christ. As to the Church being both the "Body"
and "Bride" of Christ, we have the type of Eve who was of the
"body" of Adam before she became his "bride."
If the Church had its origin at Pentecost and ends at the
"Rapture of the Saints" (1Th 4:14-17), then only those who are saved
between those two events belong to the Church. The Old Testament Saints are the
"Friends of the Bridegroom," but they are not the "Bride."
In Re 19:9 we read, "Blessed are they which are called unto the `Marriage
Supper' of the Lamb." The Bride is not "called" (invited) to her
own wedding, she has a place there of her own right. The "called" are
the "Guests." The Old Testament Saints will be "Guests," as
will also the "Blood-washed Multitude" that come out of the
Tribulation, for they are not saved until after the Rapture of the Church. Re
Angels and Heavenly Beings will be spectators of the scene,
but they cannot be "Guests," as that honor is reserved for those who have
been redeemed by the "Blood of the Lamb."
As we have seen, the Church is not an
"Organization" but an "Organism." Therefore it is not a
"Social Club," organized and supported solely for the benefit of its
members. Neither is it a "Place of Amusement" to pander to the carnal and entertainment nature of man. Nor is it a "House of Merchandise" for the sale of
"Indulgences," or other commodities, whereby the money of the ungodly "government" can be secured to save the penurious church member a little self sacrifice.
Neither is it a "Reform Bureau" to save the "bodies" of
men. The reformation of men is very commendable, as are all forms of
"Social Service," but that is not the work or mission of the Church.
The world was just as full, if not fuller, of the evils that afflict society
today, in the days of Christ, but He never, nor did the Apostles, organize any
reform agencies. All the great philanthropist and civilizing agencies of the
world are "By-Products" of Christianity. We are told in Ac 5:15, that
the people laid their sick in the streets that the "Shadow of Peter"
might fall upon them and heal them. But if Peter had spent his time
"casting shadows," and neglected his Apostolic work of trying to save
the "SOULS" of men, his shadow would have lost its power. Jesus knew
that the source of all the evils in the world is SIN, and that the only way to
eradicate sin is to Regenerate the Human Heart, and so He gave the GOSPEL, and
the "Mission" of the Church is to carry this Gospel to the world.
"EVANGELISM," not "Social Service," is the
"Mission" of the Church. Mr 16:15-16.
The great mistake the Church has made is in appropriating to
herself in this Dispensation the promises of earthly conquest and glory which
belong exclusively to Israel in the "Millennial Age." As soon as the
Church enters into an "Alliance with the World," and seeks the help
of Parliaments, Congresses, Legislatures, Federations and Reform Societies,
largely made up of ungodly men and women, she loses her spiritual power and
becomes helpless as a redeeming force.
When the Church is complete it is to be "caught
out" at the First or "Rapture Stage" of Christ's Second Coming.
1Th 4:13-17. After the Rapture the Church is to be judged. Not for sin, but for
works. Then comes--
Part #2
Part #2
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